
hǎi jūn yuán shuài
  • admiral of the fleet
  1. 这位海军元帅正在指挥北方的德国全部军队。

    The Admiral was in command of all German forces in the north .

  2. 现在由元首的继承人海军元帅对德国人民讲话。

    The Grand Admiral and successor of the fuehre now speaks to the German people .

  3. 1923年,陆海军大元帅大本营建立后,孙中山从革命需要出发,一手创办了广州中央银行。

    In1923 , after the establishment of the Headquarters of the Marshal of Army and Navy , Sun Yat-sen created the central bank in Guangzhou out of the needs of the revolution .

  4. 阿夫申·马卡蒂曾是帝国海军的海军元帅。

    Afsheen Makati was a Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy .