
mén fēi
  • door leaf
门扉 [mén fēi]
  • [door] 门扇

  • 门扉敞开

  1. 一个个宽大的大厅出口,都是精雕细刻的富丽门扉。

    At the wide entrances to the Hall are richly carved doors ;

  2. 阶梯底端有一扇橡木和铁条制成的厚重门扉。

    At the foot of the steps was a heavy door of oak and iron .

  3. 丹尼斯泪眼对著他,双手伸向那开著的门扉,但是门被关上了。

    Dantes followed him with his eyes , and held out his hands towards the open door ; but the door closed .

  4. 不知自己是在寻梦还是在企及那不可触及的门扉。

    I do not know that he is in search of their dreams or in the prices and that the doors can not be touched .

  5. 啊!让灵魂站在生与死,知与欲敞开的门扉前,见到旭日点燃思想的顶峰!

    O let the soul stand in the open door of life and death and knowledge and desire and see the peaks of thought kindle with sunrise !

  6. 假如有人看见这些影子般的客人轻叩她的门扉的话,就会把接待他们的主人视同魔鬼般危险了。

    Shadowy guests , that would have been as perilous as demons to their entertainer , could they have been seen so much as knocking at her door .