
mén luó zhǔ yì
  • Monroe Doctrine;Monroeism
门罗主义[mén luó zhǔ yì]
  1. 最近的事态表明,他的门罗主义又有一个惊人的发展。

    Events recently reveal a surprising extension of his Monroe Doctrine .

  2. 那时候,我是美国门罗主义和门户开放的坚决拥护者。

    I was then a strong supporter of America 's Monroe Doctrine and the Open Door Policy .

  3. 毕竟,自1823年发表门罗主义(MonroeDoctrine)宣言以来,美国就一直宣称其意图就是让外来者远离自己的势力范围。

    After all , ever since the Monroe Doctrine was announced in 1823 , America has proclaimed its intention to keep outsiders away from its own hemisphere .

  4. 由于感觉自己受到西方国家的排斥,在20世纪30年代,日本开始了自己的门罗主义(MonroeDoctrine)路线,引发了第二次中日战争,以及对抗盟国的太平洋战争。

    Feeling excluded by Western nations , in the 1930s , Japan embarked on its own version of the Monroe Doctrine , leading to the second Sino-Japanese war and the Pacific war against the Allied Powers .

  5. 实际上,为了突显美国现在完全拒绝建立势力范围的想法,美国国务卿约翰克里(JohnKerry)甚至在去年宣称,门罗主义时代已经结束。

    Indeed , in an effort to underline the idea that America now genuinely repudiates the idea of spheres of influence , John Kerry , the US secretary of state , even declared last year that the era of the Monroe Doctrine is dead .

  6. “门罗主义”成为美国外交政策的基石。

    " Monroe Doctrine " has become the cornerstone of U.

  7. 驻墨西哥的法国军队肆意践踏门罗主义。

    The French army in Mexico was trampling the Monroe Doctrine in the dirt .

  8. 试析大棒金元政策与门罗主义的不同

    Tries to Analyze the Differences between the Big stick-Dollar Diplomacy and the Monroe Doctrine

  9. 门罗主义的真正作者,他提出19世纪美国的外交历程。

    The Monroe Doctrine 's real author , he set nineteenth-century America 's diplomatic course .

  10. 第5届美国总统;门罗主义的创造者(1758-1831)。

    5th President of the United States ; author of the " Monroe Doctrine " ( 1758-1831 ) .

  11. 1823年门罗主义:美国总统詹姆斯·门罗发表一番演讲确定美国在未来欧洲的冲突中将保持中立立场。

    1823-Monroe Doctrine : US President James Monroe delivers a speech establishing American neutrality in future European conflicts .

  12. 天定命运是门罗主义的发展,也是一种扩张主义政策。

    The Manifest Destiny , which was the development of the Monroe Doctrine , was a kind of expansionist policy .

  13. 从美国历史的视角看,门罗主义一直是美国拉美政策的核心。

    Looking from the American history , " the Monroe doctrine " of US in the Latin America is always the core of policy .

  14. 这堪称一种中国式的门罗主义。门罗主义源自美国崛起时期,主张美国在其拉美后院拥有权利。

    It would be akin to a Chinese Monroe Doctrine , which asserted the rights of a then-rising US to its Latin American backyard .

  15. 门罗主义中的“不再殖民”原则,隐含着美国扩张商业利益和建立美洲霸权的企图;

    The noncolonization principle of the Monroe Doctrine implied that the United States intended to extend its business interests and establish its hegemony in the America continent ;

  16. 时代杂志:您最近提出,您认为玻利瓦尔主义终将取代门罗主义。为什么?

    TIME : You said recently that you believe the " Bol í var Doctrine is finally replacing the Monroe Doctrine " on your watch . Why ?

  17. 美国政府不仅主导了危机的解决,而且通过所谓调解争端进一步扩展了门罗主义的范围,确立了自己在美洲的霸权地位。

    The United States government not only dominated the settlement of the crisis , it also expanded the scope of Monroe Doctrine and established its hegemony status in ameirca .

  18. 自1823年“门罗主义”提出以来,随着实力的增长,美国沿着自美洲而亚太而全球的轨迹延拓其霸权。

    Since " monroe doctrine " puted forward in1823 , with power increasing , the United States extend its hegemony from America to the Pacific-Asia area to the global .

  19. 内战中,美国面临着英法等国的干预,以及法国入侵墨西哥等外交问题,这些问题的实质是欧洲列强向美国门罗主义提出的挑战。

    As Civil War , America is facing intervention of Britain and France and the French invasion into Mexico , both of which carries the nature that the Monroe Doctrine is challenged by European countries .

  20. 门罗去世(1831年)20年后,这个政治警告被称为“门罗主义”。

    Twenty years after he died in 1831 , this became known as the Monroe Doctrine .