
zhǔ dònɡ cí
  • primary verb
  1. 英语句子中,主动词总是起着决定性作用。

    English main verbs always play a dominant role in the sentence .

  2. A+I结构主动词后名词短语的句法分析

    A syntactic analysis of the post-verbal NP of the A + I construction

  3. 一类动词,如有,可以,或将,在句中伴随主动词,起到帮助区分语气,语态,体及时态。

    A verb , such as have , can , or will , that accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in mood , voice , aspect , and tense .

  4. 除了被动语态外,主动语态、形容词、介词短语和名词也能用来表示被动意义。

    In addition to the passive voice , the active voice 、 the adjective 、 the prepositional phrase and the noun can also be used to express the passive meaning .