
zhǔ zhóu
  • main shaft;principal axis;main axle;chief axis;main arbor;caudex
主轴 [zhǔ zhóu]
  • (1) [principal axis]

  • (2) 通过刚体一给定点的任何三个互相垂直的轴,相对于这些轴的转动惯量或最大、或最小

  • (3) 一球面镜或透镜系统相对它为对称的线,这条线既通过它们的表面中心,又通过它们的曲率中心

  • (4) 通过垂直于准线的圆锥形垂面的焦点的线

  • (5) [main shaft]∶[如机械厂中或汽车上的]主传动轴

  • (6) [caudex]∶一株植物的包括茎和根在内的主轴

  • (7) 棕榈或树蕨的茎,以永久性叶基包着的或具有显著的叶痕

  • (8) 一种多年生植物的木质基部

主轴[zhǔ zhóu]
  1. 主轴变换在三维MRI图像校准中的应用

    The Application of Principal Axis Transform Method in 3D MRI Image Registration

  2. 基于ANSYS的植树挖坑机主轴的优化设计

    The Optimization Design of Principal Axis of Earth Auger Based on ANSYS

  3. 矿用提升机主轴装置的CAD研究

    CAD Research for the Main Shaft Device of A Mine Hoist

  4. Matlab在提升机主轴强度校核中的应用

    The Application of Matlab in Strength Check of the Hoist Spindle

  5. 基于神经网络和PID调节器的主轴回转误差的控制

    Control of spindle rotation error based on Neural network and PID controller

  6. 高速机械密封试验机用电主轴设计与CAD

    Design of High Speed Electro-spindle for Mechanical Seals Testing Machine and the Application of CAD

  7. PWM功率放大器在磁浮主轴中的应用

    The Application of PWM power amplifier to active magnetic bearings

  8. 双主轴CNC车床可缩短生产时间

    Dual-spindle CNC lathes can Cut Production Time

  9. 基于VC的车床电主轴设计软件开发

    The development of designing software for electro - spindle of lathe based on VC

  10. 基于BP神经网络的磨床主轴系统动态优化方法研究

    Research of the dynamic optimization method of the main spindle system of the grinder based on BP neural networks

  11. LAP晶体主轴电光系数的测量

    Measurements of Principal Axis Electro-Optic Coefficients of LAP Crystal

  12. 高性价比的SDS主轴伺服系统

    High Cost-performance SDS Spindle Servo System

  13. CBN砂轮动平衡及电主轴振动测量

    Dynamic Balancing of CBN Grinding Wheel and Vibration Measurement

  14. 采用主轴进给Z轴和旋转C轴的设计,拓展加工对象范围,能加工空间螺旋槽等结构;

    Rotated Z-axis and feeding C-axis is designed to function synchronously , leading to a wider scope of machining objective , like as 3D spiral groove structure .

  15. BCD码控制车床主轴分级调速系统

    BCD Code Controlled Stepped Speed Regulation System for Spindle of Lathe

  16. 将ANSYS和ADAMS两种软件结合起来对柔性磁悬浮主轴进行仿真分析,阐述了动态特性分析的基本过程。

    Combining ADAMS and ANSYS to analyze and simulate flexible magnetic suspension rotor , the paper expatiates the basic analysis process of dynamic characteristics .

  17. 并将确定二次有心曲面的主轴问题,归结为求J函数的逗留点问题。

    The problem to determine the principal axis of quadratic surface is summed up to be that of finding the stop point of J-function .

  18. 文章主要讨论了如何把主轴变换法应用于三维MRI图像的校准中,重点研究了MRI图像与标准模板的校准。

    This paper mainly discusses how principal axis transform method can be used in 3D MRI image registration , especially about the registration of MRI image with the normal brain template .

  19. 在开放式数控机床主轴控制中的运行实例表明,所开发的软PLC系统能准确可靠地运行,达到了预期逻辑控制的目的;

    The run fact in principal axis controlling of machine tool of open NC system proves that the soft PLC system can work well and truly , and logical control is reasonable .

  20. 将此图像数据运用Legendre矩找出图像的质心和主轴,进而完成图像的平移、缩放和旋转,以实现CT和MR图像的融合。

    These image data were input into computer the center and main axis of image were located by Legendre moment then the CT and MR images were registered by translation , scaling and rotation .

  21. 本文主要研究了H∞理论对单自由度磁悬浮主轴单元(AMB)的控制作用,并以数字信号处理器(DSP)为核心建立了该单元的数字控制系统。

    In this paper , the control effect of H theory used in single degree-of-freedom active magnetic bearing ( single DOF AMB ) is studied and the digital control system is founded .

  22. 本文介绍磁悬浮主轴系统的组成及工作原理,提出了一种在常规PID基础上的智能PID控制器的新型数字控制器设计。

    The paper describe the composing of Active Magnetic Bearing System ( AMB ) and the principle of AMB . The design of a new digital controller of intelligent PID controller based on traditional PID is presented .

  23. 在ANSYS中利用APDL语言实现主轴有限元模型的参数化,并对主轴的结构进行优化设计,求出了主轴优化后的主要结构参数。

    The model is parameterized using APDL in ANSYS , the optimum structure of the spindle is designed , and the main structure parameters of the spindle are obtained .

  24. DTZ型机床切削头主轴座工艺探讨

    Discussion of the Technology of the Principal Axis Seat of Cutting Head in Machine of DTZ-type

  25. 利用一组平行于主轴的平面截取3D耳朵模型获得截面轮廓曲线,从而将3D形体匹配转化为2D截面曲线匹配问题。

    Utilize a group of planes which are parallel to principle axis to cut 3D ear model to get slice curves . Thus the problem of 3D shape matching turns to be the one of 2D slice curves matching .

  26. T轴和P轴的倾角统计的平均值为20°左右,最大和最小应力主轴产状较缓,中间应力轴产状较陡,区域的构造活动的驱动力来自水平方向。

    The statistics average value of dipping angel of T-axis and P-axis are both at about 20 ° . The dip angle of the maximum and the minimum press axis are low , intermediate axis is steep , that shows the actuating force is from horizontal direction .

  27. 本文还对超高速磨削主轴进行了有限元分析,运用ANSYS软件研究磨削主轴的形变与等效应力的分布,为分析动态条件下的轴心运动轨迹奠定基础。

    It also studies the principal axis by the finite element analysis . Researches on the deformation of principal axis and the stress distribution with the ANSYS software lay the foundation on the axis trajectory under dynamic conditions .

  28. 孔内PI钉头厚度以及出口毛刺高度会随着主轴转速的增大而有稍微减小的趋势,随着进给速度和钻孔数的增大而有稍微增大的趋势。

    PI inside the nail head thickness and exit burr height will slightly decrease with the spindle speed increasing , and lead to a trend of increase with the feed speed and the number of drilling increasing .

  29. 本文介绍了德国FAG和瑞典SKF公司的主轴单元。

    In this article , the spindle units made by FAG ( Germany ) and SKF ( Sweden ) are introduced .

  30. 对CA6140型普通车床进行了实测,得出了该车床主轴回转精度各项指标,并进行了分析。

    Data of rotation accuracy are given and analyzed through practical tests on CA6140 type general-purpose lathe .