
  • bungee;Bungee Jumping;BUNGY
  1. 你要去蹦极?还想干什么?

    You 're going bungee jumping ? Whatever next ?

  2. 陆潜。大多数人对蹦极都很熟悉,但你知道蹦极始于瓦努阿图的五旬节岛,至今已有近十五个世纪的历史吗?

    Land Diving Most people are familiar with bungee jumping , but do you know bungee jumping started on Pentecost Island in Vanuatu and is almost fifteen centuries old ?

  3. 然后我们开车去蹦极的地方。

    Then we drove to the bungee jumping place .

  4. 但我对蹦极很着迷。

    But I 've been crazy about bungee jumping .

  5. 遗愿清单并不都是高空跳伞和蹦极之类的活动。

    Bucket lists aren 't all about skydiving and bungee jumping .

  6. 看到别人蹦极他感到了同样的刺激

    He gets vicarious thrills from watching people bungee jumping .

  7. 新西兰皇后镇的KawaruBridge是蹦极跳的发源地。

    Kawaru Bridge in Queensland , New Zealand is the birthplace of the bungee jump .

  8. 基于MATLAB的蹦极跳系统建模及其安全性研究

    Modeling and security research of the bungee jumping system based on MATLAB

  9. 猎头公司AaronWallis的董事总经理罗布•斯科特(RobScott)向推荐其他人的候选人提供旅行激励,从伦敦的航班到蹦极,不一而足。

    Rob Scott , managing director of Aaron Wallis , offers candidates who refer others day-out incentives ranging from flights over London to bungee jumps .

  10. 法庭听取了蹦极中维拉因误解口令而不幸死亡的过程。如果当时这位教练使用词组“don'tjump”(不要跳)而不是“nojump”(不跳),这个悲剧就可以避免。

    The court heard how tragic Vera Mol died after the misunderstanding during the jumping process , which could have been avoided had the instructor used the phrase " don 't jump " instead of " no jump . "

  11. 篮板练习:反弹椅(高蹦极索状玩意儿)是可能的最好的形式行使CFIDS。

    Rebound Exercise : The bounce-back chair ( a tall bungee cord-like contraption ) is probably the best form of exercise for CFIDS .

  12. 2015年,维拉在坎塔布里亚的CabezondelaSal大桥参加蹦极时,身上拴着绳子,但绳子另一端却没有系在桥上。

    Vera Mol had a rope attached to her , but it wasn 't tied to the bridge when she took part in the popular adrenaline-fuelled activity on the bridge of Cabezon de la Sal in Cantabria back in 2015 .

  13. 最后的问题是“蹦极产品负责人”(当然,这个名字来自Dilbert漫画):一个几乎没什么作用的产品负责人,只参加sprint计划会议和复查会议。

    And finally there is The Bungee Product Owner ( its name inspired by Dilbert , of course ): a Product Owner who is hardly available and who just about makes it to the sprint planning and review meetings .

  14. 蹦极台将设在桥中央,下落的距离有60米(197英尺),比AJHackett从中国澳门塔上跳下的那个还要高。

    Situated in the middle of the bridge it promises a leap that is a whopping 60m ( 197 ft ) higher than the current record holder , the AJ Hackett bungee jump from China 's Macau Tower .

  15. 为好玩我们觉得该去尝试一下蹦极跳。

    We thought we 'd try bungee jumping for a lark .

  16. 跳伞和蹦极已经成了人们日常谈论的话题。

    Skydiving and bungee jumping are a common topic of conversation .

  17. 译文:现在,我甚至可以从直升飞机上进行蹦极。

    Now , I even go bungee jumping from a helicopter !

  18. 我格外/特别喜欢蹦极。

    I have a particular / special fondness for bungy jump .

  19. 你想加入我和我的朋友们去蹦极吗?

    You wanna come bungee jumping with me and my friends ?

  20. 斜拉网架结构在蹦极跳跳台设计中的应用

    Application of Cable - Stayed Grid Structure in Bungee Platform Design

  21. 我蹦极以后兴奋了一星期!

    After my bungee jump I was buzzing for a week !

  22. 没有提到更多性或蹦极。

    There was no mention of more sex or bungee jumps .

  23. 蹦极是新兴的一项非常刺激的户外休闲活动。

    Bungee Jumping is a very exciting new outdoor leisure activity .

  24. 我们可以坐过山车,开碰碰车,玩蹦极跳。

    We can have roller coasters , bumper cars and bungee jumpings .

  25. 我妈妈周六去跳蹦极。

    My mother is going to bungee jump on Saturday .

  26. 在澳大利亚的时候我们去了蹦极跳。

    We went bungee jumping when we were in Australia .

  27. 这就像不系绳索的蹦极跳。

    It 's sort of like bungee-jumping without the cord .

  28. 逃课去跳蹦极者会被停学。

    Skipping school to bungee jump will get you suspended .

  29. 她喜欢极限运动,比如蹦极和跳伞。

    She likes extreme sports , Bungji jumping and skydiving .

  30. 他好像只喜欢谈蹦极什么的。

    All he likes to talk about is bungee jumping .