
qīng tái
  • moss
青苔 [qīng tái]
  • [moss] 阴湿地方生长的绿色苔藓

青苔[qīng tái]
  1. 青苔凉透了我的内坎;

    The green moss , whose coolness penetrates my inner depths ;

  2. 让天井废弃的柱础长出养眼的青苔

    Let the abandoned pillars of the patio get the eye-catching moss

  3. 整个晚上,他向我详细讲述艾莱岛泥炭沼泽地上的各种青苔。

    In the course of the evening he gave me chapter and verse on the mosses of the Islay peat bogs .

  4. 向北是过去的犹太人地区(josefov),那里长满青苔,仍然留存着零星的犹太区。

    To the north is josefov , where mossy , haunted fragments of the old Jewish ghetto remain .

  5. 而是一座绿色、长满青苔、接近大自然的小型喷泉。

    This was a small green , mossy , organic fountain .

  6. 瞪着水底的青苔,死了。

    Staring at the moss on the bottom , dead .

  7. 在一棵枝叶茂盛的橡树下,一屁股坐到青苔地上。

    And sat down on a mossy spot under a spreading oak .

  8. 我从绿色布满青苔的井沿将它接住。

    How sweet from the green , mossy brim to receive it .

  9. 青草绿树蟾蜍青苔臭鼬死臭鼬池塘泥土山羊

    Grass tree toad moss skunk dead skunk pond mud goat

  10. 那布满青苔的木桶,我那麽珍惜。

    That moss-covered bucket I hailed as a treasure .

  11. 一间被青苔和长春藤覆盖的小旧屋坐落在河边。

    An old hut covered with moss and ivy stood by the river .

  12. 它们以苔藓、青苔和树叶作食物。

    They feed on moss , lichen and leaves .

  13. 流泪成行,眼前的落红是否肥了那厚厚的青苔;

    Tears in the eyes , red fall whether fertilizer that thick moss ;

  14. 我坐在你的屋顶,踩死了不少青苔。

    I sat on the roof , and I kicked off the moss .

  15. 一只展翅高飞的鸟儿从青苔密布的威尔士玛诺比尔城堡遗迹上滑翔而过。

    A bird soars over the lichen-draped remains of Manorbier Castle in Wales .

  16. 青苔是生长在石头和树木表面的主要生物。

    Lichen is the dominant life-form that covers the surfaces of stones and trees .

  17. 而且都生满青苔、开满花朵。

    All overgrown with azure moss and flowers .

  18. 我剥掉了木头上的一些青苔。

    I peeled some moss off the wood .

  19. 一条狗追逐着清风吹拂的青苔。

    The running dog chased the fluttering moss .

  20. 这种新物种的青苔是另一个物种的鳞证实了谭博士贝尼托。

    This new species of moss is yet another species of Taxiphyllum as confirmed by Dr.

  21. 你可以发现这些小动物喜欢躲在石头下面或者藏身在潮湿、长满青苔的地方。

    You can find these creatures hiding beneath stones or sheltering in damp mossy places .

  22. 让我独自带在我的充满青春的公园、满青苔的花圃里。

    Ah , leave me alone in my pubescent park , in my mossy garden .

  23. 青苔碧绿,长到台阶上,草色青葱,映入帘子中。

    Green lichen on the steps , to green grass color , view of curtain .

  24. 我坐在其中一块石碑上,把碑文上面的一些青苔刮掉。

    I sat on one of the stones and peeled some moss off the inscription .

  25. 青苔是一种浅根植物,是藻类和真菌共生形成的一种低等植物。

    Lichen is a simple plant , which comes from symbiotic growth of algae and epiphyte .

  26. 长满青苔的鹅卵石;

    A boulder mantled with moss ;

  27. 无名岁月的感触缠绕在我的心头,像寂寂的青苔依附着老树。

    The touch of nameless days clings to my heart like mosses round the old tree .

  28. 从处理开始至第5天青苔含量下降速度最快,随后至第30天青苔含量下降呈现慢-快-慢的趋势。

    In the first 5 days , reducing speed of contend of Chlorophyll was the fastest .

  29. 从树杆,巨大圆石中突出的男,女,小孩雕塑布满了青苔。

    Moss covered torsos of men , women and children protrude from tree trunks and boulders .

  30. 而且都生满青苔、开满花朵,那芬芳真迷人欲醉!

    All overgrown with azure moss and flowers So sweet , the sense faints picturing them !