
jūn xián
  • military rank
军衔 [jūn xián]
  • [military rank] 区别军人等级的称号。一般分为元帅(大主帅),将官(大将、上将、中将、少将、准将),校官(大校、上校、中校、少校),尉官(大尉、上尉、中尉、少尉、准尉),军士(上士、中士、下士),兵(上等兵,列兵或一等兵,二等兵)

军衔[jūn xián]
  1. 这个词主要指的是军衔,表明再某地一种资历的排名。

    Major refers to a military rank , denoting seniority at one of usually various levels of rank .

  2. 上校是在陆军中校之上、准将之下的军衔。

    Colonel is the military rank between Lieutenant-Colonel and brigadier .

  3. 政府授予他上校军衔。

    The government accorded him the rank of Colonel

  4. 除姓名、军衔、部队编号和出生年月外,他再也不肯回答俘获他的人的任何问题。

    He could never ever give any responses to his captor other than name , rank , serial number and date of birth .

  5. 他最终获得了上校军衔。

    He finally gained the rank of colonel .

  6. 少校军衔高于上尉。

    A major ranks above a captain .

  7. 上尉的军衔很低。

    The rank of captain is inferior .

  8. 有军衔的和无军衔的军官都出席了。

    Both commissioned and non-commissioned officers attended .

  9. 上将的军衔比少校高。

    A general is above a major .

  10. 他的军衔是上尉。

    His rank is captain .

  11. 但是,海军中的上校必须用Captain才能示明确切军衔。

    But the naval Colonel must use Captain to show the exact rank .

  12. 这些不是陆军的军衔,这是海军的。

    Isn 't an army rank , it 's actually navy .

  13. 军人佩戴徽章和臂章表明其军衔。

    We can tell their ranks by their badges and stripes .

  14. (英国)一个军衔低于中尉的军官。

    ( British ) an officer ranking next below a lieutenant .

  15. 你的名字和军衔?

    What 's your , uh ... Your name and rank ?

  16. 在英国,一个军衔位于陆军上尉之下的委任陆军军官。

    A British commissioned army officer below the rank of captain .

  17. 英军军衔有8等19级。

    The British Armed Forces have 8 grades and 19 ranks .

  18. 现在在一场游戏中你可以最多存储3次你的军衔。

    You can now save up to3 times in a game .

  19. 将军军衔以下的人没有谁干得了这事。

    No one under the rank of general can do that .

  20. 它的军官纪律严明,却没有军衔。

    Its officers enforced strict discipline , yet had no rank .

  21. 陆军元帅是陆军的最高军衔。

    Field marshal is the highest rank in the army .

  22. 在俄罗斯和英国他们还设元帅军衔。

    In Russia and Britain they still have the ranks of Marshal .

  23. 斯利姆不是靠军衔来赢得忠诚和尊重。

    Slim did not depend on rank to win loyalty and respect .

  24. (在一些国家)一个军衔最高的军事官员。

    ( in some countries ) a military officer of highest rank .

  25. 抱歉你能说出你的名字和军衔吗?

    Sorry . Could you just ... State your name and rank ?

  26. 他的军衔不断上升,成了一名将军。

    He rose through the ranks to become a general .

  27. 世界各国的军衔是不同的。

    There have been various ranks in military services of the world .

  28. 在军队里,将军的军衔居于上校之上。

    In the army , the general takes rank of the colonel .

  29. 不同的军种用不同的词示明他们的军衔。

    Different services use different words to show their ranks .

  30. 在玩家成功晋级军衔后将会得到更多的荣誉。

    Players will be eligible for participation rewards after two honorable kills .