
  • 网络major;Subject;Major subject;core subjects
  1. 我在北京大学获得传播专业学士学位,该专业的主科是广告,副科是绘画。

    I have a bachelor 's degree in communications from Beijing University with an advertising major and an art minor .

  2. 近年来,英语作为主科备受人们关注,职专英语教学也不例外。

    In recent years , English , as a major subject , has been paid much attention to , so has the English teaching in vocational schools .

  3. 你的主科是实用型的,工程学,医学或法律。

    You majored in something practical like engineering , medicine or law .

  4. 物理学是他的主科。

    Physics is his main subject .

  5. 所以说,普通高中的主科科任教师树立威信是十分必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to establish the prestige of the main subject teachers from regular senior school .

  6. 在高中阶段,主科科任教师的威信常常处于一种尴尬状态。

    In high school , the prestige of the main subject teachers often be in a state of embarrassment .

  7. 同时,英语也是学校里的三门主科(语文、数学、英语)之一。

    Meanwhile , English is one of the three main subjects ( Chinese , mathematics and English ) in schools .

  8. 数学倒是很合我的口味,但也许是出于对主科的逆反心理吧,我开始喜欢起写作来了。

    Mathematics went well , but still , in reaction perhaps to the main trend of my course , I began to look to writing .

  9. 课时的被删减,从主科沦落为公共科目,语文教师的地位下滑,这些都迫使着中职的语文教师在思考,在探索,中职的语文教学亟需重新定位。

    Being cut hours , being reduced from the main subjects as public courses , being declined in the status of teachers , language teachers in Secondary vocational schools are forced to think and to explore .

  10. 教师种群中的班主任、主科任课教师、小学科任课教师和非考试科目任课教师四个亚种群,依据其在本研究中占据的班级中的实际权重分别进行探讨。

    Head teacher , main-subject teachers , small-subject teachers and non-examination-subject teachers in the teacher population are four sub-populations of teachers , according to their occupied in this study , and their actual weights in class Z are discussed separately .

  11. 无职务教师有较为强烈的关系动机主要与教师工作分工的不同及官本位思想的压制有关。(4)主科教师的自我实现动机强于副科教师。

    The strong relation motivation of teachers without headship is relevant to different work distribution and suppression from the " officialism " . ( 4 ) Self-fulfillment motivation of main subject teachers is stronger than that of teachers of the secondary subject .

  12. 本文探索了以英语为主科的中专学生的交际策略的使用情况以及在中专口语课上进行交际策略训练的必要性以及训练方法。

    This paper reports on a study of the use of communication strategies of some vocational school students whose major is English and the necessity of carrying out the communication strategies training programme as well as the training methods in the EFL oral class .