
diàn xià
  • His Highness;Your Highness;(直接称呼)Your Highness;Her Highness;(间接称呼)His or Her Highness
殿下 [diàn xià]
  • [(直接称呼)Your Highness;(间接称呼)His or Her Highness] 用作对帝后、帝妃及太子、公主、诸亲王的敬称

殿下[diàn xià]
  1. 那样最好了,殿下。

    That would be best , Your Highness

  2. 公主殿下,我们的机智锐利如针!

    Your Highness , our wits are as sharp as needles !

  3. 迎接殿下到来的准备工作在有序进行。

    The preparations for the reception of his Royal Highness proceeded .

  4. 长公主殿下从牙买加出发,今天早上抵达盖特威克机场。

    The Princess Royal arrived at Gatwick this morning from Jamaica .

  5. 肯特公爵夫人殿下最近为一个艺术展览揭幕。

    Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent opened an art exhibition recently .

  6. 据目击者称,他对女王殿下极其冷淡。

    He was , according to witnesses , extremely wintry with Her Royal Highness .

  7. 首顿早餐的供货商,此地的发现得来于搭讪之王简称讪王千岁殿下的首次参上

    The provider of our first breakfast was found by the King of Accosting .

  8. 他的仆人空手而归,对皇上解释说:“殿下,我找不到一百年的鸡蛋,但我可以给你找到一个五十年的鸡蛋。”

    Returning empty-handed , the servant explained , " No hundred-year-old eggs , Master , but I can get you a fifty-year-old egg . "

  9. 女王殿下本人长年以来一直保持和数字时代的各种进展同步。

    Her Majesty has long been keeping up with digital advances .

  10. 这是最后一张,殿下。

    That 'll be the last one , your royal highness .

  11. 殿下,美国人也曾是殖民。

    Your highness , we Americans were once a colonial people .

  12. 粗鄙得很,别污了殿下漂亮的眼睛。

    It is too ugly for your highness 's beautiful eyes .

  13. 你应该更小心一点,公主殿下。

    You should be more careful , your royal highness .

  14. 你跟王子殿下还不熟,是吧?

    You 're not well acquainted with Royal Princes , are you ?

  15. 王子殿下,我们对她所知甚少。

    There is little known about her , my lord .

  16. 他们是π圣殿下的信徒。

    They are the acolytes of the church of pi .

  17. 我欣赏您的慷慨,殿下。

    " I appreciate your generosity , my lord ," said Josef .

  18. 殿下,请允许我做一点小小贡献。

    Your highness , please allow me this small contribution .

  19. 殿下,我说的档次比较高的。

    The higher caliber I was referring to , sir .

  20. 这次绝不让您失望,皇后殿下!

    This time I won 't disappoint you , your royal majesty !

  21. 王妃殿下受到副市长的款待。

    Her royal highness was received by the deputy mayor .

  22. 我要先见到殿下再亲自告诉他。

    I 'll meet the gentleman first and tell him .

  23. 王子殿下的头脑当然应该知道自己的嘴巴能干什么?

    Surely a Prince 's brain knows what its mouth is doing ?

  24. 殿下已经做了五年鳏夫了。

    His Highness has been a widower for five years .

  25. 皇上有旨,殿下不得延误。

    His majesty commanded that there must be no delay .

  26. 殿下,陛下教我告诉你。

    My lord , his majesty bade me tell you .

  27. 你得原谅他们,殿下。

    You 'll have to forgive them , your highness .

  28. 阿里长官对你效忠,殿下。

    Sherif Ali owes you his allegiance , my lord .

  29. 殿下,如果是我就不会为此而太激动的。

    I wouldn 't get too worked up over it , sir .

  30. 久闻殿下是剑术高手。

    We hear that your highness is an expert swordsman .