
  • 网络Profit maximization;maximize profit;maximizing profit;maximum profit
  1. 客户细分是CRM技术中一项重要研究内容,通过对客户的有效分类,采用针对性销售策略,达到销售利润最大化。

    Customer segmentation is an important research direction of CRM , by effective classification of customers and targeted marketing strategies , to achieve sales profit maximization .

  2. EVA强调股东价值的创造,克服了利润最大化等其它目标的缺陷,从而成为了股东价值最大化的衡量指标。

    EVA emphasize the creation of the shareholders ' values , and it overcomes the shortcomings of other goals such as profit maximization . Thus , EVA has become the measure gauge of the maximization of shareholders ' values .

  3. 该算法在受到自身服务质量(Qos)约束的条件下,通过主用户系统使用均衡价格的方案达到利润最大化。

    The primary user systems maximize their own profits by using the equilibrium price scheme under the conditions of the quality of service ( QoS ) constraints .

  4. 以销售商利润最大化为目标的存储模型比经典EOQ模型更加接近实际。

    This inventory model targeting with profit maximization is more practical than the classical EOQ model .

  5. 最后运用前面的研究理论为ABC公司制订了利用转移定价进行税收筹划来达到公司税负最小化、利润最大化的目的。

    Come to reach corporation tax being defeated applying preceding research theory to plan and prepare for the ABC company has worked out the transfer pricing in order that tax is minimized and profit is max.

  6. 本文在成本不对称的假设下,利用Bertrand双寡头模型研究了追求利润最大化的企业遭受出口反倾销时在出口与对外直接投资之间的战略选择。

    Assuming cost asymmetry , this paper employed Bertrand duopoly model and analyzed the strategic choice of the profit-maximizing firm between exports and outward FDI in the face of exports anti-dumping .

  7. 因此,导入短期内实现利润最大化的产品形象识别(PIS)战略的方法,对中小企业而言更为现实。

    Therefore , it is realistic for SMEs to introduce the Personal Identification System ( PIS ) strategy that can realize the maximization of their profit in the short-term period .

  8. 每天,Marin都对其1800名客户的超过30亿个关键词进行监控,来决定何时应该提高投标,何时应该降低投标,据此实现客户的利润最大化。

    Every day , Marin monitors more than 3 billion keywords for its 1,800 clients , determining when to bid higher or when to back off in order to maximize revenue .

  9. 广阔的国际化视野使其能够在世界范围内实现利润最大化。

    Broad international vision which can realize the profit maximization worldwide .

  10. 这一特征会导致追求利润最大化的转型企业的行为产生一定的扭曲。

    This causes distortion in the profit-maximizing transition firm 's behavior .

  11. 基于利润最大化的质量成本数学模型的研究

    A math model of quality cost based on maximized profit

  12. 企业并购的最终动机是追求利润最大化。

    Enterprises seek maximization of profits through merger and acquisition .

  13. 追逐利润最大化似乎注定将会盛行。

    The pursuit of maximum profit seems destined to prevail .

  14. 文章提出了利润最大化和销售量最大化两种定价模型。

    Article presents two pricing models to maximize sales and maximize profits .

  15. 但是要处理好企业的利润最大化和信誉最大化的关系。

    But want to dispose good industrial gain maximize and reputation maximize relation .

  16. 然而,现实中的供应链不可能单纯追求利润最大化。

    However , the real supply chain pursues far more than maximum profit .

  17. 基于利润最大化的油田开发非线性规划

    Nonlinear programming for oilfield development based on maximum profit

  18. 首先讨论了二度价格歧视利润最大化条件,然后将此条件加以推广。

    Based on the above discussion , the coditions of profit maximizing are generalized .

  19. 基于Nested&Logit模型和产品差异性理论的企业广义利润最大化策略及应用

    The Maximum Strategy and Application on Nested - Logit Model and Product Differential Theory

  20. 在传统的生产能力分配与计划中,企业往往以成本最小化与利润最大化为目标安排生产计划。

    The traditional method of production capability allocation is cost-based minimum and profit-based maximum .

  21. 就如何降低运营风险,实现利润最大化进行了探讨。

    It approaches a subject how to decrease operation risk and realize maximum profit .

  22. 相比之下,利润最大化模型更为完善。

    The result has proved that the model of revenue maximization is much better .

  23. 企业是经济人,具有追求利润最大化的本性。

    Enterprises are ' economic person ', with the nature of pursuing maximized profit .

  24. 返利条件下利润最大化的销售量决策

    Selling Quantity Decision Making Based on profit Maximization in the Case of Rebate System

  25. 经销商订货决策分析:利润最大化

    Retailers Order Strategy Analysis : Profit Maximization

  26. 利用需求弹性理论作利润最大化的定量财务分析

    The Quantitatively Financial Analysis of Profit Maximization by the Principle of the Elasticity of Demand

  27. 其目标是追求利润最大化,风险最小化。

    The aim is to seek the maximum of profit and the minimum of risk .

  28. 它是资本追求利润最大化和多元化经营的必然结果。

    It is the necessary result of profit maximization pursued by capital and multiple operations .

  29. 第四章讨论了企业并购的效应问题。企业是以追求利润最大化为目标的,企业之所以采取并购扩张企业,就是认为并购能给企业带来最大利润。

    The reason of mergers is that firms reckon on it for the maximum profit .

  30. 作为理性经济人,公司追求利润最大化。

    As a rational economic man , the pursuit of profit maximization is the final aim .