
jūn quǎn
  • military dog;dog serving in the military
军犬 [jūn quǎn]
  • [war dog] 在战场上使用的受过训练的狗

  1. 这条美国军犬在阿富汗执行任务时失去了一条腿,现成为第一只被授予等同于动物界“英国维多利亚十字勋章”的狗狗。

    A US military dog who lost her leg while on duty in Afghanistan has become the first to be awarded the animal equivalent of a British Victoria Cross .

  2. 军犬综合信息管理系统的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of the Military Dog Information Management System

  3. 卢卡是第67个被授予PDSA迪金勋章的动物,此外她还是美国第一海军陆战队获此殊荣的首只军犬。

    Lucca is the 67th animal to be awarded a PDSA Dickin Award and the first US Marine Corps dog .

  4. 上周二,美国一条退休军犬卢卡在伦敦的威灵顿军营被授予PDSA(英国人民兽医所)迪金勋章。

    Lucca , a retired US Marine Corps dog , was awarded the PDSA Dickin Medal at a ceremony at Wellington Barracks in London on last Tuesday .

  5. 比利是一条看守军火库的军犬。

    Billy is a police dog that guards the arsenal .

  6. 警犬和军犬在打击犯罪的斗争中做出过很多贡献。

    Police and army dogs also contribute a lot in fighting against crime .

  7. 这就是为什么我建议用军犬的原因。

    This is why I suggested attack dogs .

  8. 这只狗是一只军犬。目前有2000只军犬正在伊拉克从事某些最危险的地面工作。

    This dog is one of the2000 now doing some of the most dangerous work on the ground in Iraq .

  9. 十四年前,最后一批囚徒被剥光衣服,在军犬和武装土兵的押送下走进毒气室。从那时起,奥斯维辛的惨状被人们讲过了很多次。

    By now , fourteen years after the last batch of prisoners was herded naked into the gas chambers by dogs and guards , the story of Auschwitz has been told a great many times .

  10. 一战期间,德国设立了专门学校以训练军犬援助伤兵。在20世纪30年代早期,这一做法传到了英国,英政府于1934年设立了导盲犬协会。

    During the Great War , guide dog training schools were set up in Germany to aid injured soldiers and spread to Britain in the early 1930s with The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association established in 1934 .

  11. 该奖项始于1943年,创始人是玛丽亚·迪金,目前,已经有33只军犬、32只二战信鸽,3匹马以及1只叫西门的猫(这只猫是紫石英号事件中的战鼠英雄)先后被授予该荣誉。

    The award , started in 1943 by PDSA founder , Maria Dickin , has been previously awarded to 30 dogs , 32 WWII carrier pigeons , three horses and one cat , named Simon , who was the rat fighting ship 's cat on HMS Amethyst .