
yǎn tǐ
  • bunker;blindage;pit;pillbox;blockhouse;redoubt;dug-out
掩体 [yǎn tǐ]
  • [blindage;bunker;dug-out;pillbox] 一种军事设施。供战斗人员、武器、车辆射击和隐蔽用的露天工事。如单人掩体、机枪掩体等

掩体[yǎn tǐ]
  1. 且房屋强度严重不足,无法作为战斗用掩体。

    Heavy weapons are useless in the houses , and the intensity of buildings is no blindage for battles .

  2. 二次世界大战以来,世界各国纷纷将高价值目标转移到地下的坚固掩体中,为了有效摧毁这一类目标,侵彻战斗部及其引信的研制成为热点。

    Since World War ⅱ, many countries have shifted high-value targets in the firmness underground blindage . In order to destroy these targets , the development of penetrating warhead and fuze become a hot pot .

  3. 除非是直接被击中,否则这个地下掩体是非常安全的。

    The dugouts were secure from everything but a direct hit .

  4. 敌人现在一定在挖掩体,准备迎接进攻。

    The enemy must be digging themselves in now ready for the attack

  5. 东贝鲁特的市民们躲进了地下室和掩体中。

    Citizens of East Beirut went to ground in basements and shelters .

  6. 战斗打响之前,士兵们挖出许多个人掩体

    Man foxholes were hollowed out by the soldiers before fighting .

  7. 基于PDF文档作为掩体的信息隐写方法

    Information Steganography Algorithm Based on PDF Documents

  8. 你是不是要挖一个洞,像是战时的Anderson掩体那样的?

    Will you have to dig a hole , like the old Anderson shelters in the war ?

  9. 通过比较地下单层C3I设施、地上多层建筑物下面的掩体等目标的防护水平,构造了一个典型的地下目标。

    Through comparing of the difference among understand single story C3I facility and multi-story above ground building ( below ground ), a typical underground target is established .

  10. 照片显示的是这个地下数据中心Pionen,距离地面100英寸,位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩市一个冷战期间的旧核掩体中。

    The picture shows the Pionen data center , 100ft below ground in a former Cold War nuclear bunker in Stockholm , Sweden .

  11. 最后,将置换结果嵌入到掩体图像灰度信息中。

    The transformed result is then hidden into the cover image .

  12. 天一黑,我们挖掩体。

    As soon as it gets dark , we dig in .

  13. 我们决定将您转移到掩体。

    We 've decided to move you down to the bunker .

  14. 这些掩体是用来抗热和抵挡有毒烟雾的。

    The shelters are designed to resist heat and toxic fumes .

  15. 我们看着他们装备到掩体里。

    And we 've been watching them assemble it in the caves .

  16. 你知道在掩体里是看不到天空的。

    You can 't see the sky from a shelter .

  17. 沉重的脚步在掩体台上走动。

    Heavy feet pounded on the platform of the blockhouse .

  18. 我们最好立刻开始建造防辐射掩体。

    We 'd better commence the construction of a fallout shelter immediately .

  19. 军人清空了沙袋,拆除了掩体。

    Soldiers emptied their sandbags and tore down their bunkers .

  20. 当核查人员到达那里时,那些掩体一干二净。

    The bunkers are clean when the inspectors get there .

  21. 敌人的炮火把一部分士兵困在掩体里。

    Enemy fire pinned down a group of soldiers in a bunker .

  22. 这时,人的总称已经盖好2座掩体和从属的科学技术实验室。

    Meanwhile , the Terrans have produced two bunkers with tech lab add-ons .

  23. 隐藏数据的提取不需要原掩体图像。

    Data extraction does not require the original cover-image .

  24. 在你家的最中心部分和找掩体。

    Get to the center most portion of your home and take cover .

  25. 所以小心翼翼地挖你的掩体并全神贯注地等待。

    And so you dig your hole carefully and deep , and wait .

  26. 嘉和掩体隧道,屏东县南回线铁路。

    Shielded tunnel of South Link Line , Ping-Tung .

  27. 防核尘埃辐射掩体建在地下。

    The nuclear fallout shelters are built below ground .

  28. 这四个红方块代表活泼化学武器的掩体。

    The four that are in red squares represent active chemical munitions bunkers .

  29. 韩国官方要求延坪岛和其它前沿岛屿的平民进入掩体。

    Civilians on Yeonpyeong and other frontline islands were told to take shelter .

  30. 摧毁过我错过的机枪掩体吗?

    Take out any machine gun nests I missed ?