
  • 网络Leo X;Pope Leo X;Leone X
  1. 1513年的今天,利奥十世被推选为教皇。

    1513-Leo X is elected Pope .

  2. 机会来了,利奥十世宣称对德国的布道颁布赎罪卷。

    This occasion was provided by the preaching in Germany of an Indulgence proclaimed by Leo X. ( 1513-21 ) .

  3. 1520年的今天,教皇利奥十世威胁说如果马丁。路德不宣布放弃他的宗教信仰就要将他逐出教会。

    In1520 , Pope Leo the tenth threatened to excommunicate Martin Luther if he did not recant his religious beliefs .