
  • 网络Instituto Cervantes;Cervantes Institute;institute cervantes
  1. 据悉,为庆祝第二届“西班牙语日”,全球五大洲42个国家的73所塞万提斯学院分部共安排了300多场文化活动。

    The Beijing branch of Instituto Cervantes celebrated the Second Spanish Language Day at Spain Pavilion yesterday .

  2. 塞万提斯学院成立于1991年,旨在推广西班牙语语言教学,传播西班牙及拉美文化。

    Instituto Cervantes is a non-profitable organization set up by the Spanish government in1991 to promote Spanish language and culture around globe .

  3. 我们进行了多次会谈,找到一栋建筑,于是塞万提斯学院在2006年开幕。

    We had the talks , found a building and opened it in 2006 .

  4. 同样地,德国在1951年开始开办歌德学院,而塞万提斯学院也于1991年开始招生。

    Similarly , Germany began opening Goethe Institutes in1951 , while the Cervantes Institutes started admitting students in1991 .

  5. 2009年诞生的“西班牙语日”,是一项由五大洲42个国家73所塞万提斯学院分部共同参与的国际性活动,定在每年夏至(或冬至)的前一个周六举行。

    The Spanish Language Day started in2009 and usually falls on the Saturday before every year 's summer solstice ( or winter solstice ) .

  6. 我任塞万提斯学院院长之职,发生在亚太地区特别是中国成为学院和西班牙的首要关注对象之后。

    My post as director of the Instituto Cervantes came about after the Asia-Pacific region , especially China , became a priority for the Institute and Spain .

  7. 第三部分详述了以德国的歌德学院、西班牙的塞万提斯学院、法国的法语联盟及英国的文化委员会的创建和发展的经历,总结了对孔子学院发展的启示。

    Part of the third , example the experience of creation and development of Goethe Institute , Institute Cervantes , Alliance France , The British Council , to promote the development of Confucius Institute .