
gǔ jī
  • monument;historic site;antiquity;archaeology;remains;archeology;places of historic interests
古迹 [gǔ jì]
  • [places of historic interests] 古代留存下来的文化遗迹,多指古代留传下来的建筑物

  • 名胜古迹

古迹[gǔ jī]
  1. 传说爱和美的女神阿芙罗狄(Aphrodite)曾到过这里。后来,该地由罗马官员统治,所以这里的古迹多得就像古铜色的沙滩一样。

    Here , where Aphrodite is fabled to have journeyed and Roman governors later ruled , archaeology is as abundant as the bronze sandy beaches .

  2. “西方有着保存经典古迹和访问巴特农神庙(parthenon)的完整传统,”出生于上海的历史学家潘翎(lynnpan)表示,“但中国没有这样的传统。”

    " There is a whole western tradition of Classical Archaeology and visiting the Parthenon , " says Lynn pan , a Shanghai-born historian . " But there is no such tradition in China . "

  3. 这是一座老建筑,但不足以称为古迹。

    It 's an old building , but that doesn 't qualify it as an ancient monument !

  4. 帕多瓦和维琴察两市商业繁荣,建筑古迹保存良好,也没有蜂拥而至的游客。

    Padua and Vicenza are prosperous , well-preserved cities , not overrun by tourists .

  5. 要保存城市古迹必须采取一些维护性措施。

    Protective measures are necessary if the city 's monuments are to be preserved .

  6. 伯沙对伦敦的古迹产生了很大的热情

    Bertha developed a fine enthusiasm for the antiquities of London .

  7. 希腊的一些历史古迹禁止穿高跟鞋

    Wearing High Heels Is Prohibited At Some Historical Sites In Greece

  8. 中国顶级的文物古迹急需顶级的管理、研究和保护。

    Our top-level cultural relics1 need first-class management and preservation2 .

  9. 百度在这个名为“Seeyouagain,加德满都”的行动中呼吁网民们上传他们拍摄的历史古迹照片。

    In its campaign , called " See you again , Kathmandu , " Baidu has appealed to Internet users to upload their photographs of historic sites .

  10. n.圣地在近东有许多古迹圣地。n.成文法;

    shrine There are many sacred shrines in the Near East .

  11. 此外,历史古迹的保护、森林覆盖率、空气质量、市政交通、城市生活、公共空间、及GDP等因素也被考虑在内。

    Factors including the preservation of historical monuments , forest coverage , air quality , the transportation network , city life , public space and GDP were also considered .

  12. 在世界遗产委员会的要求之下,一家名为顺化古迹保护中心(HueMonumentsConservationCenter)的政府机构正在起草一项计划,旨在更好地保护古迹。

    At the request of the World Heritage Committee , the Hue Monuments Conservation Center , a government organization , is drafting a plan to improve conservation of the sites .

  13. 普林斯顿的官员拒绝就此置评,但当地的古迹保护审议委员会(HistoricPreservationReviewCommittee)9月份发布了一份建议创建历史街区的报告,报告援引支持者的话称,研究显示“设立历史街区对房地产价值有提振效果”。

    Princeton officials declined to comment , but in a September report recommending creation of the district , the town 's Historic Preservation Review Committee said supporters cited studies showing ' a positive effect of historic districting on property values . "

  14. AlexBayliss领导的研究小组来自于英国政府机构的古迹署,他们刚刚采用这项技术对英国周围几百处的人工挖凿遗址进行了研究。

    A team led by Alex Bayliss , from English Heritage , a British government agency , has just used this technique to examine digs from hundreds of sites around Britain .

  15. 在对苏州当地的旅游资源特色分析和受众调查的基础上,提出了太湖的生态古迹长廊的旅游形象定位,并针对这一形象作了CIS总体思路设计。

    This paper analyzes characteristics of local tourism resources and investigates perceptions of this scenic spot from tourists , and based on them , proposes the tourist image of corridor with ecological and historic sites around Taihu Lake , and makes CIS general design for Dongshan scenic spot .

  16. 公元747年,希沙姆宫被埋葬在沙尘之下,直到巴勒斯坦考古学家D.C.Baramki于1934年开始对它进行挖掘工作它才得以重见天日,不幸的是,历史学家们表示担心,100年之内这个古迹可能就会消失了。

    Hisham 's Palace was buried underneath the sand in A.D. 747 and remained there until Palestinian archeologist D.C. Baramki began excavating it in 1934 . Sadly , historians fear that the site might not be around in as few as 100 years .

  17. 风景名胜公园(G135)是位于城市建设用地范围内,以文物古迹、风景名胜点(区)为主形成的具有城市公园功能的绿地。

    Scenic Park ( G135 ) is located within the area of urban construction with urban park features , composed mainly of historic and scenic spots ( regions ) .

  18. 埃塞俄比亚这个国家最让人神往的便是它无数的历史古迹,方尖石塔,阿克苏姆(Axum)石碑,教堂,塔纳湖岛Tigre的科普特人修道院,以及拉利贝拉(Lalibela)的非洲耶路撒冷的岩石教堂。

    Much of the fascination of Ethiopia lies in its myriad historical sites , the obelisks and stele of Axum , the churches and coptic monasteries in the Tigre , in the Lake Tana isles and in the Lalibela : the African Jerusalem with its monolithic churches .

  19. 灵寿有众多的人文古迹和自然景观。

    Lingshou a large number of human heritage and natural landscape .

  20. 这个城市的美在于它的历史古迹。

    The beauty of the city consists in its historical sites .

  21. 你觉得游客在游览历史古迹的时候应该付的钱吗?

    Do you think that to visit historical places for free ?

  22. 现在这所房屋已经被列入国家古迹名录。

    It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places .

  23. 外宾:我想到一些有文物古迹的城市观光。

    I want to visit some Chinese cities with cultural relics .

  24. 子城,市中心也有古迹啊!

    Zicheng , a historic site right in the city center !

  25. 他去欧洲研究希腊和罗马的古迹。

    He has gone to Europe to study Greek and Roman antiquities .

  26. 杭州以以她美丽的景色和丰富的文化古迹而闻名。

    It 's famous for its scenic beauty and rich cultural relics .

  27. 韶关历史悠久,古迹遍布。

    Shaoguan has a long history and numerous cultural sites .

  28. 去英国旅行时,我们参观了历史上有名的建筑物和古迹。

    We visited historic monuments and buildings on our trip to england .

  29. 白云区自然风景优美迷人,历史文化古迹众多。

    Baiyun District charming beautiful natural scenery , historical and cultural heritage .

  30. 河北的文物古迹更是俯拾皆是。

    Hebei is also one of the provinces of many cultural relics .