
kè hù jī
  • client
  1. 创建文件夹,以存储Web服务客户机代码。

    Create a folder to hold the Web service client code .

  2. 编写可靠的托管Web服务客户机

    Write a reliable managed Web service client

  3. 如果您希望在Web服务客户机中采用异步编程模型。

    If you want to use an asynchronous programming model in your web service clients .

  4. 要调用新版本的Web服务,我们需要生成一个新的客户机。

    To invoke the newer version of the web service we need to generate a new client .

  5. 如果身份验证成功,将会返回表示此客户机的Subject对象。

    If the authentication is successful , a Subject object is returned to represent this client .

  6. 客户机是ProcessServer中调用规则服务的场景。

    In Process Server , the client will be the scenario running in Process Server that invokes the rule service .

  7. 其中Web应用程序客户机和Java应用程序瘦客户机是最常用的。

    The Web application client and Java application thin client are the most commonly used .

  8. 整个系统采用三层B/S模式,即客户机、Web服务器和数据库服务器。

    The system adopts B / S three-tiers architecture which includes client , Web server and database server .

  9. 接下来,您需要使客户机处理传入的XML数据。

    Next , you must get the client to process the incoming XML data .

  10. 在客户机节点上,启动X会话。

    On the client node , start an X session .

  11. 与客户机与服务之间采用紧密耦合的情况(会尽可能减少冗余)不同,松散耦合WebServices需要大量的冗余。

    Loosely coupled Web services require substantial redundancies unlike tight coupling between clients and service , which minimizes redundancies .

  12. 这假设${SLSRC}会引用您解压缩SecondLife客户机树的位置。

    This assumes that $ { SLSRC } refers to the location in which you 've unpacked the second life client tree .

  13. Net中的C技术设计并实现基于构件的用户自定义报表生成器,控件通过网络自动下载到客户机上运行。

    The report forms can be downloaded form server through network and run at the client automatically .

  14. 打开Notes客户机并检查数据库内容。

    Open the Notes client and check the database contents .

  15. 在学习过程中,我在REST客户机中添加了以下代码段。

    As part of my learning curve , I added the following code segment to REST client .

  16. 有一个Web页面会显示这些数据,例如表缓存的使用情况、关键字效率、连接上的客户机以及临时表的使用情况。

    A Web page displays the data , such as table-cache usage , key efficiency , connected clients , and temporary-table usage .

  17. Web客户机从服务器上请求一个文件,服务器通过相同的连接将这个文件发回给客户机。

    A Web client requests a file from a server , and the server sends the file back over the same connection .

  18. 它还使您能够在EJBWeb服务中为客户机程序处理获得支持。

    It also enables you to get support for client transactions in EJB Web services .

  19. 它们需要比集成服务器简单,比数据输入系统费力少的工具。XML客户机就是这样的折衷方案。

    A tool that is simpler than an integration server , but less taxing than a data-entry package .

  20. 有一个工具监视Web服务与它的客户机之间的所有交互,把它捕获的信息记录到文件中。

    One tool will monitor all interactions between a Web service and its client , logging the information it captures to a file .

  21. 附网存储系统(NAS-NetworkAttachedStorage)的实现需要三方(即服务器、客户机和磁盘阵列)通信协议的支持。

    The realization of network attached storage system ( NASS ) needs the support of the three-hand communication protocol .

  22. 最重要的是,客户机首先联系Speaker。

    Most importantly , the client makes the initial contact with the Speaker .

  23. 而其中最为重要的就是在其它项目中生成静态客户机类,使它们可以调用这个Web服务。

    Most importantly , for our purposes , it generates the static client classes into other projects so they can call a web service .

  24. 这个客户机应用程序使用MDMServer作为主数据源。

    The client application in time uses MDM Server as the master data source .

  25. 如果您希望修改SecondLife客户机,架构指南和所有内容的详细文档可能并不是最适合入手的地方。

    If you want to modify the Second Life client , the architectural guidelines and detailed documentation of everything may not be the most approachable starting point .

  26. 讨论这一点就会引起一个问题:向SecondLife客户机中添加一个简单而透明的语言翻译器是否实用。

    Talking about this led to the question of whether it would be practical to add a simple and transparent language translator to the Second Life client .

  27. 利用中间件Socket实现多客户机端底层网络通信

    Application of Low Network Communication for Multi-Client Based on Middleware Socket

  28. 实验性迁移常常先比较基于Linux的客户机和现有客户机的功能。

    Pilots frequently start with challenging the functionality of a Linux-based client compared with the existing client .

  29. 如果要求客户机验证Web服务提供者(如电子商务应用程序),那么这种方法很有效。

    This works nicely if the requirement is for the client to authenticate the Web service provider , for example , for an e-commerce application .

  30. 如果它准备处理新请求,write()方法就会为请求处理而将该客户机排到队列中。

    If it is ready to handle a new request , the write () method enqueues the client for request processing .