
  • 网络virgin atlantic;virgin;Virgin Atlantic Airways;Virgin America
  1. 布兰森的成功包括创建了维珍航空(VirginAtlantic)、维珍唱片(VirginMusic)和维珍活力(VirginActive)。

    Branson 's successful ventures include Virgin Atlantic , Virgin Music , and Virgin Active .

  2. 新加坡航空(singaporeairlines)已经表示,可能出售在维珍航空中49%的股份,此举带来的风险是,维珍可能最终成为这个行业中不受欢迎的商业伙伴。

    And Singapore Airlines has indicated it might sell its 49 per cent stake in Virgin Atlantic , creating the risk that virgin could end up with an unwelcome partner in the business .

  3. 今年早些时候BLAHAirlines(指维珍航空的广告中虚拟的一家航空公司,暗指其竞争对手)的病毒式营销就是一个很好的例子。

    The viral launch of BLAH Airlines earlier this year is a great example .

  4. 亚洲航空CEO托尼费尔南德斯是马来西亚人,他表示布兰森是他的导师,而在创办自己的廉价航空公司之前,他也曾在维珍航空工作过。

    Malaysian-born Fernandes , who described the Briton as his mentor , used to work for Branson before setting up his own budget airline .

  5. 多年以来,维珍航空公司(Virgin)曾经历过无数大大小小的竞争——而我们从来都是坦然面对。

    Over the years at Virgin , we 've had many battles with our competition - and we 've welcomed them all .

  6. 他举了一个聪明的例子(如果现在看来有点过时的话):假设一位高管乘坐英国维珍航空公司(VirginAtlantic)的航班抵达希思罗机场(HeathrowAirport)。

    He offered this clever ( if now slightly dated ) example : think of an executive arriving at Heathrow airport on a Virgin Atlantic flight .

  7. 英国企业家、维珍航空公司老板RichardBranson承诺,可能会投入总数达30亿美元的资金用于研究可再生能源,这可能是有史以来最大的一笔对付气候变化的私人捐助了。

    British entrepreneur Richard Branson has committed what could amount to US $ 3 billion to research into renewable energies in possibly the largest-ever personal donation to fight climate change .

  8. 梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)正在将移动体验移植到可穿戴设备上,而维珍航空(VirginAtlantic)正在试验性地探索谷歌眼镜在顾客服务上的应用。

    Mercedes-Benz is porting its mobile experience to a wearable device , while Virgin Atlantic is exploring the customer service aspect of Google Glass on a trial basis . Kenneth Cole is also using Glass as part of a marketing campaign .

  9. 10年来,前沿探险主要由私营公司进行,例如理查德·布兰森的维珍航空(VirginAtlantic)和埃伦·穆斯克的太空探索技术公司(SpaceX),相关的设备和技术常常是富豪们的玩物,披着神秘和知识产权的面纱。

    While the frontiers of exploration have been carried out largely in the private sector over the past decade -- Richard Branson'sVirgin Atlantic , Elon Musk 's Space X , and the like -- the machines and technologies involved are often billionaire playthings , shrouded in mystery and intellectual property rights .

  10. 还应该指出的一点是,根据一个商务舱旅行人士可选择航班的网上搜索结果看,maxjet只提供一个日期选择,而英国航空提供73个,维珍航空(virginatlantic)提供38个。

    It should also be pointed out that in a web search of options for the business class traveller Maxjet offered one option for the dates but British Airways offered 73 and Virgin Atlantic offered 38 .

  11. 该机为维珍航空公司的空客A340,机上包括戴利与他的男友达斯汀·兰斯·布雷克在内共有301名乘客,从上海飞往伦敦的途中在俄罗斯伊尔库茨克机场迫降。

    He and his partner Dustin Lance Black were among 301 people aboard a Virgin Atlantic Airbus A340 which had to put down in the Russian city of Irkutsk , on a flight from Shanghai to London .

  12. 维珍航空公司必须击退强大的竞争对手才能赢得合同。

    Virgin airlines must beat off stiff competition to win the contract .

  13. 何况维珍航空为什么要把它的机位转让给达美航空呢?

    Why would virgin turn over any of it slots to Delta , anyway ?

  14. 因为达美航空对维珍航空抛出了橄榄枝。

    Enter Delta Air Lines ( DAL ) .

  15. 但维珍航空从事的是赚钱的营生,不是煽情的姿态。

    But then virgin is in the business of making money , not touchy-feely gestures .

  16. 不妨问问新加坡航空从维珍航空那里获得了多少个机位&答案是零。

    Just ask Singapore how many slots it got from its deal with virgin : zero .

  17. 维珍航空在伦敦的希思罗机场拥有一些极有价值的机位,早已令达美航空觊觎已久。

    Virgin has a number of extremely valuable landing " slots " at Heathrow airport , which delta covets .

  18. 尼日利亚民用航空管理局因票价问题对英国航空和维珍航空进行罚款。

    Nigeria 's civil aviation authority has fined British Airways and Virgin Atlantic in a row over ticket prices .

  19. 创业家们象伯特?鲁坦斯和理查德?布兰特(维珍航空公司的创始人)已经开始在这方面努力,我向他们致敬。

    The Bert Rutans and Richard Bransons of this world have got this in their sights and I salute them .

  20. 维珍航空、新西兰航空、日本航空、美国大陆航空此前就已使用生物混合燃料进行了类似的示范飞行。

    Virgin , Air New Zealand , Air Japan and Continental Airlines have previously completed similar demonstration flights using biofuel mixes .

  21. 他指出,如果新加坡航空出售维珍航空的股份,维珍可能设法买回这些股份。

    And were Singapore Airlines to sell its stake in Virgin Atlantic , virgin would probably seek to buy it back , he points out .

  22. 一般认为,维珍航空会将这些机位转让给达美航空,让达美借助这家英国航空公司的力量,把它的帝国版图扩展到欧洲。

    The conventional view here is that virgin will transfer those slots to Delta , allowing it to expand its empire in the only other major European player .

  23. 委托开展这项研究的英国维珍航空公司的企业沟通部主任格雷格道森说:大部分人对于休假时被打扰都很反感。

    Greg Dawson , Director of Corporate Communications for Virgin Atlantic , which commissioned the report , said : ' Most people hate being disturbed whilst on holiday .

  24. 航空公司正在将它们的飞机进行联网,目前提供互联网服务的航空公司包括:美国航空公司、达美航空、全美航空、阿拉斯加航空、穿越航空以及维珍航空。

    Airlines are racing to wire their planes with internet capability , and airlines that are now offering this include American , Delta , US Airways , Alaska , Air Tran , and Virgin America .

  25. 自从协和式超音速喷射客机终止操作13年以来,维珍航空巨头公开了新一代超音速商务喷射机的原型设计,由布兰森支持的创业公司布姆研发,基地设在丹佛。

    Thirteen years since Concorde ended operations , the Virgin tycoon has revealed the prototype design for a new generation of supersonic business jets developed by the Branson-backed startup company Boom , based in Denver .

  26. 在上世纪九十年代,英国航空向我们实施了一个人尽皆知的“诡计”——包括指使乘客向维珍航空泼脏水,并通过媒体肆意传播捏造的故事,对此,我们向法院提起了诉讼,并最终获胜。

    After their well-known " dirty tricks " campaign against us in the 1990s - which included passenger poaching and planting hostile stories in the press against Virgin - we sued them and eventually settled out of court .

  27. 这位维珍航空公司的老板,为了这次空姐之旅还特意刮掉了腿毛,穿上了亚洲航空的红色制服—红色西服裙套装搭配清爽的白色衬衫。在此次的特别航班上,理查德·布兰森要为乘客们提供酒水,并承诺会清理厕所。

    The Virgin boss - who even shaved his legs for the flight - served drinks and pledged to clean the toilets on the special flight - all while sporting the red AirAsia uniform , which included a skirt suit and crisp white shirt .

  28. 维珍航空发言人表示,“维珍航空可以确认从上海飞往伦敦西斯罗机场的VS251航班由于出现技术问题,已转飞俄罗斯伊尔库茨克机场迫降作为安全措施。安全保障一直是我们优先考虑的问题。”

    A Virgin spokeswoman said : ' Virgin Atlantic can confirm that the VS251 travelling from Shanghai to London Heathrow has diverted to Irkutsk Airport , Russia , as a precautionary measure due to a technical issue . Safety and security is always our top priority .

  29. 人们很快就意识到,维珍美国航空公司(VirginAmerica)是这一整个事件的幕后推手。

    People quickly realized that Virgin America was behind the whole thing .

  30. 达美航空(Delta)谋求收购维珍大西洋航空(VirginAtlantic)之举可能是个天大的错误。

    Delta could be making a big mistake pursuing Virgin Atlantic .