
mén kǎn
  • threshold;sill;key;cill;carpet strip
门槛 [mén kǎn]
  • (1) [threshold;sill]∶门框下端的横木条、石条或金属条

  • (2) [key]∶诀窍,也指精打细算或占便宜的本领

  • 门槛精道

门槛[mén kǎn]
  1. 他迈过门槛。

    He stepped across the threshold .

  2. 显然大家已普遍开始转向支持提高核武器使用的门槛了。

    The consensus has clearly shifted in favour of raising the nuclear threshold

  3. 门槛和门扇算是贴合良好,他终于开心了。

    Eventually he was happy that the sills and doors were a reasonably good fit .

  4. 随着福尔多的最后一杆轻击,球应声入洞,他得以跻身门槛颇高的顶级运动员之列。

    As Faldo 's final putt rattled in , he qualified to join a select band of illustrious sportsmen .

  5. 任何政党只有获得至少5%的选票才能够在新一届议会中获得一个席位。很多政党都过不了这个门槛。

    No party is entitled to a seat in the new parliament unless it gets at least 5 per cent of the vote . Many will fail to cross that threshold .

  6. 滚,不许再跨进我的门槛!

    Go ! and never darken my door again !

  7. 他门槛精,不会上当。

    He 's too sharp to be taken in .

  8. 但监管的门槛很高。

    But the threshold for regulation is high .

  9. 这很可能会导致保险公司重新设计保险计划以把金额降到门槛以下。

    It would most likely cause insurers to redesign plans to fall beneath the threshold .

  10. 他们没有完全放弃高等教育,而是选择了社区学院或低入学门槛的公立学校。

    Instead of skipping out on higher education altogether , they chose community colleges or state schools with low bars for admittance .

  11. 这个无名的人把人类推向了一个历史性的门槛,因为正是在那一年,人类首次成为主要居住在城市的物种。

    This nameless person pushed the human race over a historic threshold , for it was in that year that mankind became , for the first time in its history , a predominantly urban species .

  12. 那么地上5秒钟是否是区分可食用食物和有毒食物的关键门槛?

    So is five seconds on the floor the critical thresholdthat separates a piece of eatable food from a case of food poisoning ?

  13. 但是,这一分歧在最近几个月的更加明显了,因为阿德霍尔德做出了一些改变,包括无作业夜晚、取消高中期中、期末考试以及降低参加音乐项目门槛的倡议。

    But the division has become more obvious in recent months as Aderhold has made changes , including no-homework nights , an end to high school midterms and finals , and an initiative that made it easier to participate in the music program .

  14. 一旦你跨进了门槛,很快就会在职业生涯中取得进步的。

    Once you get your foot on the ladder you 'll progress easily .

  15. 轻奢品的价格相对较低,让收入有限的人也可以买得起,从而跨入奢侈品市场的门槛。

    They are priced relatively lowly to allow people of limited means to " enter " the luxury market .

  16. 因为有越来越多的学生都能取得很不错的考试成绩,所以各大学也随之抬高了他们的入学门槛。

    Because so many students are achieving good grades , universities are raising the bar for students entering their universities .

  17. 例句蒂姆的叔叔给蒂姆在自己的公司里找了一个实习机会,从而帮他跨入职业生涯的门槛。

    Tim 's uncle gave him an internship1 at his company to help him get a foot on the ladder .

  18. “门槛者”指的是刚跨入成人门槛的年轻人,尤其是那些为离家或开始承担成人义务而感到焦虑或抑郁的人群。

    Thresholder refers to a young person on the threshold of adulthood about leaving home or taking on adult responsibilities .

  19. 虽然薪水很低,但他还是接受了这份工作,因为这份工作能帮他先迈进此领域的门槛。

    Although the pay was low , he accepted the job because it allowed him to get his foot in the door .

  20. 东京的医院床位已经十分紧张,那些被视为症状较轻达不到住院门槛的患者只能在家吸氧或在临时应急医院接受治疗。

    Hospital capacity in Tokyo has become so tight that those not deemed ill enough for hospital admission are getting oxygen supplied at home or at makeshift facilities set up for emergencies .

  21. 新方将放宽对中资审查门槛,给予中方投资者与全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(CPTPP)成员同等的审查门槛待遇。

    New Zealand will lower its threshold for reviewing Chinese investment , allowing it to receive the same review treatment as members of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership ( CPTPP ) .

  22. 我们的教室原来就在这一层,我们都叫它冷柜因为不管外面或是走廊上天气有多热,只要你一跨进门槛,就能看到自己呼出的水汽。

    This was the floor that we had our original class room . We called it the meat locker13 because no matter how hot it was outside or even in the hallway ; you could almost see your breath as soon as you crossed the threshold .

  23. 基于GIS的门槛分析在城市发展中的应用

    Application of Threshold Analysis Based on GIS to City Development

  24. 中国刚刚跨入WTO的门槛,我们深深地感到,中国的农业从未像今天这样面临如此巨大而深刻的挑战与机遇。

    China 's agricultural has been experiencing a unprecedented challenges and chances as join in the WTO .

  25. FDI、金融市场与经济增长:地区差异及门槛效应

    FDI , Financial Market and Economic Growth : Regional Differences and Threshold Effect

  26. FDI对我国技术创新能力溢出的地区差异和门槛效应检验

    Regional Difference and Threshold Effects of FDI Spillover on China 's Innovation Capacity

  27. 该方法有助于降低创建有价值的Web应用程序的门槛,从而为Web开发人员提供了一个更广阔的基础。

    This has helped lower the on-ramp to creating useful Web applications , which in turn has created a wider base of Web developers .

  28. 理论门槛值的研究探讨了碳势、温度及Cr元素含量对碳化物极限值和碳势门槛值的影响。

    The effect of carbon potential temperature and Cr content on CPT and CEV are studied .

  29. 载荷对测定4340钢在海水中条件门槛值△K(th)的影响

    The influence of loading on conditional δ k_ ( th ) measured on 4340 steel in seawater

  30. 当应力比R较低时,淬火条件对合金疲劳门槛区的裂纹扩展阻力有明显影响。

    When stress ratio R is relatively low , quench condition has obviously influence on the near-threshold crack growth behavior of the alloy .