
  • 网络Serb
  1. 科索沃民族问题的起点来源于阿尔巴尼亚族和塞尔维亚族两大主体民族利益的争端。

    The main dispute is starting of the issue of national interests between the ethnic Albanian and Serb .

  2. 涉及塞尔维亚族居民的战争罪指控并不多,而这就是其中之一。

    It 's one of comparatively few cases alleging war crimes against Serbs .

  3. 而针对克罗地亚将军非人道对待塞尔维亚族居民这一指控,上诉法庭的五名法官中,三人赞成之前的指控无效,两人反对。

    But appeals judges have invalidated by 3-2 the previous ruling that there had been a Croatian conspiracy against Serbs .

  4. 根据1991年的人口普查,三个最大的民族是塞尔维亚族(62.6%)、阿尔巴尼亚族(16.5%)、黑山族(5%)。

    Its three largest ethnic groups are Serbs ( 62.6 % ), Albanians ( 16.5 % ) and Montenegrins ( 5 % ) according to the1991 census .