
jūn qí
  • banner;ensign;colors;army flag
军旗 [jūn qí]
  • (1) [banner]∶有一条边串连在竿上的一块布,由君主、封建领主、骑士或其他领袖作为标帜,用来在战斗中作为召集部下的中心

  • (2) [army flag]∶用颜色区别的军团或军种的旗帜

军旗[jūn qí]
  1. 这些活动不显示于陆军旗彩带。

    These campaigns are not displayed as streamers on the Army flag .

  2. 著有诗集《北向吟》、《湄南诗简》、《军旗下》、《远去的鼓声》等。

    Among his works are : Reciting of Poems toward the north , Poem Scripts at Meinan , Under the Army Flag , Vanishing Drumming .

  3. 这个是C做的网上军旗游戏,可能对要做毕业设计的人有用。

    This is a C Do online military games , may be useful for design graduates .

  4. 另外值得一提的是在圣尼古拉斯礼拜堂里面的白色军旗。

    Also worthy of note is the White Ensign in the St.

  5. 部队以军旗为前导向前行进。

    The troops marched on with the colours going on before .

  6. 战剑,军旗,和战场。

    The sword , the banner , and the field .

  7. 他们一边望着那面军旗,一边谈论着等待着。

    They talked , and looked at the flag , and waited .

  8. 夺得吕内堡营军旗的便是他。

    It was he who captured the standard of the Lunenburg battalion .

  9. 这个战役,我军旗开得胜。

    Our army won victory in the first battle .

  10. 军旗旁那位有男子气势的古罗马女经理具备男子风采。

    The manly Roman woman manager by the banner had man 's manner .

  11. 马克:哦,是的,它们悬挂着巨幅旗帜(国旗和军旗)飞过,令人过目难忘。

    Mark : Oh yeah , they flew over with those huge flags .

  12. 媒体责任不可回避&军旗装引出的媒体发表责任思考

    The Medium 's responsibility Can not be evaded

  13. 他们捕获了敌军军旗。

    They captured the enemy 's colors .

  14. 上图为日本军队的军旗。

    Flag of the Imperial Japanese Army .

  15. 他把军旗改成长矛了。

    He changed the flags for lances .

  16. 在军事检阅或战斗中,负责护卫军旗的士兵。

    The soldier who carries the standard of the unit in military parades or in battle .

  17. 此时从矮小的丛林后面出现了炮兵部队的军旗。

    At that moment , from behind the short bush , there appear the artillery ensign .

  18. 在军人宣誓的那一刻,军旗上仿佛有无数张眼睛在凝望你。

    In the military oath that moment , the flag seems to have countless eyes Staring at you .

  19. 皇家骑兵队总部有一个大广场,在那里你可以看到军旗敬礼分列式。

    There is a largish square in Horse guards Parade where you can see the Trooping of the Color .

  20. 结合《八一军旗红》晚会的舞台结构、音乐等方面的特点,介绍该晚会的音响设计。

    Acording to the stage and music , the author introduces the main ideas about sound design of the performance .

  21. 又将他树林、和肥田的荣耀、全然烧尽.好像拿军旗的昏过去一样。

    The splendor of his forests and fertile fields it will completely destroy , as when a sick man wastes away .

  22. 军旗战车的米兰战旗能极大激励部队士气,由装备长矛和轻甲的精锐部队负责护卫。

    Wagon bearing Milan 's standard to inspire the army , pushed by elite troops armed with spears and light armour .

  23. 他剧烈地抖动手中的信纸,使它发出的沙沙声与他头顶上军旗的飘扬声一般响亮。

    He shook the letter fiercely in his hand , so that it rustled as loud as the flag above his head .

  24. 双方军队都发出欢呼声。不久,南北军旗下那些刚强战士很多都热泪盈眶。

    On both sides there were joyous shouts , and soon many wet eyes could be found among those hardy warriors under the two flags .

  25. 贝特西罗斯来自宾夕法尼亚州的费城,她多年制作旗帜,也是宾夕法尼亚海军军旗的官方指定制作者。

    Betsy Ross was from Philadelphia , Pennsylvania . She made flags for many years and was the official flag maker for the Pennsylvania navy .

  26. 皇家骑兵队总部有一个大广场,在那里你可以看到军旗敬礼分裂式。皇家葬礼的盛大场面

    There is a largish square in Horse guards Parade where you can see the Trooping of the Color . the full panoply of a Royal funeral

  27. 可以望得见士兵戴的毛茸茸的帽子,可以分辨清军官和普通士兵,也可以望见军旗拍打着旗杆。

    Already they could see the fur caps of the soldiers , could distinguish officers from privates , could see their flag flapping against its staff .

  28. 去年6月,菲利普迎来了96岁生日,一周后又和女王在军旗敬礼分列式上庆祝了她91岁的生日。

    He turned 96 last June , and a week later helped the Queen celebrate her official 91st birthday at the annual Trooping the Colour parade .

  29. 这些特殊功能很多是由军旗的图案所表现出来的,而军旗的图案会随时代发生改变,从而反映出不同的时代特色。

    All of these special functions were reflected by the patterns on the flags , which changed in different times and mirrored the the distinguishing features of them .

  30. 这个兵营的士官跑到了前面,他拿起那面因为太重而在安德烈公爵手中摇摇晃晃的军旗,但是他马上就被击毙了。

    An under-officer of the battalion ran up and took the flag which tottered from its weight in Prince Andrey 's hands , but he was at once killed .