
  1. 圭亚那国防军正采取行动驱逐在本国作业的非法巴西矿工。

    The Guyana Defence Force is engaged in flushing out illegal Brazilian miners operating in the country .

  2. 政府军正撤离这个被困的城市。

    Government forces are pulling out of the besieged capital .

  3. 当时我军正与隆美尔的军队对峙着。

    We were face to face with Rommel 's forces at that time .

  4. 汉代军正执法制度的成功实施,对后世的军队建设影响深远。

    The successful system of " Junzheng " executing military law in the Han dynasty had a huge influence on the army construction thereafter .

  5. 人类已经全面进入高科技飞速发展的信息时代,我军正加紧加快推进军队信息化建设的步伐。

    While the human race is stepping into an information era with rapid development of high technology , the PLA are now speeding up the information construction of the armies .

  6. 整个夏天我们都在跟着地面部队一路撤退,直到夏末的时候战线稳定在了顿河一线,我们就部署在顿河右岸,而后来我军正是从右岸发起了反攻。

    Until the end of summer we kept falling back with the ground forces until the front stabilized on the river Don , on whose bank we were deployed right up to the beginning of the counteroffensive .

  7. 起义军当时正沿着粤汉路逼近长沙。

    Rebels were approaching Changsha along the Canton-Hankow railway .

  8. 而其中的领军者正是由香港投资,经营着几个葡萄园的山西怡园。

    Among the leaders are Hong Kong-based Grace vineyards , who run a handful of vineyards in China .

  9. 在这10次中,有六次市场继续上涨,而领军的正是周期性股票。

    During six of those episodes , the markets continued to rally , with cyclical stocks taking the lead .

  10. 就在国防部长盖茨发表上述讲话之际,缅甸军政府正强迫当地居民撤离临时搭起的住宅,回到被风暴洗劫一空的村庄去。美国国防部长盖茨星期六在新加坡举行的亚洲安全大会上,对缅甸的局势做出了直截了当的评估。

    Speaking to a regional Asian security and defense seminar in Singapore Saturday , U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates ' assessment was blunt .

  11. 就在国防部长盖茨发表上述讲话之际,缅甸军政府正强迫当地居民撤离临时搭起的住宅,回到被风暴洗劫一空的村庄去。

    The concern expressed by the defense secretary comes amid concern Burma 's military is attempting to force local populations out of shelters and back to devastated villages .

  12. 电脑网络作为未来电子媒介文化时代的主力军,正扮演着传播文艺并使其获得新生的越来越重要的角色。

    Internet , the main force of electronic media culture in the near future , is playing a more and more important role of spreading literature and art and giving them a new life .

  13. 当时在西北军驻地正举行一次赛舟会,而参赛船只则来自不同的战舰。我们随同众人一道登上一条帆船观看比赛。

    There was a regatta in the Northwest Arm , in which the boats from the different warships were engaged . We went in a sail-boat along with many others to watch the races .

  14. 当时在“西北军驻地”正举行一次赛舟会,而参赛船只则来自不同的战舰。

    There was a regatta in the Northwest Arm , in which the boats from the different warships were engaged .

  15. 更何况,联盟军的指挥官正是阿拉希最后的血脉安度因洛萨。

    In particular , the commander of the Alliance forces was Lord Anduin lothar , who was the last descendent of the Arathi bloodline .

  16. 据报道,起义军在这个地区正向前推进。

    Insurgent forces were reported advancing in the region .

  17. 部署在乍得市郊的反政府军说,他们正准备发动一次新的攻势。

    Rebels who are on the outskirts of N'Djamena say they are preparing a new offensive .

  18. 网络搜索的全球领军人物,也正因从未加密的无线网络收集信息而陷入麻烦中。

    Google , the world leader in Web search , is in trouble for collecting information from unsecured wireless networks .

  19. 文学即人学二十世纪二三十年代,作为新感觉派的领军人物刘呐鸥先生正是这样一位拥有先进科学意识的先锋作家。

    In the 20th century , Liu Na ' ou , the leader of the new feeling sent , was precisely such writer who had the advanced science consciousness .