
chāo shì
  • supermarket
  1. 今天,这家超市打响了价格战的头一炮。

    The supermarket fired the first shot in a price war today .

  2. 超市自己品牌的东西要便宜些。

    You pay less for the supermarket 's own brand .

  3. 现在超市不按时开门在英国司空见惯。

    Late opening of supermarkets is common in Britain now .

  4. 超市已开始宣传他们的产品是绿色环保的。

    Supermarkets have started proclaiming the greenness of their products .

  5. 附近的一家超市开业后,当地的小商店就没有利润可赚了。

    Small local shops stop being economic when a supermarket opens up nearby .

  6. 我一周上超市一次。

    I do a weekly shop at the supermarket .

  7. 那片树正被推土机铲除,以兴建一家新超市。

    The trees are being bulldozed to make way for a new superstore .

  8. 跟着路标走就能到超市。

    Follow the signposts to the superstore .

  9. 超市正挤垮小商店。

    Supermarkets are squeezing out small shops .

  10. 最近的超市在哪儿?

    Where 's the nearest supermarket ?

  11. 带有“ScotchBeef(苏格兰牛肉)”标志的牛肉在超市里售价不菲。

    Meat labelled ' Scotch Beef ' sells for a premium in supermarkets

  12. 这周超市的新鲜鲑鱼特价销售。

    Fresh salmon is a bargain at the supermarket this week .

  13. 塞恩斯伯里超市为重复利用购物袋的顾客提供每只1便士的奖励。

    Sainsbury 's is offering customers 1p for each shopping bag reused

  14. 舒缓的音乐会促使超市购物者花更长的时间浏览商品的同时花更多的钱。

    Slow music encourages supermarket-shoppers to browse longer but spend more .

  15. 我们大多数人去超市购买食品。

    Most of us do our food shopping in the supermarket

  16. 随着顾客转而从超市购买牛奶,送牛奶的生意受到了威胁。

    Milk rounds are threatened as customers switch to buying from supermarkets .

  17. 大品牌超市即将下架许多转基因食品。

    Top supermarkets are to ban many genetically modified foods .

  18. 但在其他商店纷纷关门倒闭之时,大型超市的强劲扩张势头却依旧不减。

    But as other shops fold , the march of the superstores continues

  19. 超市的商品常常比品牌货便宜。

    Supermarket lines are often cheaper than branded goods .

  20. 大型超市的掠夺性价格正威胁着小商店的生计。

    Predatory pricing by large supermarkets was threatening the livelihood of smaller businesses .

  21. 那些失业的人们想方设法以支付超市的账单。

    Those who have lost their jobs struggle to pay their supermarket bills .

  22. 为什么梅利莎会一个人在超市里面费劲地转来转去?

    Why should Melissa have to slog around the supermarket on her own ?

  23. 我们的最爱绝对是超市的自产品牌。

    Our favourite by a long way was the supermarkets ' own brand .

  24. 超市可能都在赚大钱。

    The supermarkets may be making whacking profits .

  25. 我过去经常在超市里逛个没完。

    I often used to hang out in supermarkets

  26. 这一系列的产品比所有其他超市的自有品牌都要便宜得多。

    This range is substantially cheaper than any of the other own brands available .

  27. 一家著名的英国超市每年投放1,000多种新产品。

    A well-known UK supermarket launches more than 1,000 new product lines each year .

  28. 这些现在可以在超市买到新鲜的了。

    They can now be bought fresh in supermarkets

  29. 那么多地方,他们偏偏就在超市里相遇并相爱了。

    They met and fell in love in a supermarket , of all places .

  30. 这些对虾是如何从挪威跑到超市货架上来的呢?

    How do those prawns find their way from Norway to the supermarket shelf ?