
  • 网络Guey Lun Mei;GWEI Lun-mei;Kwai Lun-mei;lun-mei guey
  1. 近期在沸点网络电视常常说道刘德华,还有可爱的桂纶镁。

    Boiling point recently in network television is often said Andy Lau , there are lovely Kwai Lun magnesium .

  2. 影片《龙门飞甲》可谓是全明星阵容,包括功夫大师李连杰、周迅、陈坤、桂纶镁以及歌而优则演的范晓萱和李宇春的加盟。

    The cast of the film is full of stars , including kungfu master Jet Li , Zhou Xun , Chen Kun , Kwai Lun-mei , and singer-turned-actress Mavis Fan and Li Yuchun .