
jūn shì yī tǐ huà
  • military integration
  1. 区域经济一体化已成为全球经济发展大趋势。一些经济一体化集团正逐步向政治协同化和军事一体化演进,将深刻地影响21世纪全球经济社会发展格局。

    Regional economical integration , which is becoming the global development trend , and some groups of which are developing to government cooperation and military integration , will influence global economic and social developmental pattern in the 21st century .

  2. 欧洲人一直希望在本区域的防务和军事一体化问题上加强合作,建立一支独立的军事力量。

    Europeans have always expected to enhance the regional cooperation in the fields of common defense and integration of military forces and built up an independent military force .

  3. 第一章将简要回顾法国退出北约军事一体化的历史事件,突出一些以往研究忽视的细节。

    Chapter One is a brief review about the historical event of the withdrawal of France from NATO integrated military command structure , with some details ignored by previous research highlighted .

  4. 军事财力一体化管理研究

    The Research on Integral Management of Military Finance Resources

  5. 军人体能训练与军事训练一体化探讨

    On the Integration of Fitness Training and Military Training

  6. 最后,着眼于现代化信息战的特点,对我国海军现阶段网络结构进行分析,进一步提出军事网络一体化建设的设想。

    At last , aiming on the modern information battle , after taking an analysis on the nowadays server network state , the whole marine serve network system has been conceived .

  7. 欧洲联盟是部分欧洲国家为了实现经济一体化,进而达到一定程度的军事与政治一体化,基于国际条约而建立的区域性国际组织。

    EU is a regional organization set up according to international treaties by some European countries striving for economic and , consequently , military / political integration .

  8. 军事航天任务在一体化联合作战中占有十分重要的地位,指挥决策是军事航天任务战指挥活动的核心。首先,给出了军事航天任务指挥决策的概念与特点;

    Military space mission plays an important role in integrative joint war , and the command decision-making is the core of command in military space mission .

  9. 他们在进行国家联合的过程中遇到了不少阻力,究其原因主要是来自主权的障碍,要实现欧洲在政治、经济、军事等方面的一体化就必然要求各成员国让渡一部分主权给欧盟机构。

    They met with much resistance in the process of national association , mainly due to the sovereignty . It is necessary for each member country to alienate to the European Union if they want to achieve political , economic and military integration .

  10. 论军费、军事资金与军事资产管理的一体化

    Integration of military expenditure and military funds and assets

  11. 9.11后,随着美国全球战略在军事上的调整,美日两国加快了军事一体化的合作步伐。

    After the event 9.11 , with the military readjusting of American global strategy , the two countries have respectively quickened cooperation in military integrity .