
mén kè
  • a hanger-on of an aristocrat
门客 [mén kè]
  • [a hanger-on of an aristocrat] 官僚贵族家中豢养的帮闲或帮忙的人

门客[mén kè]
  1. 吴王的门客中有一个年青人,想去劝阻但又不敢。

    One young hanger-on of his wanted to dissuade him but didn 't dare .

  2. 在那里,她成了威廉姆·巴勒斯(WilliamBurroughs)的门客,经常参加派对,混迹于那个时代的市中心风月场,与让-米切尔·巴斯奎特(Jean-MichelBasquiat)交往过一段时间。

    There , she became a prot é g é of William Burroughs , partied hard and ran with the downtown demimonde of the era , dating Jean-Michel Basquiat for a time .

  3. 子孙后代似乎象一排门客,跟随在他的身后。

    Posterity seemed to follow his steps as a train of clients .

  4. 没过多久,公孙龙和他的门客一起出外游玩。

    Not long afterwards , Gongsun and his followers went on a journey .

  5. 公孙龙对这个新收的门客非常满意。

    Gong was very satisfied with the new follower .

  6. 同时,韩国也无法指望中国约束这位朝鲜门客。

    Nor can South Korea expect China to rein in its North Korean client .

  7. 公孙龙听了,就转身问他旁边的门客:你们有谁善于叫喊?

    Then Gong turned to his followers and asked , Who is good at shouting ?

  8. 楚国有个祭祀的人,他赐给他的门客一杯酒。

    In the state of Chu there was a man who was sacrificing to his ancestors ;

  9. 如今可用于分析的门客群体的文学作品唯有《吕氏春秋》,狭义门客个体有公孙龙留下的《公孙龙子》一作。

    What can be applied to analysis for the group of literature is only " Lu Spring and Autumn ", and individuals only left " Kung-sun lung Tzu " by Gong sun Long .

  10. 门客是一直被文学及史学研究者忽略的群体,他们是士阶层的组成部分,且集中体现了春秋战国时代士的风貌与价值观,其文学形象十分典型。

    Hanger-ons of aristocrat , have always been ignored by the literature and history researchers , are part of bachelor stratum in ancient China , which epitomizes the style and values during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period . Their literary images are typical .