
  • 网络host system;mainframe;host computer system;mainframe computer system;main machine system
  1. EIS1是主机系统,在CICS下面运行Cobol事务。

    EIS1 is a mainframe running Cobol transactions under CICS .

  2. 一种基于主机系统的容灾设计方案

    A Disaster Recovery System Based in Mainframe

  3. 在主机系统上打开一个rootshell

    Open a root shell on the host system

  4. 这与依赖网关来与Web服务集成的紧耦合的主机系统形成对照。

    This is in contrast to a tightly-coupled mainframe system that depends on the gateway for integration with Web services .

  5. 混合动力汽车USB主机系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of USB Host System for HEV

  6. 对USB主机系统进行了综述。

    The overview of USB host system is reviewed .

  7. 用户名和密码必须与目标主机系统上的Windows用户帐户匹配。

    The user name and password must match to a Windows user account on the target host system .

  8. SOI将Web服务与运行在不同平台上的主机系统相整合。

    SOI integrates between Web services and a mainframe system running on a different platform .

  9. 基于汽车行驶记录仪的嵌入式USB主机系统的设计应用

    Design and Application of Embedded USB Host System Based on Vehicle Traveling Data Recorder

  10. 根据这个模型,初步实现了基于linux内核的陷阱主机系统。

    According to the model , using the Linux system kernel , I developed a decoy host system .

  11. 嵌入式USB主机系统研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Embedded USB-HOST

  12. NET的主机系统设计,该部分实现分为嵌入式系统内核的定制、流接口的CAN适配卡驱动程序的设计、应用系统的设计。

    NET . The system is composed of customization of the kernel of embedded operating system , design of CAN adapter driver and application system .

  13. 本文介绍了一种基于TTL串口的嵌入式USB主机系统。

    An Embedded USB Host System based on TTL Serial is introduced .

  14. 该设备接收来自主机系统的X、Y偏转扫描信号和Z亮灭控制信号。

    The unit receives X deflection , Y deflection , Z video intensity ( bright-up ) from the host system .

  15. WebSphereApplicationServer定义了许多服务器使用的端口,并且在一个运行的单独主机系统中每个端口都必须是唯一的。

    WebSphere Application Server defines a number of ports which servers use , and each must be unique across all the running servers on a single host computer system .

  16. 在很多情况下,pseudo要做的事情是有目的地滥用主机系统的C实现。

    The stuff pseudo does is , in many cases , very intentional and premeditated abuse of the host system 's C implementation .

  17. 主机系统的信息,特别是内存和CPU的使用情况信息作为可用性受损检测的信息来源;

    Information collection of host system , especially real-time state of memory and CPU application is source of availability damage detection ;

  18. 本文详细介绍了嵌入式USB主机系统开发需要考虑的USB基本特性和USB设备的通用协议。

    The USB basic character and common USB device protocol which is necessary for embedded USB host system developing is introduced detailed .

  19. 对网络中WWW、MAIL等服务器系统及关键主机系统进行主动监管。

    Positively supervising all servers such as www servers and mail servers and all other key hosts in the system .

  20. 这里的技术难点是在虚拟Linux系统启动过程中,如何实现与Windows主机系统的数据共享功能。

    How to implement the data sharing function with the Windows host during the booting procedure of Linux system is the main difficult point in the module .

  21. 另外需要一个IBMDB2Connect许可,以便远程连接到位于主机系统(包括z/OS)上的DB2数据库。

    Also , an additional IBM DB2 Connect license is required to remotely connect to DB2 databases located on host systems including z / OS .

  22. PublishJob因为拥有所有可用资源而受益,这是由于在主机系统没有太大的压力这样一个事实造成的。

    A Publish Job will benefits from having all resources available , this is due to the fact not as much stress is placed on the host systems .

  23. 主机系统主要完成控制功能,加上数字信号系统的数字信号处理,组成一个完整的VOD客户端系统。

    The host system is mainly to do control function . It process digital signal on DSP system .

  24. 开发Android的设备和应用程序涉及到管理主机系统开发、遗留应用程序维护、硬件开发,等等。

    Developing Android devices and applications can involve managing host system development , legacy application maintenance , hardware development , and more .

  25. Java是一门跨平台的语言,适用于开发客户机/服务器式的应用程序。由于Java的跨平台性,使它也适合大型的多主机系统软件开发;

    Java is a platform independent language , which is practicable to the development of c / s architecture software and also suitable to the development of multi-mainframe system software .

  26. 我有多个实例,它们关于将可复用的SOA合并成与主机系统相连的整合中心,我提出如下四步来创建中心

    When I have multiple instances of consolidating reusable SOAs as an integration hub connecting with mainframe systems , I suggest the following four steps for creating the hub

  27. TMIS中央主机系统高可用性的设计与实现

    The High Availability of Mainframe in TMIS Center System

  28. Linux操作系统调用信息对于描述主机系统的安全状态有重要的作用,分析了Linux操作系统调用信息在入侵检测中的应用;

    The information of Linux system call plays an important role in describing the security state of computer system . There are more and more attentions put in this research area .

  29. 文章针对当前主机系统所面临的效率问题,提出减小CA分裂次数,加快VSAM文件访问速度的有效方法,以此来提高系统运行效率。

    To solve the efficiency problem of current mainframe systems , we present an approach for improving VSAM file access speed .

  30. 随着移动数据存储的发展,嵌入式USB主机系统得到了广泛应用,因此在一些嵌入式USB主机系统中实现文件系统显得非常必要和关键。

    With development of mobile data storage , embedded USB-host system has been applied widely . So it is necessary and critical for some embedded USB-host system to realize file system .