
  • 网络LVIV;Lvov;Lemberg
  1. 哀悼者在乌克兰西部的利沃夫镇参加死于大饥荒受难者遗体安放仪式。

    Mourners take part in a reburial ceremony for famine victims in Ukraine 's western town of Lviv .

  2. 复活节后的周一利沃夫市恶作剧,乌克兰正在对所有过路人的黑色笑话。

    On Monday after Easter prankster of Lviv city , Ukraine are performing black jokes on all passers by .

  3. 当俄罗斯和波兰分裂乌克兰在第聂伯河,哥萨克呼吁土耳其人,谁利用这一机会捕捉Kaminiec在1672年和事先向利沃夫在波兰。

    When Russia and Poland divided the Ukraine at the Dnieper River , the Cossacks appealed to the Turks , who used the opportunity to capture Kaminiec in1672 and advance to Lvov in Poland .

  4. 这些方向性标签是飞往华沙、克拉科夫,利沃夫和格但斯克的。

    These DLS were flown to warszawa , krakow , lwow and gdansk .

  5. 促销期间,伊斯坦布尔&利沃夫的特价往返机票价格低至99欧元起。

    Promotional period , Istanbul-Lvov the special round-trip price as low as99 euros effect .

  6. 我们到利沃夫的时候,飞行员想要降落,但却没有成功。

    When we reached Lvov , pilot was going to land , but took off again .

  7. 我们把元帅抬上了飞机,我和医生以及飞行员一起向利沃夫出发。

    We took off with field marshal on board , myself , doctor and pilot and set course on Lvov .

  8. 伊曼纽尔。艾克斯出生于波兰的利沃夫,六岁时开始在华沙学习钢琴。

    Emanuel Ax was born in Lvov and began to study the piano at the age of six in Warsaw .

  9. 但是,还发现了两个利沃夫,死亡,不具有区域标志。

    However , it is also found in the two fatal cases from Lviv , which do not have the regional marker .

  10. 如果乌克兰真的开始分裂,就连波兰都可能有人忍不住想要收回利沃夫。

    If Ukraine really began to fall apart , even some Poles might be tempted by the idea of the return of Lviv .

  11. 利沃夫一家深受反越战、民权、女权主义、和反文化等运动的影响。

    The families are greatly influenced by the anti-Vietnam war movement , the civil rights movement , the feminist movement and the counterculture movement .

  12. 工作将首先从利沃夫开始,据报告,那里呈现急性呼吸道疾病严重征象的病例数特别多。

    Work will initially begin in Lviv region , where reported numbers of cases showing severe manifestations of acute respiratory illness have been especially high .

  13. 高中毕业后,他前往乌克兰学习牙科,但之后他转学到利沃夫国立音乐学院学习美声专业。

    After graduating from high school , he went to Ukraine to study dentistry . However , he transferred to Lviv National Musical Academy to study Bel canto .

  14. 《美国牧歌》是菲利普•罗斯的著作,书中描绘了主人公美国犹太人利沃夫一家由盛而衰的故事,身份问题是他们一家人难解的结。

    American Pastoral by Philip Roth , describes the story of the Jewish family of Levove from prosperity to decline , and their efforts to find their identity in American society .

  15. 如果一个人1914年出生在利沃夫,1992年去世,一生中一直在这个城市生活,那么这个人一生中已经在5个不同的国家中生活过了。

    Somebody born in Lviv in 1914 , who died in 1992 and never moved out of the city , would have lived in five different countries during the course of a lifetime .

  16. 克拉科夫举行的公投迫使这个波兰城市退出了竞选,斯德哥尔摩的申办未能获得政府的支持,乌克兰危机导致利沃夫退选。

    A referendum in Krakow forced the Polish city to pull out of the race , Stockholm failed to win government support for its bid and the Ukrainian crisis led to the withdrawal of Lviv .

  17. 俄罗斯表示,被派到乌克兰训练乌克兰军队的美国士兵执行的是城市地区攻击任务,行动不是发生在西部的利沃夫,而是直接出现在马里乌波尔地区的作战区域和乌克兰东部其他3个城镇。

    Moscow said US soldiers sent to Ukraine to train Ukrainian troops were doing so in assault operations in urban areas , and operating not in Lviv , in the west , but directly in the combat zone in the region of Mariupol and three other eastern towns .