
mén tú
  • disciple;follower;apostle;protégé;adherent;pupils;votary
门徒 [mén tú]
  • (1) [disciple;adherent;apostle]∶弟子

  • (2) [votary]∶旧指宗门之信徒

  • 大师和门徒之间零散而引人入胜的谈话

门徒[mén tú]
  1. 与凯塞尔和舍曼一样,杰夫•博加特(JeffBogart)也是金德的门徒。博加特去年创建了YogicInvesting,这是他位于克利夫兰(Cleveland)地区的财务顾问公司的分部,是受瑜伽思想启发而建立的。

    Jeff Bogart , like Messrs. Kessel and Sherman a Kinder disciple , launched Yogic Investing , a yoga-inspired branch of his Cleveland-area financial-advisory firm last year . '

  2. 布兰登于周三在洛杉矶郡家中去世,享年84岁。认识兰德后,他成了其最热情的门徒,还按她的建议,把自己的名字由内森·布卢门撒尔(NathanBlumenthal)改为纳撒尼尔·布兰登。

    Mr. Branden , who was 84 when he died on Wednesday at his home in Los Angeles County , would go on to change his name at Ms. Rand 's suggestion ( it had been Nathan Blumenthal ) and to become perhaps her most ardent disciple .

  3. 他认为从事祷告和门徒的工作是他的使命。

    He saw his vocation as one of prayer and apostolic work .

  4. 犹大是耶稣十二门徒之一

    Judas was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus .

  5. 新门徒嗫嚅了两句,然后沉默了。

    The neophyte began to stammer out a reply , but fell silent .

  6. 雅各和他的兄弟圣约翰是加利利海的渔夫,是最早受耶稣感召的门徒。

    He and his brother John were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee and were among the first disciples1 to be called .

  7. 追随主耶稣的人被称为十二鼠。(应为TwelveApostles十二门徒)

    The people who followed the Lord were called the 12 opossums .

  8. 这也让我们回想起艺术史上无数描绘抹大拉的玛丽亚(MaryMagdalene)用泪水与香膏涂抹在基督的脚还有基督自己给门徒洗脚场景的画作。

    It also calls tomind countless portrayals in the history of art of Mary Magdalene anointingChrist 's feet with perfume and tears and Christ himself washing the feet of hisapostles .

  9. 这对夫妇被42岁的AlexiLubomirski俘获,他是摄影师MarioTestino的门徒,哈里的母亲戴安娜王妃非常喜欢他。

    The couple were captured by Alexi Lubomirski , 42 , the protege of photographer Mario Testino who was famously beloved by his mother Princess Diana .

  10. 耶稣和他的门徒再回去加利利。

    Jesus and His disciples were again heading back to Galilee .

  11. 门徒们对于以上这些话并不明白。

    The disciples understood very little of what these words meant .

  12. 巴莱托的中国门徒们也许要嫌他粗鲁的吧。

    The Chinese disciples of Pareto might have thought him uncouth .

  13. 那时,耶稣对众人和门徒讲论。

    Then Jesus said to the people and to his disciples .

  14. 作为传道的门徒,你有没有把你的经历告诉主呢?

    As preaching disciples do you recount your experience to your Lord ?

  15. 我没有别的方法给予我的门徒。

    There are no other means given to My devotees .

  16. 莫非你们也要作他的门徒吗?

    Do you want to become his disciples , too ?

  17. 愿主兴起成熟的门徒。

    Pray for mature disciples of Jesus to be made .

  18. 门徒就出去,传道叫人悔改。

    And they went out , and preached that men should repent .

  19. 在约翰福音中,他是主最喜爱的门徒。

    He 's Jesus'favorite disciple in the Gospel of John .

  20. 主流观点认为谁是主所爱的门徒?

    Now tradition has said who is the beloved disciple ?

  21. 为什麽门徒将教条错误解读?

    Why are the disciples confused by this doctrine ?

  22. 两个门徒听见他的话、跟从了耶稣。

    When the two disciples heard him say this , they followed jesus .

  23. 门徒希奇他的话。

    And the disciples were astonished at his words .

  24. 彼得往往充任十二门徒的发言人。

    Peter was often the spokesman for the twelve .

  25. 门徒称为基督徒,是从安提阿起首。

    The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch .

  26. 众百姓听的时候,耶稣对门徒说

    Then in the audience of all the people he said unto his disciples

  27. 主知道法利赛人听见他收门徒施洗比约翰还多

    1The Pharisees heard that Jesus was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John

  28. 大家都公认他是主所爱的门徒。

    He became known as the disciple Jesus loved .

  29. 门徒问这比喻是什么意思。

    And his disciples questioned him as to what this parable might be .

  30. 我们是圣经的学生、是耶稣基督的门徒。

    We are students of the Holy Bible and disciples of Jesus Christ .