
hǎi jūn shào jiànɡ
  • rear admiral;rear admiral of the navy
  1. 海军少将玛丽·兰德里命令BP公司采取新方法以切断立管和帮助控制设施装在泄露的部位。

    Rear Admiral Mary Landry today directed BP to launch a new procedure whereby the riser pipe will be cut and a containment structure fitted over the leak .

  2. 现场高级官员,海岸警卫队海军少将MaryLandry表示,最初的评估仅仅是每天泄漏1000桶。

    The top official on scene , Coast Guard Rear Admiral Mary Landry , says the estimate was only 1000 barrels a day .

  3. 美国尚未表示还将出多少力,但五角大楼发言人、海军少将约翰•柯比(RearAdmiralJohnKirby)上周表示,美国将继续参与这场行动&只要马来西亚方面需要我们的帮助。

    The US has not said how much more it would provide , but Rear Admiral John Kirby , Pentagon spokesman , last week said it would stay with this as long as the Malaysians need our help .

  4. 美国尚未表示还将出多少力,但五角大楼发言人、海军少将约翰•柯比(RearAdmiralJohnKirby)上周表示,美国将“继续参与这场行动——只要马来西亚方面需要我们的帮助”。

    The US has not said how much more it would provide , but Rear Admiral John Kirby , Pentagon spokesman , last week said it would " stay with this as long as the Malaysians need our help . "

  5. 海军少将麦利凯担心中国东风21型(css-5)中程弹道导弹的发展。

    Admiral McVadon worries about their development of DF-21 ( css-5 ) medium-range ballistic missiles .

  6. 现在看来他连个海军少将也未必当得上。

    Now it seemed he might not even make rear admiral !

  7. 在五角大楼,海军少将约翰·柯比对此作出回应…

    At the Pentagon , Rear Admiral John Kirby responded ...

  8. 维克多·亨利迟疑不决地提了三个有名气的海军少将。

    Victor Henry diffidently named three well-known rear admirals .

  9. 五角大楼发言人海军少将约翰·柯比说道:

    Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby :

  10. 这些女性包括一位退休的海军少将及圣地亚哥州立大学的校长,

    They included a retired Navy rear admiral and a dean at San Diego State University ,

  11. 五角大楼发言人海军少将约翰·柯比表示,有预测称军队数量高达2万人。

    Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby says one estimate puts the number as high as 20000 troops .

  12. “这太聪明啦,”一位海军少将说到。“我们的敌人决没有这样的东西。”

    " It 's devilishly clever ," a rear admiral said . " Our enemies have nothing like it . "

  13. 但是五角大楼发言人海军少将约翰·柯比表示,哈格尔希望对执行任务的人进行审查。

    But the Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby says Hagel wants a review of those who handle the mission .

  14. 海军少将理查德.雷恩星期一在小鹰号上说,北京方面对以上事件从未提出一个令人满意的解释。

    Rear Admiral Richard Wren said on board the Kitty Hawk on Monday that Beijing never gave a satisfactory explanation for the incident .

  15. 八月三十日,海军少将夏悫爵士率领英国太平洋舰队抵港,成立临时军政府。

    On August 30 , Rear Admiral Sir Cecil Harcourt arrived with units of the British Pacific Fleet to establish a temporary military government .

  16. 美国海军少将、险家、行员理查德德和飞行员伯恩特尔肯首次飞到南极上空。

    Richard byrd , American rear admiral , explorer and aviator , made the first flight over the South pole , with pilot bilot balchen .

  17. 任务。”这是波兰海军少将雅罗斯瓦夫·米亚尼斯基首次到访青岛,他表示,此次研讨为各国海军加强沟通交流与理解提供了很好的平台。

    And during his first visit to Qingdao , the Polish navy rear admiral Jaroslaw Ziemianski said the event provided a good platform for the navies of various countries to strengthen their communication and understanding .

  18. 而是发出了像大炮轰炸那样的爆响,把他们都吞没在一股蓝色的烟雾中,同时从里面炸出一顶海军少将的帽子,以及几只活蹦乱跳的小白鼠。

    it went off with a blast like a cannon and engulfed them all in a cloud of blue smoke , while from the inside exploded a rear admiral 's hat and several live , white mice .

  19. 官方的中国新闻社星期三报道,国防大学战略研究所所长、海军少将杨毅说,中国军事的现代化“决不主动打第一枪”。

    Rear Admiral Yang yi , director of the national defense university 's strategic studies institute , said china 's modernizing military " would not actively fire the first shot ", the official China News Service reported on wednesday .

  20. 一位海军发言人少将约翰·柯比表示这是正在调查的问题。

    Rear Admiral John Kirby , a spokesman for the Navy , said this is among the matters being looked into .

  21. 美国海军部队,为计划中的行动而拨给我的部队,是由培纳脱海军少将指挥。

    United States naval forces allocated to me for the proposed operation were commanded by rear admiral Andrew c.bennetl .