
  • 网络Seve;Matin Sieff;Morley Safer;D.J. Saive;Cypher
  1. 塞弗博士是这一观点逆流的一部分

    Dr Zyphur is part an insurgency against this idea .

  2. 塞弗是在第几轮被淘汰的?

    In which round was Saive pushed out of the game ?

  3. 所以爸爸开始带我们去塞弗的店里买风筝。

    So Baba started taking us to Saifo 's to buy our kites .

  4. 而卡扎菲的儿子塞弗的下落目前还不清楚。

    The whereabouts of the colonel 's most prominent son , Seif , are not yet known .

  5. 塞弗星温度不高,但是维迪依瑟运行在距它很近的轨道上。天气好的时候光照量相当可观。

    Saiph is not a very hot star , but Vedius orbits it rather closely , so that sunlight , when available , is appreciable .

  6. 再说了,塞弗既然在《速8》的大部分时间里都呆在一架飞机里,那《速9》里呆在空间站里也很合理。

    And since Cipher spent most of Fate in a plane , it only makes sense she 'll be in some sort of space station in Fast 9 .

  7. 或许更糟糕一点,塞弗发现了能控制宇宙碎片的方法,利用卫星当磁铁,控制碎片撞击地球。

    Maybe , even worse , she could figure out a way to draw debris floating in space towards Earth , utilizing the satellites as a series of magnets .

  8. 哈桑神色一振:“好啊!”他举起我们的风筝:红色的风筝,镶着黄边,在竖轴和横轴交叉的地方,有塞弗的亲笔签名。

    Hassan 's face brightened . " Good , " he said . He lifted our kite , red with yellow borders , and , just beneath where the central and cross spars met , marked with Saifo 's unmistakable signature .

  9. 想象一下:大反派塞弗躲在暗处,黑了很多国家和大公司的卫星,不得到足够令她满意的权力和金钱就要让世界堕入黑暗。

    Imagine it : Cipher has holed up somewhere secret and broken into the mainframe of various nations " and corporations " satellites . Unless she gets as much power and money as she desires , she 'll make the world go dark .

  10. 第二,重点来了,查理兹?塞隆饰演的邪恶黑客塞弗在影片末尾躲过一劫,既没被抓也没有死,很有可能在未来的某一部中又给唐老大和他的家人带来灾难。

    Second , and perhaps more importantly : Charlize Theron 's nefarious hacker Cipher avoided capture or death at the end of the eighth film . It 's hard to imagine Theron not returning in a future entry to cause some kind of trouble for Dom and his family .

  11. 塞弗是个近乎瞎眼的老人,以替人修鞋为生,但他也是全城最著名的造风筝高手。

    Saifo was a nearly blind old man who was a " moochi " by profession -- a shoe repairman . But he was also the city 's most famous kite maker , working out of a tiny hovel on Jadeh Maywand , the crowded street south of the muddy banks of the Kabul River .