
  1. 说时迟,那时快,我开始系紧这个人的鞋带。

    Then , real fast , I began tightening the man 's shoelaces .

  2. 说时迟,那时快,渔夫啪地盖上盖子,妖怪被关在罐子中。

    As soon as this was done , the fisherman clapped the lid on again , and the genie was shut up inside .

  3. 说时迟,那时快,一团灰影从她身边闪过,下一刻娜梅莉亚已跃上乔佛里右手,张口便咬。

    Then a grey blur flashed past her , and suddenly Nymeria was there , leaping , jaws closing around Joffrey 's sword arm .

  4. 说时迟,那时快,我一跃身爬上后桅支的软梯上,两手交替着一节一节向上爬,直爬到桅顶横桁上坐下来,才松了一口气。

    Quick as thought , I sprang into the mizzen shrouds , rattled up hand over hand , and did not draw a breath till I was seated on the cross-trees .

  5. 说时迟,那时快,忠实的约翰抢在他之前骑上马,抽出匕首把马杀死了。

    He was about to mount it when faithful Johannes pushed in front of him , quickly jumped onto the horse , drew the gun from its saddlebag , and shot the horse .

  6. 但是,说时迟,那时快,我觉得屁股上挨到了猛烈的一踢,回头一看,看到幽灵般的法勒船长,正贴近我的身旁,刚好把脚缩了回去,教我吓得要命。

    when I felt a sudden sharp poke in my rear , and turning round , was horrified at the apparition of Captain Peleg in the act of withdrawing his leg from my immediate vicinity .

  7. 谁知他们还没把酒杯举到唇边,那个黑发大汉就对同伙点点头,说时迟,那时快,五位来客不知不觉中全都给几条铁臂揪住了。

    But hardly had they raised their cups to their lips when the black-haired man nodded to his companions and , as quick as lightning , all the five visitors found themselves wrapped in strong arms .