
měng shòu
  • beast of prey
猛兽 [měng shòu]
  • [beast of prey] 指体大而凶猛的兽类

猛兽[měng shòu]
  1. 等得不耐烦的人变成了猛兽一般。

    And impatient man turns into a beast of prey .

  2. 老虎是一种捕食的猛兽。

    A tiger is a beast of prey .

  3. 它们看上去像某种猛兽的牙齿。

    They look like the teeth of some fierce animal .

  4. 但是,这些海中猛兽展示出的许多习得行为十分有教养,似乎正在促使着它们的基因不断发展。

    However , these beasts of the sea do display a vast range of highly acquired behaviors that appear to be driving their genetic development .

  5. 人、狗、鸟类和猛兽等都是他们的敌人,整日屠杀吞噬他们。一想到要忍受这样的迫害,他们都认为还不如一死了之呢。

    Men , dogs , birds and beasts of prey2 were all their enemies , and killed and devoured3 them daily : and sooner than endure such persecution4 any longer , they one and all determined5 to end their miserable6 lives .

  6. CacheManager是居留在客户机操作系统内核中的一只非常有趣的猛兽。

    The Cache Manager is a rather interesting beast that lives in the client 's operating system kernel .

  7. 2011年,澳大利亚一位名叫埃迪·斯盖(EddieSigai)的矿工在被鳄鱼用剃刀般的牙齿拖下水后,成功地制服了这只袭击他的猛兽。

    In 2011 , an Australian miner named Eddie Sigai successfully fought off an attacking crocodile after being dragged underwater by one of the razor-toothed beasts .

  8. 这些猛兽许多年前生活在森林中。

    Those fierce animals lived in the forests many years ago .

  9. 中国和印度这两只猛兽不可能真心实意地和谐相处。

    China and India cannot really deal with each other harmoniously .

  10. 看见这些人了吗?他们都是猛兽!

    You see these guys ? They 're hard-core cage fiighters !

  11. 对他们来说,龙是一种狰狞的猛兽。

    For them , the dragon is an aggressive monster .

  12. 风像猛兽似地在他耳边怒吼。

    The wind was a monster roar at his head .

  13. 一般而言,龙是一种邪恶而可怖的猛兽。

    It is generally speaking a feared and evil beast .

  14. 他从那些猛兽口中死里逃生。

    He was saved from those savage beasts by a narrow margin .

  15. 点火使猛兽无法近身。

    Lighting a fire to keep dangerous animals at bay .

  16. 这时人类还没有出现,只有大型猛兽在地球上徜徉。

    This was before people , when giant animals roamed the earth .

  17. 这场暴风雪就像猛兽一样。人们被困在车里,消防站也成为了人们的避难所。

    People were trapped in cars , firehouses were turned into shelters .

  18. 一切都很顺手的时候,我就是球场上的猛兽。

    When everything is right , I become an animal on court .

  19. 唤醒一只沉睡的猛兽

    about to rattle the cage of a sleeping giant .

  20. 瞧瞧你,你会长成一个大猛兽。

    Look at you . you 're gonna grow into a great predator .

  21. 凶恶的猛兽都出来伤害人类,人们的生活非常艰苦。

    All the monsters came out , people had led a hard life .

  22. 隐身的猛兽,危险,冷血,致命!

    Invisible beasts , dangerous , coldblooded , deadly !

  23. 然而猛兽在黑夜来袭,如晴天霹雳轰然炸响。

    But the tigers come at night with their voices soft as thunder .

  24. 因此成千上万的鹿被猛兽捕获。

    So thousands and thousands of deer were killed by the beasts of prey .

  25. 队名通常来源于猛兽,

    Teams are traditionally named after fierce creatures ,

  26. 唐人与猛兽对阵的英雄气概&唐人射虎斗虎描写的豪侠文化内蕴

    The Knight Hero Cultural Meaning about People Shooting and Fighting Tigers in Tang Dynasty

  27. 元代向猛兽复仇故事的豪侠风范

    The Gallant Style in the Stories of the Vengeance on Beasts in Yuan Dynasty

  28. 他将是一个稳定的进攻球员和一个防守猛兽。

    He is going to be a solid offensive player and a defensive animal .

  29. 老虎是猛兽(食肉兽)。

    The tiger is a beast of prey .

  30. 团结!我们是猛兽且掌控一切,行动吧!

    United , we form voltron and take on all . let 's move .