
jí xiàn yùn dònɡ
  • extreme sports;X-sports
  1. 和极限运动参与者一样,mba的学生费尽唇舌让他们的朋友、家人以及未来的雇主相信,他们正经历着一次相当累人的经历。

    Like practitioners of extreme sports , MBA students go to great lengths to persuade friends , family and future employers what a punishing experience they are undergoing .

  2. AXF还将帮助成立国际培训设施,推动极限运动发展,帮助本地及亚洲各国的运动员。

    AXF will also help set up the international training facility for extreme sports to develop local and Asian athletes .

  3. 这是一项快速、有趣和危险的完美的极限运动。

    It 's fast , fun and dangerous — the perfect extreme sport .

  4. 哥哥热爱极限运动,而弟弟却喜欢钓鱼,他们俩迥然不同。

    The elder7 brother loves extreme8 sports and the younger9 one enjoys fishing10 – they 're like chalk and cheese .

  5. 结果显示:优秀运动员一次极限运动后血清LPO含量显著增加,SOD活力无显著性改变;

    Results show , after extreme exercise , serum LPO increased significantly , serum SOD activity had no remarkable changes ;

  6. 极限运动后低氧暴露对CUBA大学生篮球运动员血液缓冲能力的影响

    Vertical Limit The Influence of Hypoxia Exposure on Buffer Ability of Blood of Hoop Man CUBA after Acute Exercise

  7. 获得…冠军在她的首次冬季极限运动会上,她获得了U型池和坡面障碍技巧项目的冠军,并在空中大跳台项目获得了铜牌。

    finish with ... titles ... On her debut Winter X Games , she finished with the halfpipe and slopestyle titles as well as big air bronze .

  8. 结论:①常氧极限运动后置于低氧环境2h,能使机体缓冲系统能力有所提高。

    CONCLUSION : ① The buffer systemic capacity increases after 2 hours hypoxia following maximal exercise in normal oxygen condition .

  9. 纳特荷兰的斯阔谷,加利福尼亚州,竞争途中赢得滑雪X战警最终在冬季极限运动会在奶油阿斯外,科罗拉多州,山上周六,2010年1月30日。

    Nate Holland , of Squaw Valley , Calif. , competes on his way to winning the snowboarder X men 's final at the Winter X Games at Buttermilk Mountain outside Aspen , Colo. , on Saturday , Jan.30,2010 .

  10. 我们相信电子竞技有助于保持X-Games极限运动的关注度。

    We believe that eSports helps keep the X-Games relevant .

  11. 受宇航服的启发并借鉴了美国航空航天局最著名任务的标志,美国航空航天局与范斯公司(Vans,美国极限运动潮牌)合作推出了新产品。

    Nasa and Vans have created a new collection , inspired by space suits and borrowing from the patches for the agency 's most famous missions .

  12. 人血清白蛋白HSA的塞子极限运动,所以不会爆炸头在盘片钳和另一边,他们将不只是飞走的盘片。

    HSA stoppers limit HSA movements , so heads wouldn 't bang on the platters clamp and on the other side they wouldn 't just fly off the platters .

  13. AXS是台湾的极限运动频道,报导关于冲浪、滑板、艺术人文以及相关资讯。

    AXS is an extreme sports channel focusing on surfing , skating , art , music and other related topics .

  14. GoPro的一系列穿戴式录像机在极限运动领域激起了热潮。

    The GoPro range of wearable video recorders has become a huge hit in adventure sports .

  15. 格雷格Bretz高扬,星期五在Superpipe总决赛,在第14届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭。

    Greg Bretz flies high , Friday , during the Superpipe Finals at the14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen .

  16. 汤姆Wallisch打在滑雪铁路星期四在第十四届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭消除Slopestyle男子。

    Tom Wallisch hits the rail Thursday during Skiing Slopestyle mens elimination at the14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen .

  17. 去大西门杜蒙在滑雪Superpipe男子总决赛,周日,在第14届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭。

    Simon Dumont goes big during the Skiing Superpipe Men 's Finals , Sunday , at the14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen .

  18. 亚洲极限运动联合会(AXF)批出一份3年的合约,在韩国春川主办AXF亚洲巡回赛领导向世界休闲游戏在2010年。

    Asian Extreme Sports Federation ( AXF ) awarded a3-year contract to the City of Chuncheon to host the AXF Asian Tour leading to the World Leisure Games in2010 .

  19. 自拍杆可能来源于极限运动爱好者(大多数使用GoPro相机),然而这股风潮很快便走进了使用智能手机的大众的每日生活。

    While the selfie stick 's origins seem to come from the extreme sports community - mostly Go-Pro users - the trend is quickly spreading to the everyday , smartphone wielding populace .

  20. 除此之外,还有一个例子能够说明传统体育竞技和电子竞技的界限正在渐渐模糊。今年六月在X-Games极限运动的奥斯汀站上,举办了一场由八支电竞队伍参加的《使命的召唤:幽灵》邀请赛。

    Also blurring the line between sports and eSports is the fact that traditional Red Bull extreme athletes were competing at X-Games Austin in June for the exact same medals that Call of Duty Ghosts teams were playing for .

  21. 然而,最典型的极限运动具有一些共同特性。

    There are however several characteristics common to most extreme sports .

  22. 显然地,他是极限运动的铁杆爱好者。

    Apparently , he 's one of these extreme sports nuts .

  23. 相关品牌标识纷纷出现在运动场和极限运动装备之上。

    Brands plaster their logos on arenas and extreme sports gear .

  24. 极限运动是越来越受欢迎的这些天。

    Extreme sports are getting more and more popular these days .

  25. 现在才知道,烤小蛋糕也是种极限运动

    I didn 't know baking cupcakes was an extreme sport .

  26. 极限运动对分析对象的单项影响分析;

    Analyzing the single influence of limit movement on the analyzed object ;

  27. 或者拿个极限运动的冠军。

    That or be an " x " games champion .

  28. 她喜欢极限运动,比如蹦极和跳伞。

    She likes extreme sports , Bungji jumping and skydiving .

  29. 从事体育运动的确有好处,并不限于极限运动。

    Playing sports helps , and not just action sports .

  30. 问题11女士对极限运动的观点是?

    Question 11 . What does the woman think of extreme sports ?