
shuō míng
  • illustrate;illustration;description;explain;show;explanation;statement;directions;demonstrate;interpretation;prove;caption;imply;explicate;signify;lay out;rubric
说明 [shuō míng]
  • (1) [explain;illustrate;show]∶解释清楚,讲明

  • 说明书

  • 说明理由

  • (2) [explanation;directions;caption]∶说明的文字

  • 附有机器使用说明

  • (3) [prove;restify]∶证明

  • 他当时不在场,这足以说明事不是他干的

说明[shuō míng]
  1. 首先我要说明一下游戏规则。

    First , I 'll explain the rules of the game .

  2. 她试图说明一下原因,可他根本不听。

    She tried to explain but he wouldn 't listen .

  3. 他们坚持要求说明事情的整个来龙去脉。

    They insisted upon being given every detail of the case .

  4. 她没有给出充分的理由说明迟到的原因。

    She didn 't give an adequate explanation for being late .

  5. 你能否给我举例说明一下发生这事的情况?

    Can you quote me an instance of when this happened ?

  6. 你能否给我举例说明一下这事发生的时间?

    Can you quote me an instance of when this happened ?

  7. 报告精确说明了亟待援助的地区。

    The report pinpointed the areas most in need of help .

  8. 她向他们说明了紧急情况下应采取的行动。

    She explained to them what to do in an emergency .

  9. 他们的推理是以一系列未说明的假定为基础的。

    Their reasoning was based on a set of unstated assumptions .

  10. 他不顾一切地试图说明情况是多么紧急。

    He tried desperately to convey how urgent the situation was .

  11. 按照下面的说明下载并安装修补程序。

    Follow the instructions below to download and install the patch .

  12. 条约的宗旨已在序言中说明。

    The aims of the treaty are stated in its preamble .

  13. 这些结果说明卫生条件差是疾病流行的一个原因。

    The results implicate poor hygiene as one cause of the outbreak .

  14. 这份材料说明了图书馆的运行规则。

    This explains the rules under which the library operates .

  15. 报告说明这房子的状况极佳。

    The house was reported to be in excellent condition .

  16. 遵照厂家的说明很重要。

    It is important to follow the manufacturer 's instructions .

  17. 你可以根据《商品说明法》将他们绳之以法。

    You could get them under the Trade Descriptions Act for that !

  18. 你能帮助我用浅显易懂的英语来说明这一法律术语吗?

    Can you help me translate this legal jargon into plain English ?

  19. 她到场就说明了她有一定程度的兴趣。

    The fact that she was here implies a degree of interest .

  20. 该目录对每一种产品都作了详尽的说明。

    The catalogue gives a full description of each product .

  21. 这个标志说明这些产品符合指定的标准。

    This mark signifies that the products conform to an approved standard .

  22. 他提出理由说明他们需要更多的时间来完成该项目。

    He argued that they needed more time to finish the project .

  23. 我务必使你有说明观点的机会。

    I 'll see that you get a fair hearing .

  24. 他清楚地向我说明了去那儿的路线。

    He gave me very explicit directions on how to get there .

  25. 他们根本没说明这项工作该怎样做。

    They gave no indication of how the work should be done .

  26. 报告说明这房子的状况极佳。

    The house was reported as being in excellent condition .

  27. “让我来说明一下!”他热心地补充道。

    ' Let me explain ! ' he added helpfully .

  28. 为了说明我的观点,让我来给你们讲个小故事。

    To illustrate my point , let me tell you a little story .

  29. 编写操作说明时,表述清晰明白至为重要。

    When writing instructions , clarity of statement is the most important thing .

  30. 评委们说明了参赛作品的高水准。

    The judges remarked on the high standard of entries for the competition .