
měng qín
  • raptor;bird of prey
猛禽 [měng qín]
  • [bird of prey] 指体大而凶猛的鸟类

猛禽[měng qín]
  1. 横斑腹小鸮(Athenebrama)是巴基斯坦旁遮普中部农业生态系统中最常见但研究匮乏的猛禽。

    The spotted owlet Athene brama is the most common but the least studied bird of prey inhabiting the agroecosystems of central Punjab , Pakistan .

  2. 他是一只年轻的鹰,一只猛禽。

    He is a young eagle , a bird of prey .

  3. 而做这件事,这是一种猛禽X但下降的第一实验室。

    And so it happened that it was a Raptor X that dropped in on our labs first .

  4. 对18个猛禽CHD基因的一段内含子序列进行比较和分析。

    In this study , CHD gene intron sequences of18 species of predatory birds were compared and analyzed .

  5. 受到强大的F-22猛禽战斗机的启发,兰博基尼Reventón的发动机有恐怖的6.5升12缸。

    Boasting a 6.5 L V12 engine , this " very limited " Lamborghini Reventon is inspired the mighty F-22 Raptor .

  6. F-22猛禽喷气式战斗机

    F-22 Raptor fighter jet

  7. 澳大利亚国防部长菲茨吉本星期六告诉记者,他希望购买美国先进的F-22猛禽隐形战斗机能够成为一个选择。

    Defense Minister Fitzgibbon told reporters Saturday he would like the option of buying America 's state-of-the-art F-22 Raptor fighter jet .

  8. 日本和美国的其他盟国也许不得不转向比较小,比较慢也比较便宜的F-35联合攻击战斗机(JointStrikeFighter)。F-35拥有为猛禽战斗机开发的一些技术。

    The Japanese and other allies may have to look at the smaller , slower and cheaper F-35 Joint Strike Fighter , which has some of the advanced technology developed for the Raptor .

  9. 简要回顾了鸟类线粒体DNA研究历史,并分析了中国猛禽线粒体DNA遗传多态性的研究现状及进展,要点:1.猛禽类线粒体基因组大小存在遗传多态性;

    In this paper , we reviewed the history of research on mtDNA of birds and gave a relatively overall analysis on genetic polymorphism of mtDNA of Raptors in China . The following are the points : 1.There was genetic polymorphism in mtDNA genome size of Raptors ;

  10. 美国军方目前顶级的线战斗机是洛克希德马丁公司的F-22猛禽,世界上唯一的第五代战斗机。

    The U.S.military 's current top-of-the-line fighter is Lockheed Martin 's F-22 Raptor , the world 's only operational fifth generation fighter .

  11. 一只在IFAW北京猛禽救助中心(IFAWBRRC)接受康复治疗的鹰宝宝。

    An eaglet was rescued by IFAW Beijing Raptor Rescue Center ( IFAW BRRC ) .

  12. 至少一种猛禽&红隼(Falcotinnunculus)可在人造巢箱中繁殖;

    At least one bird of prey-Kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus ) was found laying eggs in artificial nest box ;

  13. 但美国却拒绝向日本出售其F-22“猛禽”隐形战斗机(F-22Raptor),东京方面不得不仰仗隐形和战斗能力不那么强的F-35战斗机。

    The US , however , has refused to sell Japan its own stealth fighter , the F-22 Raptor , leaving Tokyo to rely on the less stealthy and less powerful F-35 .

  14. 中国的设计看上去更多地应用了被F-22A猛禽所采用的隐形设计原理。

    The Chinese design appears to be largely built around the stealth shaping design rules employed in the F-22A Raptor .

  15. 为了拍摄铁人对战F-22猛禽战斗机的场景,摄影机被挂在了半空中以提供在那种高度下产生的风力和霜冻效果。

    To create the shots of Iron Man against the F-22 Raptors , cameras were flown in the air to provide reference for the dynamics of wind and frost at that altitude .

  16. 赖斯中将星期四说,美国从不想对外国出售F-22猛禽战斗机,尽管日本、澳大利亚和以色列等盟国表示有意购买。

    Lieutenant General Edward Rice on Thursday said the F-22 Raptor was never intended to be sold to other countries , despite interest expressed by such allies as Japan , Australia and Israel .

  17. 在一场罗德斯给铁人(他当时正在和F-22猛禽战斗机过招)打电话的戏里,你可以看见他拿电话的那只手上戴着一枚显眼的金戒指。

    In the scene where Rhodes calls Iron Man ( who 's flying with the F-22 's ), you can see a big gold ring on the hand that he 's holding the phone in .

  18. 日本防卫官员表示,尽管美国参议院削减了经费,他们用来取代F-4的优先选择,仍然是猛禽战斗机。

    Defense officials here say their top preference to replace the aging F-4 's remains the Raptor despite the funding cut by U.S. senators .

  19. 例如福特(Ford)将借这次北京车展在中国市场发布F-150猛禽(Raptor),这是一款在美国很受欢迎的皮卡。福特中国首席执行官罗力强(JohnLawler)表示,此举是“激励一代越野爱好者”的努力的一部分。

    Ford , for instance , will use the Beijing Expo to launch its F-150 Raptor in China , a popular pick-up truck in the US , as part of efforts to " inspire a generation of off-road enthusiasts , " says John Lawler , chief executive of Ford Motor China .

  20. 猛禽德鲁伊:以风暴乌鸦(又解释为渡鸦)之名!

    Druid of the Talon : In the raven 's name !

  21. 猛禽07号机是上述四机试飞阶段的备份机。

    Raptor 07 is a spare for the four-ship phase .

  22. 有些猛禽从不攻击鸟类,另外一些也只是偶而为之。

    Some raptor never attack birds , others only occasionally .

  23. 我正在接近我们的猛禽侦察机最后失踪的地方。

    I 'm nearing the last coordinates where our Raptors went missing .

  24. 猛禽队报告他们已探测完三个星系。

    The Raptors have reported back after three star systems .

  25. 在阳台上她不会遭到猛禽的袭击。

    She was safe from predatory birds on the verandah .

  26. 北京山区猛禽生存现状及保护对策

    Status and Biodiversity Conservation on Raptors in the Mountainous Areas Around Beijing

  27. 神话中的猛禽,有巨大的体积和力量。

    Mythical bird of prey having enormous size and strength .

  28. 狩猎的猛禽八成以为它会逃到树上

    A hunting bird might expect it to flee to the trees .

  29. 黑龙江三江自然保护区猛禽资源及保护

    Resources of Birds of Prey in Sanjiang National Nature Reserve and their Conservation

  30. 在鹰旁边的笼子里关着的那些面目可憎的猛禽是什么?

    What are those repulsive-looking birds of prey in the cage beside them ?