
shǔ rè
  • summer-heat;hot summer weather
暑热 [shǔ rè]
  • [hot summer weather] 盛夏时炎热的气候

  • 暑热难耐

暑热[shǔ rè]
  1. 这会儿,八月的暑热几乎使人受不了。

    Meantime the August heat was almost unbearable .

  2. 暑热导致的虚脱状态

    a state of prostration brought on by the heat

  3. Tropics一字本义指约自北纬23度至南纬23度之间的地区;它暗指暑热。地球纬度是从赤道向南或向北以度数来表示。

    The word " Tropics " means the area between about 23 ° N and 23 ° S ; it connotes heat . Terrestrial latitude is measured in degrees north or south from the equator .

  4. 青岛市区夏季暑热指数初探

    The Preliminary Study on Hotness Index in Summer in Qingdao City

  5. 夏季暑热期不同泌乳阶段奶牛维持行为的比较研究

    Behavioral Comparison of Cows at Different Lactation Period in Hot Summer Season

  6. 衡量上海夏季暑热程度的相对舒适度指数研究

    Development of Relative Comfort Index for Assessing Heat Stress in Shanghai Summer

  7. 炙热天吹起一阵微风消除一些暑热;

    A fitful breeze in a scorching-hot day brings some relief from the heat .

  8. 这正在去暑热辩论。

    This is going to be hotly debated .

  9. 他们深为暑热所苦。

    They were much afflicted by the heat .

  10. 婴儿暑热症95例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 95 cases infantile summer fever

  11. 人们无法逃避暑热。

    People can 't escape the heat .

  12. 蒸人的暑热使他头晕目眩。

    The wet heat made him dizzy .

  13. 目的探讨婴儿暑热症的病因、临床特点及诊断方法。

    Objective To explore the etiology , clinical feactures and diagnostic methods of infantile summer fever .

  14. 冬寒的时候,要设法令父母保持温暖;暑热的季节,要设法使父母感觉凉爽。

    And on hot summer days , we should try to make our parents feel cool .

  15. 900多万名奴隶在从非洲到美洲的途中死于暑热和窒息。

    Over nine million slaves died of heat and suffocation on their way from Africa to america .

  16. 这会儿,八月的暑热几乎使人受不了。八月份我们过了一星期酷热的日子。

    Meantime the August heat was almost unbearable . We had a week of scorchers in August .

  17. 暑气至此而止。暑热犹存,天气逐渐转凉。调整睡眠时间,饮食宜清热解暑之品。

    Temprature drops slightly but summar heats remains , adjust sleeping time , heat-clearing food is suitable .

  18. 在暑热中,则这一部分是为晨夕或阴天而设的。

    and in the heat of summer , for the morning and the evening , or overcast days .

  19. 深巷固执地向村里伸展,在炙人的暑热中村子已摧入梦乡。

    And the deep lane insists on the direction into the village , in the electric heat Hypnotised .

  20. 分布在不同区间内的体感温度对应着不同的暑热指数及户外人群的舒适感受。

    The body feeling temperature distribution in different scopes corresponds to different hotness index and comfortable feeling of outdoor people .

  21. 将患者摆脱暑热环境,立即转移到有空调或阴凉的地方。

    Get him or her out of the heat , either into air conditioning or into a shaded area , immediately .

  22. 在北京的夏季里,西瓜随处可见,大多数家庭都会在冰箱里放上一个西瓜,以缓解暑热。

    Watermelons are ubiquitous in the Beijing summer , when most households keep a chilled melon in the fridge to alleviate the summer heat .

  23. 主要用于治疗暑热、外感风寒、头痛、恶心呕吐、晕船等病证。

    It is mainly used to treat summer-head , mind-cold due to exogenous evils , headache , nausea vomiting , seasickness , carsickness , etc.

  24. 日本政府称尚未决定是否采用夏令时,但是确实希望可以降低暑热对运动员的影响。

    The government says it is yet to decide on the move but does want to limit the effect of summer heat on the athletes .

  25. 冲浪的人本周末在享受巴拿马城滨海的海浪,人家全家人都跳进海水里在暑热中清凉一下。

    Surfers enjoyed the waves off Panama City Beach this weekend , and families jumped in the water to take a break from the heat .

  26. 随着这个死字,暑热仿佛越来越厉害,热得逼人。环礁湖也以令人目眩的灿烂袭击着他们。

    With that word " death " the heat seemed to increase till it became a threatening weight and the lagoon attacked them with a blinding effulgence .

  27. 森林的静谧比起暑热来更为逼人,在这个时刻,甚至连各种昆虫的哀鸣都没有了。

    The silence of the forest was more oppressive than the heat , and at this hour of the day there was not even the whine of insects .

  28. 现代人用空调、电扇等消暑,但古时候没有这些,人们又是如何抵挡暑热的呢?

    Nowadays , air conditioning and electric fans help people beat the summer heat . But in ancient times , without such appliances , how did people find relief ?

  29. 几乎看不到尖锐的边缘或者光滑的表面。一切都受到了人手、污染、雨水、暑热和洪水的损毁。

    There 's hardly a sharp edge or sleek surface to be seen ; everything has been worn down by human hands , pollution , rain , heat and floods .

  30. 有清凉解毒,生津止渴的作用,可用于暑热、烦躁、燥热等症。

    Has the cool disintoxicating , induces saliva and slakes thirst the function , may use in the summer heat , be agitated dry and hot , and so on sickness .