
zhǔ jiàn
  • definite view;ideas of one's own;one's own judgement;ideas or thoughts of one's own;set view
主见 [zhǔ jiàn]
  • [ideas of ones own;set view;definite view] 自己对事物的确定的意见或见解

  • 缺乏主见

主见[zhǔ jiàn]
  1. 她有主见,并且敢于表达自己的观点。

    She has a mind of her own and isn 't afraid to say what she thinks .

  2. 要有主见,你自己做主吧。

    Be your own man . Make up your own mind

  3. 她是一个独立、有主见的女人。

    She is a strong-minded , independent woman .

  4. 苏珊是个非常聪明、有主见的女子。

    Susan 's a very bright and intelligent woman who knows her own mind .

  5. 我自己很有主见,没有人干预我做的事。

    I 'm very much my own boss and no one interferes with what I do .

  6. 如果想要发展成功的关系,在需要的时候必须有自信拿出主见。

    If you want good relationships , you must have the confidence to be self-assertive when required .

  7. 如果我们继续期望自己的女儿只重外表、毫无主见、头脑空空的话,她们就会对未来准备不足。

    If we go on expecting our daughters to be decorative and pliable and empty-headed , they 'll be inadequately prepared for the future .

  8. 你应该有自己的主见。

    You should have a mind of your own .

  9. 苏珊是一位有主见的年轻女性。

    Susan is an independent young woman .

  10. 遇事要有主见,决不能随波逐流。

    One must have one 's own opinions and not drift with the current .

  11. 她这个人很有主见。

    She knows her own mind .

  12. 你别总是仰承他的意见,要有自己的主见。

    Don 't rely on his ideas , be your own master .

  13. 别看他人蔫,却很有主见。

    He may look quiet and resigned , but he really has very strong views .

  14. 她生性怯弱,没有主见。

    She has a timid and weak-willed nature and has no definite views of her own .

  15. 你为什么老做别人的尾巴,难道自己一点儿主见也没有?

    Why do you always tail after others ? don 't you have any ideas of your own ?

  16. 而且,你的悠闲随和的两岁小宝可能会突然变成特别有主见的“三岁小大人”,对他/她要穿什么,不穿什么有强烈的意见。

    Moreover , your laid-back two-year-old can also suddenly become a scarily opinionated “ threenager ” with strong views about what he or she will and won ’ t wear .

  17. 我认为这个人没有主见。

    I don 't think the guy 's got a clue .

  18. 他没甚主见,只是随大流。

    He has little independence , but goes with the stream .

  19. 其作品表现出鲜明的政治主见和思想倾向。

    His works had the obvious political view and ideological trend .

  20. 经常性的鼓励有助于使他们更具主见和自信心。

    Regular encouragement can help make them more selfassertive and confident .

  21. 你遇到那个男人之后你就没主见了。

    You 've not been yourself since you met that man .

  22. 她们俩都是秉性坚强而有主见。

    They had strong , independent natures , both of them .

  23. 报纸指责正义完全缺乏主见。

    The newspaper accused the government of being bankrupted in ideas .

  24. 虽然她很年轻,但是很有主见。

    Although she is young , she is very independent .

  25. 你父亲总是按自己的方式办事,很有主见。

    He always steered his own course , your father .

  26. 他很有主见,所以绝不会顺从(同意)。

    He is so independent that he will never acquiesce .

  27. 但一定是我的个人主见和一家之见。

    But it must be assertive and one of my personal opinion .

  28. 海伦是一个对自己的事情非常有主见的女人。

    Helen is very much mistress of her own affairs .

  29. 她是一个有主见的姑娘。

    She is a girl who knows her own mind .

  30. 她有主见,有才能,有勇气,在政治上很活跃。

    She 's independent , talented , courageous , and politically active .