
jí zhóu
  • polar axis
  1. 一种测定望远镜极轴偏差的方法

    A Method to Measure the Deviation of Polar Axis of Telescope

  2. 一种赤道式射电望远镜极轴的精密校准方法

    A Method of Precisely Adjusting the Polar Axis of an Equatorial Radio Telescope

  3. 太阳射电观测系统的极轴天线座架设计

    Design of the Pedestal of Polar Mount for Solar Radio Observing System

  4. 1.56米望远镜的极轴校正和跟踪误差测定方法与结果

    The adjustment of polar axis and the measurement of tracking error for 1.56m telescope

  5. 垂直于南北极轴把天球平分成南北两半的大圆就是天赤道。

    The east-west axis , vertical to the north-south one , was the heavenly equator .

  6. 南半球半自动极轴型卫星电视接收系统的研究

    A Study on the Receiving Satellite TV System Controlled by Semi-Automatic Single Axis on the Southern Hemisphere

  7. 铁电晶体均匀受热时平行于极轴表面的热释电电荷

    Pyroelectric charges on surfaces parallel to the polar axis in uniaxial ferroelectric crystals with uniform temperature changes

  8. 极轴的摆放及追踪过程必须十分准确。

    The alignment of the polar axis and the monitoring of the guiding process require absolute accuracy .

  9. 根据腐蚀坑可以判定,其极轴是二次轴[1120]方向,并可具体确定极轴方向。

    The pit shapes showed the two-fold [ 1120 ] axis of the crystal was the polar axis .

  10. 极轴式天线最小指向误差理论分析及其工程应用

    A theoretical analysis of the minimun directional error for the polar mounts antenna and its application in engineering

  11. 本文讨论微粗糙平面上翻身陀螺绕直立的极轴永久转动的稳定性。

    The stability of a tippe top rotating on a slightly rough horizontal plane is considered in this paper .

  12. 低温下测量超导球转子极轴偏角的光学读取系统的研究

    Study of an optical readout system for angular position detection of the spin axis of superconducting rotor in cryogenic environment

  13. 作用是对极轴不准时,星会在照片中呈现一条线(拉线);

    The idea is that if polar alignment is off , the stars in the photo will show a line .

  14. 讨论了陀螺仪短周期重复性能的标定测试方法,即极轴翻滚试验方法。

    The method of calibrating and testing of the short-period repeatability of gyroscope is discussed , which is also called the polar-axis tumbling method .

  15. 分析结果表明,此光学读取系统可用于液氦温区下测量超导球转子的极轴偏角。

    The analysis results show that this optical readout system could be used at the cryogenic temperature for angular position detection of the spin axis .

  16. 从陀螺罗盘的位置观察地球,好象地球是绕着偏离其极轴ε角的一个轴在移动。

    From the standpoint of the gyrocompass the earth appears to be rotating about an axis making an angle ε with the true polar axis .

  17. 结果表明,桂花花粉在大小、形状、萌发孔形态等性状上表现出种内多样性,并表现出桂花花粉极轴长由小到大、沟长系数由小到大的演化趋势;

    The results indicate that the pollen size 、 shape and germinal furrow characteristic are different among samples . The evolutionary trend is also induced .

  18. 与其它光电式读取方案相比,该方法减少了所需传感器的数量,通过一个极轴传感器就可以得到转子自转轴的偏角大小及方位信号,从而可以简化陀螺的结构,提高陀螺的可靠性。

    Compared with other photoelectric reading methods , this method needs only one sensor . So , the system can be simplified and has enhanced reliability .

  19. 花粉粒极轴长19.17~39.23μm,赤道轴长12.84~20.87μm,为中等偏小型花粉;

    The polar axis of the pollen grams is 19.17 ~ 39.23m , and the equatorial axis 12.84 ~ 20.87m , which belong to middling near small .

  20. 通过调节激光参数控制辐照区域的温度梯度场可使析出晶体的极轴取向大致与激光的扫描方向一致。

    Oriented crystals with their polar axis mostly aligned with the laser scanning direction have been fabricated by manipulation of the temperature gradient in adjusting the laser parameters .

  21. 推导出了方位角手动跟踪和极轴时角手动跟踪方阵面上曝辐量及辐照度的计算公式。

    In this paper , the mathematical formulas for estimating the hourly and daily radiation received on the plane of manual azimuth tracking and hour angle tracking are derived .

  22. 运用极轴翻滚试验,研究了捷联惯导系统使用的动力调谐式挠性陀螺的静态漂移误差的建模方法。

    This paper improves the polar axis rolling method , and then builds the static drift error model of dynamically turned flexible gyro used in SINS based on it .

  23. 设计了陀螺仪的静态误差模型的辨识方法,采用极轴翻滚法测试了半球谐振陀螺仪的与比力有关的静态误差模型系数。

    The method for identifying the static error model coefficients was designed ; the error model concerned with specific force was identified using pole-axis tumble test method on a two-axis turntable .

  24. 而花粉的形状大小、极轴长和赤道轴长、外壁纹饰中的网脊粗细、网孔大小、孔频等随材料不同而异。

    But the shape and size of pollen , length of P and E , width of net lines , size of net aperture , net porosity among different materials were different .

  25. 一种用点离基准线上(称极轴)固定点的距离和方向(角度)来表示点位置的坐标系统。

    A system of coordinates in which a point is located by its distance and direction ( angle ) from a fixed point on a reference line ( called the polar axis ) .

  26. 该方法以地球极轴为基准,通过对一周过程的电流值进行离散傅立叶分析,经过相应的运算处理求出误差模型参数的估计值。

    On the base of the earth polar-axis , through discrete Fourier analysis of the value of one circuit electric current , the parameters of the error model are estimated by the corresponding calculation .

  27. 用单油垫的油膜刚度值来表示柱面和球面轴颈两种极轴静压支承系统三个方向的刚度。

    The stiffness of the polar axis ' hydrostatic oil pads system in three directions was represented by the stiffness value of a single oil pad in two types of cylindrical and spherical journal .

  28. 该文就静电陀螺仪对极轴位置分辨率和稳定性的高要求,研究了一种数字式测角系统。

    A digital angle detecting system is studied for the electrostatic sustained gyroscope , as a high accurate inertial device , which has a high requirement of the resolution and the stability to the polar axis position .

  29. 两者花粉粒极面观、赤道面观及表面纹饰相似,而极轴长与赤道轴长之比(P/E)差异显著。

    The polar views , equatorial views and exine ornaments of pollen grains were similar between 86-3 and ' Red Sun ', while the length ratios of polar axis and equatorial axis ( P / E ) were distinctively different .

  30. 通过理论证明,球齿轮是马鞍面与凸面之间的接触:除极轴重合位置为线接触外,其余位置都为点接触。

    Theoretical derivation validates that tooth contact form of the meshing spherical gears is a point contact between a convexity and a saddle surface except the position in which the polar axes of two spherical gears are collinear to each other .