
ɡuì shù
  • Laurel;cassia-bark tree
  1. 你说得很对,这是月桂树的叶子。

    You are absolutely correct . The leaves are from a bay tree

  2. 他说那棵月桂树对他有特殊意义。

    He said that the tree was his own special tree .

  3. 有时恶人得势竟像青翠月桂树那样繁茂。

    Sometimes the wicked flourishes like the green bay tree .

  4. 桂树叶中类黄酮化合物的超声波辅助提取研究

    Extraction of flavonoids from sweet osmanthus leaves aided by ultrasound

  5. 红色的月桂树的果实是我家乡的特别产品。

    Red bayberry is my hometown 's special product .

  6. 他摘下一些月桂树的叶子,把它们编成皇冠带在头上。

    He took some of the leaves and wore them like a crown .

  7. (说法或想法)对的,正确的你说得很对,这是月桂树的叶子。

    You are absolutely correct . The leaves are from a bay tree .

  8. 他们全体都会在有月桂树的小路跟年轻的小姐们戏耍。

    They 'll all be sporting with the young ladies in the laurel walks .

  9. 她的父亲把达芙妮变成了月桂树。

    He turned Daphne into a laurel tree .

  10. 人们问他在美国能不能看到月亮上的桂树。

    He was asked whether the katsura bush could beseen from Americagrowing on the moon .

  11. 小路两旁都种有月桂树。

    The path was lined with laurels .

  12. 按照习俗,西印度月桂树树叶通常浸入朗姆酒中,用于制作润发露。

    West Indian bay leaves have traditionally been steeped in rum to make hair tonic .

  13. 我爬上肉桂树篱笆,观赏着月色。月光洒在水面上,泛起道道银色波纹。

    I hung on the cinnamon wood fence and watched the moon streak the waves silver .

  14. 陶醉在轻松的赤脚天,热带鸟鸣和肉桂树和鸡蛋花香味的小夜曲。

    Revel in days of barefoot ease , serenaded by tropical birdsong and scented by cinnamon trees and frangipani .

  15. 美国西北沼泽中的月桂树,有小紫花和白叶子,其下是绿灰色。

    Laurel of bogs of northwestern United States having small purple flowers and pale leaves that are glaucous beneath .

  16. 由锡兰肉桂树的干树皮加工而成的香料;轧成带状或磨碎后使用。

    Spice from the dried aromatic bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree ; used as rolled strips or ground .

  17. 月桂树(月桂月桂属)的干香叶,在烹调中用作调味品。

    The dried aromatic leaf of the laurel or bay ( Laurus nobilis ) used as a seasoning in cooking .

  18. 作为胜利的象征的戴在头上的一月桂树叶的花冠(在古希腊)。

    ( in ancient Greece ) a wreath of laurel foliage worn on the head as an emblem of victory .

  19. 耐寒的月桂树在三月开花,同期开花的还有金鸡菊以及两种花序呈黄色喇叭形的木姜子。

    A hardy Daphne flowers in March , simultaneously with a Coreopsis and two kinds of Litsae with small yellow bells .

  20. 桂皮是中药,也是烧菜的配料。因此,桂树老是有截肢之痛。

    Cassia bark is both traditional medicine and the trimmings for dish so its branches and bark are always cut off .

  21. 后来人们在这个字中间加进一笔(),可能这一笔就是神话中的月桂树了。

    Later a vertical stroke was added inside the moon () which was considered to indicate the baby tree as man imagined .

  22. 美国东部和中部的一种落叶小栎树,叶发亮,类似月桂树;其木材在西部地区用做盖屋板。

    Small deciduous tree of eastern and central United States having shining laurel-like leaves ; wood used in western states for shingles .

  23. 路旁一丛芬芳的桂树下有一群可爱的、半裸着的孩子在放牧一群黑炭一般的猪。

    lovely , half-naked children tended a herd of black swine , beneath a group of fragrant laurel-trees , hard by the road-side .

  24. 残留在瓶中的香精散发出熏衣草、月桂树、迷迭香、松树或胡荽的香味。

    The perfumes were scented with extracts of lavender , bay , rosemary , pine or coriander and kept in tiny translucent alabaster bottles .

  25. 罪犯所躺的月桂树丛位于一条蜿蜒穿过树林的道路的拐弯处。

    The clump of laurel in which the criminal lay was in the angle of a road which went zigzagging downward through the forest .

  26. 江苏常熟栗树与桂树相伴生长,所产栗子有桂花香味。

    In Changshu , Jiangsu province , the chestnut trees and osmanthus trees are planted together , so the chestnut has the flavor of osmanthus .

  27. 几千年来,就这样随砍随合,这棵幼小的桂树永远也不能被砍光。

    For thousands of years , so with the cooperation with the cut , the tree can not be chopped down Gui Shu young far .

  28. 在路的两旁,一年中许多时候,月桂树、荚莲、桤木、蕨类植物和各样的野花都能让过往的行人赏心悦目。

    Along the roads , laurel , viburnum and alder , great ferns and wildflowers delighted the traveler 's eye through much of the year .

  29. 这会儿吉尔和尤斯塔斯两人因为在月桂树下弯下腰一路走来,弄得浑身又热又脏,气喘吁吁,爬到墙边。

    Jill and Eustace , now both very hot and very grubby from going along bent almost double under the laurels , panted up to the wall .

  30. 随着时间的推移,村舍花园的树篱开始采用观赏性强而实用性弱的植物,包括月桂树、丁香、雪果、日本山茶等等。

    Over time , more ornamental and less utilitarian plants became popular cottage garden hedges , including laurel , lilac , snowberry , japonica , and others .