
diàn táng
  • palace;sanctuary;palace hall
殿堂 [diàn táng]
  • (1) [palace]∶高大建筑物

  • (2) [palace hall]∶也指建筑物的厅堂

  • 寺院内殿堂焕然一新

殿堂[diàn táng]
  1. 其余的预算在仁慈大街(RuadaMisericórdia)东边的希亚多(Chiado)会大有用处,这里的时装精品店、设计商场、古老教堂、历史悠久的剧院和城市里的顶级美食殿堂均在召唤着你。

    The extra money will be useful in Chiado , east of Rua da Miseric ó rdia , which beckons with fashion boutiques , design emporiums , centuries-old churches , historic theaters and the city 's top gastronomic palace .

  2. 每年(everyyear),当女王赴苏格兰度假时,都会由数千名的游客涌向这个地处伦敦市中心的殿堂,参观宫内华丽的国事厅和王室藏品展览。

    Each year when the queen is on holiday in Scotland , thousands of visitors flock to the palace in the heart of London to admire the splendour of the State Rooms and the Royal Collection exhibition .

  3. 直至几个月前,在现代音乐神秘殿堂之外很少有人听说了戈莱斯基。

    Until a few months ago few people outside the arcane world of contemporary music had heard of Gorecki .

  4. 他们抗议说,在他们神圣不可侵犯的学术殿堂里没有商学院的位置。

    They protested that there was no place for a school of commerce in their hallowed halls of learning .

  5. 除去几座殿堂我无法进去,除去那座祭坛我不能上去而只能从各个角度张望它,地坛的每一棵树下我都去过,差不多它的每一米草地上都有过我的车轮印。

    Aside from some buildings that I had no way to enter , aside from the altar that I had no way to reach but could only gaze at from every possible vantage point , I had been under every tree in the park , and my chair 's wheel-prints were left on almost every meter of grass .

  6. 上周,我匆匆走进曼哈顿的美国女孩商店(AmericanGirl),这个庞大的消费殿堂出售安全健康的正宗美国玩偶和服饰。

    Last week I popped into the American Girl store in Manhattan , the giant consumer temple that sells wholesome all-American dolls and clothes .

  7. 排名第二的是她的妹妹皮帕。在凯特的婚礼上,皮帕身穿莎拉波顿设计的伴娘礼服,陪姐姐走过婚礼殿堂,之后一炮走红。前《X达人秀》评委谢丽尔科尔排在第三位。

    Second was her sister Pippa , who shot to fame after slinking down the aisle at the royal wedding in a Sarah Burton dress , while former X Factor judge Cheryl Cole came third .

  8. 伊夫•圣•洛朗(YvesSaintLaurent)的首席执行官瓦莱丽•赫尔曼(ValerieHermann)为古老的法国时尚殿堂带来了光明。

    Valerie Hermann , chief executive of Yves Saint Laurent , has brought light to the venerable French fashion house .

  9. 普林斯饰演的穆妮(Moonee)则在美国的淘气鬼殿堂里赢得了一席之地,堪与埃洛伊丝(Eloise)和汤姆·索亚(TomSawyer)平起平坐。

    Ms. Prince 's Moonee has earned a place in the canon of American mischief alongside the likes of Eloise and Tom Sawyer .

  10. 乐坛天后珍妮·杰克逊已经与男友——商业翘楚WissamAlMana定下婚约,爱情修成正果,即将步入婚姻殿堂。而传闻女主角珍妮在采访中则对这一消息一笑置之,并称两人的关系相当“私密”。

    Janet Jackson is not engaged , but the singer and actress did confirm that she and rumored boyfriend Wissam Al Mana are in a " private " relationship .

  11. 当问及是否想上大学&进入许多亚洲家庭心中的神圣殿堂,年轻的理发师Noel回答说他宁愿去开家美发沙龙。

    Asked whether he wants to go to university , the holy grail of most Asian families , a young barber called Noel replies that he would rather open a hairdressing salon .

  12. 库克是首婚,措科已经第二次走入婚姻殿堂了,此前措科和网球运动员雷恩·斯维汀(RyanSweeting)有过一次婚姻,2016年两人在一起21个月后决定离婚。

    This is Cook 's first marriage and Cuoco 's second . She previously was married to tennis star Ryan Sweeting , but they divorced in 2016 after just 21 months together .

  13. 又一对明星情侣步入婚姻殿堂了。据《美国周刊》报道,《真爱如血》女星埃文·蕾切尔·伍德(EvanRachelWood)与《舞出我天地》(BillyElliot)男星杰米·贝尔(JamieBell)于10月30日在加州喜结连理。

    Another celebrity wedding has managed to slip under the radar : " True Blood " actress Evan Rachel Wood and " Billy Elliot " star Jamie Bell got married on Tuesday ( Oct. 30 ) in California , Wood 's rep tells Us Weekly .

  14. 正是由于变革研究的实用性和迫切性,理论界对于变革的研究也如火如荼地展开,其中不乏像HenryMintzberg这样的大家,也有许多像笔者这样初窥学术殿堂的小辈。

    It is because of the utility and urgency of change that the theorists begin to launch researches in this field with great interest and enthusiasm , among them there are such figures as Henry Mintzberg and also the many beginners like me .

  15. 萨默塞特郡Martock市罗恩谢泼德,66岁,第一次步入婚礼殿堂是在47年前,结过8次婚,有8个孩子,13个孙子和4个曾孙。

    Ron Sheppard , 66 , from Martock , Somerset , first walked down the aisle 47 years ago and has since married eight times , had eight children and welcomed 13 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren .

  16. 上周我朋友和他女友正式步入婚姻殿堂。

    Last week my friend and his girlfriend tied the knot .

  17. 中级神学院是名副其实的灵魂探索殿堂。

    Master Theologians'Guild house is a true centre of spiritual exploration .

  18. 在被消费所控制的语境中,他们被远远地抛出了美的殿堂。

    They are divorced from beauty in the context of consumption .

  19. 将她引入针灸殿堂的是她的父亲。

    Her father is the one who introduced her to acupuncture .

  20. 你的女朋友们会看着你戴着它步入婚姻的殿堂的。

    Girlfriend , they 'll hear wedding bells looking at that .

  21. 他们来到爱之殿堂许下神圣的婚姻诺言。

    They go to the Chapel of Love to be married .

  22. 它们完全有资格昂首进入中国文学经典的殿堂。

    They have the qualifications to became Chinese classic literature .

  23. 她只是想拜倒戴维安的殿堂前。

    She wants to worship at the temple of devine .

  24. 孩子找到新欢,在婚姻殿堂里寻获忠诚;

    A child finds new love and loyalties through marriage .

  25. 这里是爱好和平,崇尚真理的一所殿堂!

    It is a palace full of peace and truth .

  26. 制作殿堂也将在不久将来发掘更都多本地新秀。

    DMD also will discover more new talents in the coming events .

  27. 五年之后的2013年4月,他们步入婚姻的殿堂。

    The couple waited five years before getting married in April 2013 .

  28. 上帝的殿堂③里养着这样的笨货!

    To keep such fools in the temple of God !

  29. 这是献身于正义的殿堂。

    It is dedicated to the reconsecration of the temple of justice .

  30. 那羁身于殿堂的囚徒,如何才能一睹殿堂金碧辉煌的穹窿?

    How can a prisoner within the temple behold its golden domes ?