
  • 网络incident particle;projectile
  1. 与入射粒子及与规范场有关的几何相因子

    The Incident Particle and the Geometric Phase Relative to the Gauge Field

  2. 入射粒子、规范场和几何位相

    Incident particle , gauge field and geometric phase

  3. 硅条P掺杂层是一层均匀分布的电阻层,利用电荷分除法,可以得到入射粒子在该条上的位置(Y位置)。

    The strips doped on P surface are resistive P junction layer featuring high uniformity , The incident positions of particles can be determined by using charge-division method .

  4. 采用VAC法入射粒子的能量和入射粒子的密度都存在一个阈值,当弧流为45A时,最佳负偏压值为-175V,此时DLC膜中最高SP~3键含量为49.86%;

    When arc current value is 45A , the optimum negative bias voltage is - 175V , SP3 bonds in the film is 49.86 % ;

  5. 研究结果表明:散裂产物具有较大的毒性,特别是在加速器驱动的次临界系统(ADS)要求的入射粒子(质子)能量下,产生了一些处于稀土区长寿命的α放射性核素。

    It reveals that the toxicity of the spallation products is often on high-rate , especially those alpha emitting rare earths ( RE ) caused by the incident proton under the ADS required energy largely contribute into overall toxicity of spallation targets .

  6. 仅当通过调节入射粒子能量和入射粒子的密度制备DLC膜时,二者存在一个最佳搭配值,在这个最佳搭配值条件下制备的DLC膜中SP~3含量为最高。

    When DLC films prepared only through the adjustment of energy and density of the incident particles , there is an optimum value between them , contents of SP3 bonds in DLC films is the highest .

  7. 这些差别与复杂的入射粒子的强烈吸收有关。

    These differences are connected with the strong absorption of the composite projectiles .

  8. 散射实验要求入射粒子具有相同能量。

    A scattering experiment thus requires the firing of particles of the same energy .

  9. 若入射粒子能量大于原子的束缚能则电离是主要的。

    Ionization dominates if the particle has an energy larger compared to atomic binding energies .

  10. 入射粒子的全部功能可用于产生新的粒子。

    All the kinetic energy of incident particles can go into production of new particles .

  11. 我说的是电子,但根通俗的来说它就是,入射粒子。

    And I am saying electron , but more generally it applies to any incident particle .

  12. 另外,金属膜对入射粒子的库仑势有明显的屏蔽作用。

    Further more , the metal film has obvious screening effects on the coulomb potential of the projected particle .

  13. 给出了几种位势的透射系数随入射粒子能量变化的曲线,研究了谐振隧穿现象。

    Resonance tunneling phenomena are studied with the curves of transmission coefficients varying with the energy of incident particles .

  14. 这些差别与电势和密度之间的非线性关系有关,也与复杂的入射粒子的强烈吸收有关。

    These differences are connected with the nonlinear relationship between potential and density and the strong absorption of the composite projectiles .

  15. 可使吸能核反应发生的入射粒子的最小动能称为阈能。

    Threshold energy is defined as the minimalist kinetic energy of the incoming particles which can cause the endergonic nuclear reaction .

  16. 例如,入射粒子的入射方向和散布方向之间的角度可能是一个好参数。

    For example , the angle between the incidence direction and scattering direction of the injected particle could be a good parameter .

  17. 实验结果表明,适当的激光能量使入射粒子能够具有较高的表面迁移率,进而影响制得薄膜的质量。

    An appropriate laser energy leads the incident atoms to have a high surface mobility and the quality of the film can be improved .

  18. 核反应,是核物理研究的重要课题之一,它能揭示入射粒子与靶原子核之间的相互作用。

    Nuclear reaction is one of the most important subjects for nuclear physics , which explains the interaction process between inject particle and target nuclide .

  19. 为了达到好的位置分辨,就需要仔细研究位置重建的算法,优化各种参数,把量能器重建得到的位置尽量修正到入射粒子的准确期待位置。

    For the high position resolution , position reconstruction algorithm and correction parameters should be studied to correct EMC reconstruction positions to the expected positions .

  20. 结果表明:气体质量损失与时间呈平方递增关系,且随入射粒子的直径以及内部充气压力的增加而增加。

    Results reveal that gas mass loss is quadratic function of time , and it increases with the increment of inflation pressure and particle diameter .

  21. 并解释了动量分布的半高度全宽度,随入射粒子能量增高而加宽的现象。

    It is in a good agreement with experimental result , and the enhancements of FWHM of the momentum distribution with increase of incident energy are explained .

  22. 在相同的辐照注量下,不同种类和能量的入射粒子对双极型晶体管产生不同的电离损伤程度,主要是由于入射粒子的电离损伤能力不同。

    Under a given fluence , due to their different abilities for ionization damage , the different type particles with various energies would lead to different ionization damage magnitudes .

  23. 测量得到的水箱的有效衰减长度为(5.74±0.29)m,并且研究了光的收集能力随入射粒子角度变化的关系。

    The effective attenuation length of the water tank was measured to be ( 5.74 ± 0.29 ) m , and the light collection probability as a function of the incident angle of the particle is studied .

  24. 入射粒子在器件敏感区内产生的Dd/(Dd+Di)越大,造成的位移损伤越严重,器件的电性能退化越易呈现位移损伤的特征。

    The bigger the ratio of Dd / ( Dd + Di ), in the sensitive region caused by incident particles , the severer the displacement damage , and thus showing an obvious feature of displacement damage for bipolar devices .

  25. 在物理过程中,入射粒子与闪烁体之间主要是低能电磁相互作用过程,还涉及到光子吸收过程、边界过程和光子的传输过程。其次,对该探测器的性能做了比较深入细致的模拟研究。

    Of all the physical process , low energy electromagnetic processes is the main interaction between incident particle and scintillator , while photon absorption process , boundary process and photon transmission are also involved . Secondly , the detector performance is studied intensively .

  26. 若能量超过200mJ,入射粒子动能太大,则会使薄膜性质不稳定,质量变差。

    When the incident laser energy is over 200 mJ , the incident atoms have a too high kinetic energy . The HgCdTe thin films deposited at these conditions will be unstable , and the quality of the films is poor . 7 .

  27. 文章利用数值计算的方法,研究了一维对称双势阱的透射系数与势阱的深度、两势阱间距以及入射粒子能量之间的变化规律,并分析产生共振透射的条件。

    Using numberical method , the paper studies resonanc transmission of a symmetric double well-potential in one-dimension , and the relations of resonance transmission with the width of potential well , of the space between of two potential well and of the energy of incident particular .

  28. 估计了均匀晕等离子体区对入射中性粒子通量的反射率和透射率。

    The reflection coefficient and transmissivity of the incident neutral particle flux in a homogeneous halo plasma are estimated .

  29. 这一小部分,极少的阿尔法粒子,极小部分的入射阿尔法粒子,小部分的入射阿尔法粒子,以大角度偏转。

    OK , so tiny fraction , tiny fraction of alphas , tiny fraction of incident alphas , tiny fraction of incident alphas deflected through large angles .

  30. 本文建立了一种高温液态锂蒸发、锂蒸气云等离子体运动、它对入射等离子体粒子屏蔽和锂蒸气云等离子体内的光子辐射和输运的综合物理模型。

    A comprehensive physical model including high temperature liquid lithium evaporation , expansion motion of lithium vapor , shielding effects of vapor cloud on incoming plasma particles and photon radiation and transport in the lithium vapor cloud plasma has been presented .