
rù kǒu
  • inlet;entrance;entry;import;mouth;enter the mouth
入口 [rù kǒu]
  • (1) [entrance]∶ [身体、器物] 进入的地方

  • 这座城市的所有入口都有兵把守着

  • (2) [entry]∶进口的地方

  • (1) [import]∶货物商品等从国外购入

  • (2) [enter the mouth]∶放进口里

入口[rù kǒu]
  1. 另外,口红容易入口,最好也尽量不要使用。

    Otherwise , you 'd better not use lipstick because it is easy to enter the mouth .

  2. 这样他把你的网站入口给扫过去,你不是白写了?

    Such his websites you enter the mouth to sweep the past , are you to be written in vain ?

  3. 一座高大的门挡住了通往后面的唯一入口。

    A high gate blocks the only entrance to the rear .

  4. 这是这栋建筑物唯一的入口。

    This is the sole means of access to the building .

  5. 他就对着他们站在那里,挡住入口。

    He stood squarely in front of them , blocking the entrance .

  6. 这家旅馆的食物简直不能入口。

    The food at the hotel was barely edible .

  7. 爆炸发生后随即封锁了火车站入口。

    The entrance to the train station was closed off following the explosion .

  8. 此入口经常使用。

    This entrance is in constant use .

  9. 入口处在马伯里路,有清晰的路标。

    The entrance is well signposted and is in Marbury Road .

  10. 山洞的入口被地产的主人给堵上了。

    The entrance to the cave was infilled by the landowner

  11. 我就站在入口通道的旁边,希望他会注意到我。

    I stood just beyond the entryway hoping he would notice me .

  12. 他们猛冲到入口,强行闯入。

    They rushed the entrance and forced their way in

  13. 英国铁路公司不得不在隧道入口设置了一名信号员。

    British Rail had to post a signalman at the entrance to the tunnel

  14. 在教堂入口旁向右转。

    Beside the entrance to the church , turn right

  15. 花园的一侧紧靠着矿井的旧入口。

    One edge of the garden abutted on an old entrance to the mine

  16. 小船原地掉过头来,直指海港入口。

    The boat pivoted on its central axis and pointed straight at the harbour entrance

  17. 他的办公室有自己专门的入口。

    His office had its own private entrance .

  18. 写在纸上的告示悬挂在每个入口。

    Notices painted on sheets hang at every entrance

  19. 通道入口是一道狭窄的拱门。

    Access was via a narrow archway .

  20. 指挥官叫那两名士兵守着入口。

    The command told those two soldiers to guard the entrance .

  21. 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩。

    The entry of the cave was hidden by trees .

  22. 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩着。

    The entry to the cave was hidden by trees .

  23. 大楼唯一的入口被堵住了。

    The only access to the building was blocked .

  24. 他发现了一个漂亮的洞穴,入口被藤蔓遮掩着。

    He found a beautiful grotto , whose entrance was hidden by vines .

  25. 公园的两个主要入口分别为北门和南门。

    The two major entrances to the park are the northern and southern portals .

  26. 不可入口!

    Not to be taken orally !

  27. 此药不可入口。

    This medicine is not to be taken orally .

  28. 工人正关闭出入口。

    0he workmen are closing in the doorway .

  29. 他们关闭了所有的入口。

    They closed in all entrance .

  30. 第五大道82街入口每周开放7天

    Entrances Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street Open 7 days a week