
  • 网络Toronto;menlo;Raptors
  1. MettaWorldPeace(即阿泰斯特)说德雷克应该执教猛龙。

    Metta World Peace says Drake should coach the Raptors .

  2. 西斯稀里进入NBA选秀,并于2006年首先选择了多伦多猛龙队这个团队。

    Bargnani entered the2006 NBA Draft and was selected first overall by the Toronto Raptors .

  3. 上周,肖娜还受电影《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld)中迅猛龙形象的启发为环球影业制作了万圣节妆容教程,宣传《侏罗纪世界》DVD的发布。

    Last week she created a Raptor inspired Halloween tutorial for Universal for the DVD release of Jurassic World 。

  4. 在1997年的NBA选秀大会上,多伦多猛龙队以第一轮第九顺位的签选中了麦迪。

    The Toronto Raptors drafted McGrady with the ninth overall pick in the 1997 NBA draft .

  5. 多伦多猛龙队(TorontoRaptors)亦被加拿大安大略省教师养老金计划(OntarioTeachers'PensionPlan)旗下的私募投资机构掌控。

    The Toronto Raptors are controlled by the private equity investment arm of Ontario teachers ' pension plan .

  6. 他已经获得了NBA总冠军,并且带领猛龙队在球队历史上第一次杀入联盟总决赛。

    He 's already an NBA Champion and led the Raptors to their first NBA Finals in franchise history .

  7. 多伦多猛龙队的后卫德玛尔-德罗赞因公开抱怨联盟裁判组工作而被NBA罚款15000美元。

    Toronto Raptors guard DeMar DeRozan has been fined $ 15000 by the NBA for publicly criticizing the league 's officiating .

  8. 这个价码看起来很合适,因为塔克应该比罗斯更适应3D角色,而萨林杰完全无关紧要,同时猛龙保留了他们自己的2017年一轮选秀权

    That price looks excellent given that Tucker should fit more neatly in a three-and-d role than Ross , Sullinger is a total non-factor , and the Raptors kept their own 2017 first-round pick .

  9. 快船通过暗地里交易获得保罗.乔治从而说服伦纳德成为快船的一员,这震惊了湖人球迷、猛龙球迷和整个NBA。

    Shocking the Lakers , the Raptors and the entire NBA , the Clippers persuaded Leonard to become a Clipper by stealthily working a trade for Paul George .

  10. 上个赛季,林作为替补随猛龙队夺得了NBA总冠军。林发推特说:“上帝在你人生的高峰与低谷都是平等待人的。

    After riding the bench to an NBA title with the Raptors last season , Lin tweeted , " God is perfectly the same through the highs and the lows .

  11. 老鹰球员文斯·卡特成为NBA历史上第22位得到25000分的球员,他在周三晚上亚特兰大老鹰以108-124负于多伦多猛龙的比赛中达到了这一里程碑。

    Hawks wingman Vince Carter became the 22nd player in NBA history to score 25000 points , reaching the milestone Wednesday night in Atlanta 's 124-108 loss to the Toronto Raptors .

  12. 据联盟消息源告诉ESPN,猛龙已经和马刺达成了主要为获得伦纳德的协议,该打包合同里球员包括德罗赞。

    Toronto has reached agreement in principle to acquire San Antonios Kawhi Leonard for package that includes Demar Derozan , league sources tell ESPN .

  13. 这位2019年的总决赛MVP也正在认真考虑与猛龙队续约的事宜。消息源透露,纽约尼克斯队也正在努力促成与伦纳德的会面。

    The 2019 Finals MVP also is seriously considering re-signing with the Raptors.The New York Knicks are also working on securing a meeting with Leonard , sources said .

  14. 以执导电影《猛龙怪客》闻名的导演去世。据NPR新闻的内达·乌拉比报道,这位导演因长期患病,于昨日在伦敦的家中辞世。

    The director best known for the Death Wish movies has died . NPR 's Neda Ulaby reports he died yesterday at his home in London after a long illness .

  15. 我们看到伦纳德在与金州勇士队的比赛中帮助多伦多猛龙获得队史第一个总冠军以及自己的第二个NBA总决赛MVP。这些都是最值得珍视的东西,是作为一名运动员的巅峰时刻。

    And we saw Leonard take the fight to Golden State to claim Toronto 's first title and Leonard 's second NBA Finals most valuable player award.These are things you cherish , the pinnacle of athletic endeavors .

  16. ESPN记者马克·琼斯对詹姆斯在第三节节末所展现出的绝对统治力印象颇深,詹姆斯赋予了猛龙一个新的名字,勒布朗多伦多。

    Mark Jones of ESPN was so impressed by James ' utter dominance that at the end of the third quarter , he gave Toronto a new name , LeBronto .

  17. Drake也收到多伦多猛龙的来信,他被雇为全球说唱大使,因在系列赛揭幕战,猛龙112-113输给骑士的加时赛中与肯德里克·帕金斯发生口角。

    Drake also heard from the Toronto Raptors , who employ the rapper as a global ambassador , about his spat with Perkins during the club 's 113-112 overtime loss in the series opener .

  18. NBCA宣布,多伦多猛龙队的主教练凯西是2018年度最佳教练员获得者。

    Toronto Raptors Head Coach Dwane Casey is the 2018 recipient of the Michael H. Goldberg NBCA Coach of the Year Award , the National Basketball Coaches Association announced .

  19. 本周四晚,NBA总决赛第六场,多伦多猛龙队以114-110击败了金州勇士队,猛龙在一波三折中,艰难赢得了这轮系列赛,最终第一次举起了拉里·奥布莱恩冠军奖杯。

    With a 114-110 victory over the Golden State Warriors in Game 6 of the NBA Finals Thursday night , the Raptors capped a dramatic series filled with twists and turns , lifting the Larry O'Brien Trophy for the first time in franchise history .

  20. 虽然奥巴马是芝加哥公牛队的拥趸,但是这个头号粉丝执意观看了周二晚上林书豪最后时刻3分绝杀多伦多猛龙队的精彩集锦,Carney说。

    Though Obama is a Chicago Bulls booster , the First Fan made certain to catch the highlights of Lins buzzer - beating three-pointer to best the Toronto Raptors Tuesday night , Carney said .

  21. 根据ESPN记者布莱恩·温德霍斯特的爆料,本赛季,快船方面多次出现在莱恩纳德的比赛中,快船队从本质上就好像招聘大学新生一样对待伦纳德,对此猛龙队的管理层已有所注意。

    The Clippers have essentially been treating Leonard like a college recruit this season by showing up to plenty of his games , according to a report by ESPN 's Brian Windhorst , and Toronto officials have noticed .

  22. 本质上,这笔交易相当于猛龙提前在自由人市场上签下伊巴卡,而根据Woj透漏,他们的确计划同他续约。

    In essence , trading for Ibaka is the Raptors ' big free-agent splash , as they do reportedly plan to re-sign him as well , according to Wojnarowski .

  23. 在东部决赛的前五场比赛中,卡哇伊的表现是否超过了最有潜力的MVP字母哥还并不是一个值得讨论的话题。但是直到周二,卡哇伊率领的多伦多猛龙队以105-99战胜雄鹿,以3-2领先。

    Not a discussion about whether Kawhi has outshone the likely league MVP , Giannis Antetokounmpo , during the first five games of the Eastern Conference finals , where Kawhi 's Toronto Raptors on Tuesday took a 3-2 lead over the Milwaukee Bucks with a 105-99 Game 5 win .

  24. 不久,TheVertical的AdrianWojnarowski通过他的专栏#WOJBOMB,报道了多伦多猛龙用特伦斯-罗斯和两个首轮签中较低的那个顺位(他们自己的和通过洛杉矶快船获得的)从奥兰多魔术那里换来了塞尔吉-伊巴卡。结果是什么呢?

    Shortly thereafter , The Vertical 's Adrian Wojnarowski dropped one of his patented \# WOJBOMBS , reporting the Toronto Raptors were sending Terrence Ross and the lower of their two first-round picks ( their own or one from the Los Angeles Clippers ) to the Orlando Magic for Serge Ibaka .

  25. 此役,猛龙112-113惜败对手且失去了主场优势。

    The Raptors lost 112-113 at home and lost home advantage .

  26. 但是,从猛龙的表现看出他们还没有达到那种境界。

    But Toronto doesn 't appear to have yet reached that point .

  27. 上周六的“猛龙过江”演什么?

    Last Saturday night , what happened on walker , Texas ranger ?

  28. 加拿大还以更高的税率向猛龙队征收。

    Canada also taxes players on the Raptors at a higher rate .

  29. 猛龙队最好的状态并不是卡哇伊的独秀时刻。

    The Raptors at their best are not the Kawhi Leonard Show .

  30. 你的祖先把这招叫做猛龙摆尾。

    Your ancestors would call it dragon whips tail .