
  • 网络Monroe;Munro;James Monroe;Alice Munro;greg monroe
  1. 门罗认为金融方面至关重要。

    Monroe described the financial aspect as crucial .

  2. 在门罗教授的一门MBA课程上,有一本教科书的国际版比官方美国版的价格便宜得多。

    In one of Prof Monroe 's MBA courses there has been an international version of a textbook that was significantly cheaper than the official American edition .

  3. 门罗一家继续大宴宾客。

    The Monroes continued to entertain extravagantly .

  4. 门罗教授表示,优秀在线课程所提供的互动氛围,吸引着与在校MBA学生同等素质的学员,而且这两类学生现在惊人相似。

    The interactivity provided by premium online programmes is attracting the same calibre of students as campus MBAs , says Prof Monroe and the groups are now remarkably similar .

  5. 毕竟,自1823年发表门罗主义(MonroeDoctrine)宣言以来,美国就一直宣称其意图就是让外来者远离自己的势力范围。

    After all , ever since the Monroe Doctrine was announced in 1823 , America has proclaimed its intention to keep outsiders away from its own hemisphere .

  6. 我眼下刚开始读艾丽丝•门罗的《仇恨、友谊、殷勤、爱情与婚姻》(Hateship,Friendship,Courtship,Loveship,Marriage:Stories)。

    I just started reading hateship , friendship , courtship , loveship , marriage : Stories by Alice Munro .

  7. 门罗教授表示,优秀在线课程所提供的互动氛围,吸引着与在校MBA学生同等素质的学员,而且这两类学生现在“惊人相似”。

    The interactivity provided by premium online programmes is attracting the same calibre of students as campus MBAs , says Prof Monroe and the groups are now " remarkably similar . "

  8. ToddBonshire是门罗公园的经理,这里是位于佛吉尼亚州Goldvein经过恢复的18世纪的黄金开采地点。

    Gold Prices Luring Many to Start Prospecting Todd Bonshire is the manager of Monroe Park , a restored 18th century gold mining camp in Goldvein , Virginia .

  9. 在这份最佳书目名单中还有图文书作家与卡通画家,博客“XKCD”的创建者兰道尔·门罗(RandallMunroe)的《解释者:用简单的话说清复杂的事物》(ThingExplainer:ComplicatedStuffinSimpleWords)。

    On the best-of list , he also included , " Thing Explainer : Complicated Stuff in Simple Words , " by Randall Munroe , the graphic writer and cartoonist who created the blog XKCD .

  10. 由于感觉自己受到西方国家的排斥,在20世纪30年代,日本开始了自己的门罗主义(MonroeDoctrine)路线,引发了第二次中日战争,以及对抗盟国的太平洋战争。

    Feeling excluded by Western nations , in the 1930s , Japan embarked on its own version of the Monroe Doctrine , leading to the second Sino-Japanese war and the Pacific war against the Allied Powers .

  11. 实际上,为了突显美国现在完全拒绝建立势力范围的想法,美国国务卿约翰克里(JohnKerry)甚至在去年宣称,门罗主义时代已经结束。

    Indeed , in an effort to underline the idea that America now genuinely repudiates the idea of spheres of influence , John Kerry , the US secretary of state , even declared last year that the era of the Monroe Doctrine is dead .

  12. 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-尚佩恩分校(UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign)荣誉教授、定价问题专家肯特•门罗(KentMonroe)主张,学术书籍的价格已经超出“可接受的范围”,以至于大多数学生现在都在寻找获取课本的替代办法。

    Kent Monroe , a pricing expert and professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , claims that academic books have risen above the " acceptable price range " such that most students now find alternative ways to access texts .

  13. 卡内基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity)泰珀商学院(TepperSchoolofBusiness)在线MBA学位负责人罗伯特•门罗(RobertMonroe)表示,在线学生与在校学生只存在一点根本区别,那就是前者为“职场人士”,其中不少人都已成家。

    Robert Monroe , director of the online MBA at the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University ( CMU ) , says there is only one fundamental difference between its online and campus-based students . The former are " working professionals , " many have families .

  14. 该公司在2016年差点就成功了,但是门罗县(佛罗里达群岛)的当地官员最终投了反对票。Oxitec公司撤回申请,决定用据称是升级版的蚊子再试一次。

    The company came close in 2016 , but local officials in Monroe County ( the Florida Keys ) ultimately voted no. Oxitec pulled its request and decided to try again with what it described as an upgraded version of the mosquito .

  15. 最近的事态表明,他的门罗主义又有一个惊人的发展。

    Events recently reveal a surprising extension of his Monroe Doctrine .

  16. 门罗极力为现有的体系辩护。

    Monroe has been fierce in defence of the present system .

  17. 我不得不呃让门罗走人了

    I just had to , uh , let Monroe go .

  18. 别告诉我,你就是里基门罗?

    Don 't tell me , you must be Ricky monroe ?

  19. 妈妈和门罗可能开始嫌我多余了。

    Ma and Monroe have been awful strict on me .

  20. 门罗自己推荐,一个人要去尝试操纵振动。

    Monroe himself recommends that one try manipulating the vibrations .

  21. 门罗夫人为这个陷入道德困境的怪物而哀伤。

    Mona Monroe mourned the moral morass of the monster .

  22. 珍妮会唱歌,门罗将负责接待。

    Jenny will be singing and Monroe is gonna cater the reception .

  23. 这还得从格雷格-门罗那个价值1780万美元的球员选项说起。

    It starts with Greg Monroe 's $ 17.8 million player option .

  24. 格雷格-门罗就特别得益于布罗格登的助攻。

    Greg Monroe has especially benefited from Brogdon 's play-making .

  25. “门罗主义”成为美国外交政策的基石。

    " Monroe Doctrine " has become the cornerstone of U.

  26. 为什么埃维斯和玛里琳。门罗会在那间屋子里。

    Why Elvis and Marilyn Monroe were at the house .

  27. 1776年,门罗辍学从军。

    In 1776 Monroe dropped out of college to join the Army .

  28. 我是艾米.门罗。你曾跟我姐姐约会过。

    I 'm Amy Monroe.You went out with my sister .

  29. 马丽琳?门罗当模特时就总是渴望在表演上干一番事业。

    As a model , Marilyn Monroe always aspired to any acting career .

  30. 那么听着我有…一个坏消息门罗

    So look , I got I got some bad news , Monroe .