
  • 网络Leeds Castle
  1. 单从规模和气势来说,肯特的利兹城堡独领风骚。

    For sheer scale and grandeur , Leeds Castle in Kent takes some beating .

  2. 展品的年代跨越五个世纪,最早由爱尔兰中世纪学者JohnHunt和他的妻子Gertrude搜集并赠送给利兹城堡。

    The collection , which spans five centuries , was originally put together by the Irish mediaeval ( 5 ) scholar John Hunt and his wife Gertrude , who presented the collection to Leeds Castle in his memory .

  3. 利兹城堡——英格兰,肯特郡

    Leeds Castle - Kent , England

  4. 黛娜正试图为去利兹城堡的周日旅行激发一些热情。

    Dina was trying to whip up some enthusiasm for sunday 's coach trip to Leeds castle .

  5. 利兹城堡被狗狗占领了&游客们欣然接受。

    Leeds Castle has gone to the dogs & and visitors are lapping it up ( 1 ) .

  6. 其中最具影响力的城堡有:德国的新天鹅堡、法国的凡尔赛宫殿、新西兰的布拉尼城堡、葡萄牙的辛拉特宫殿、土耳其的拉普拉卡宫殿、捷克共和国的布拉格城堡和英国的利兹城堡。

    Some of the most impressive examples include Germany 's Neuschwanstein Castle , France 's Palace of Versailles , Ireland 's Blarney Castle , Sintra Palace in Portugal , Turkey 's Topkapi Palace , Prague Castle in the Czech Republic and Leeds Castle in England .