
shuō wén jiě zì
  • first Chinese dictionary, compiled by Xu Shen, 121 A.D
说文解字 [shuō wén jiě zì]
  • [Shuowen Jiezi (origin of Chinese Characters)] 中国最早的文字学著作。东汉许慎撰。正文14卷,另有叙目1卷。收字9353个,又重文(古文、籀文异体字)1163个,解说133441字,首创部首编排法,按汉字形体偏旁结构分为540部。以通行小篆为主体,列古文、籀文等异体字为重文。每字均按六书(指事、象形、形声、会意、转注、假借)分析字形,诠解字义,辩识音调。书中保留大量古文字资料,对研究甲骨、金石等古文字有极高的参考价值。后代研究《说文解字》的著作很多,以清代段玉裁《说文解字注》最为精审

  1. 这位“斯蒂芬·科尔伯特”(依然拿着长剑和盾牌)随后回到了埃德·沙利文剧场,表演了新版的“说文解字”(TheWord)。这是2005到2014年播出的《科尔伯特报告》中反复出现的一个环节。

    And then " Stephen Colbert " ( still holding the sword and shield ) returned to the Ed Sullivan Theater and performed a new edition of " The Word , " a recurring segment from " The Colbert Report , " which ran from 2005 to 2014 .

  2. 从汉字的造字结构来说,仁拆开来即为二人(《说文解字》,P209),指人与人之间的关系。

    From the coinage of the structure of Chinese characters ," ren " is " two persons "( Shuo Wen Jie Zi , p209 ) if it is taken apart , which refers to the relationship between persons .

  3. 《说文解字》黑义类词浅论

    On the Word With the Meaning " Black "

  4. 《说文解字》在传统小学中的地位

    On the Status of Shuo Wen Jie Zi in Chinese Traditional Minor Study

  5. 许慎《说文解字》的编纂思想及其体系

    The principle and system of Origin of Chinese Characters compiled by Xu Shen

  6. 简析《说文解字》中部分饮食文字的背景百草,孕育神州膳食文化

    Background of Cooking Culture in Shuo Wen Jie Zi Herbs Nurture Chinese Cooking Culture

  7. 中国古代第一部字典&说文解字

    The First Dictionary of Ancient China Explaining Characters

  8. 《说文解字》注释语言常用词的语料价值

    On Corpus Value of Commonly Used Annotated Language in Text Notes and Word Explanation

  9. 《说文解字》在一定程度上揭示了书法理论;

    " SHUO WEN JIE ZI " can reveal the written theory in some degree ;

  10. 《说文解字》中的古代舞蹈

    Ancient Dance in Interpretation of Words

  11. 《说文解字》有关部首字的解释,可归纳为以下几个方面:1.从认识论的角度解释部首字;

    Explanations of the radical words in Shuowenjiezi may be summed into following aspects : 1 .

  12. 主要介绍了张度其人以及研究《说文解字索隐》的目的、意义。

    Mainly introduced Zhang Du and the significance of research in Shuo Wen Jie Zi Suo Yin .

  13. 识字教学效率低的根本原因分析《说文解字》可为小学部首教学所用

    Origin of Chinese Characters Can Be Used to Serve the Teaching of Character Radicals in Primary Schools

  14. 前人以《字林》校勘《说文解字》,取得了一定的成就,但这些校勘中也存在着一些问题。

    Many scholars correcting Shuowenjiezi by Zilin , and got some achievements , but there exists some problems .

  15. 浅析《说文解字注》建立汉语同义系统的原则和方法

    Analysis of the Principle and Method of Shuo Wen Jie Zi Zhu on Which Chinese Synonym System Is Based

  16. 《说文解字》是一部反映古代文化的百科全书,记载了丰富的古代社会历史、文化等各方面的材料。

    Shuo Wen Jie Zi is a cyclopaedia involving of ancient culture about ancient society history and literature materials .

  17. 汉字自产生之日起,至《说文解字》立为正体的小篆止,多数字的字形发生了或大或小的变化。

    From the emergence of Chinese character to the period of Xiaozhuan , many of character forms have changed .

  18. 不是对个别现象的说文解字,而是在于对规律的探讨和把握。

    It is not the study of the individual phenomenon , but the discussion and the grasp of the disciplinary .

  19. 《说文解字》所阐述的汉字理论影响并制约着书法理论。2.书法理论惯于向汉字理论中寻根;

    The written theory of " SHUO WEN JIE ZI " is deeply affected and restricted by the Chinese character theory .

  20. 《说文解字》衣部字语义及排序分析

    Analysis of Meaning and Sorting Order for Chinese Characters with " Yi " as Their Parts in Shuo Wen Jie Zi

  21. “同意”是许慎《说文解字》的说解用语之一,它既沟通了造字意图相同的汉字,也解释了有相同参构意图的部件。

    " Same Original Intention " is one of the explaining terms in Shuo Wen Jie Zi by Xushen Han Dynasty .

  22. 正是这些哲学思想潜在地指导着段玉裁《说文解字注》的伟大实践。

    It is just these philosophic thoughts that direct the great practice of Duan yucai 's annotation on Shuowen Jiezi potentially .

  23. 《说文解字》声训的特点及其在音转研究史上的价值

    The characteristic of sound-based word interpretation in " explanation of words " and the value of vocal switch in the research history

  24. 《说文解字注》在注释《说文》时针对一些释语的构成特点,采取了“三字句”这种独特的训释体例。

    Shuowenjiezizhu adopted a unique explanatory form called " three-character sentences " to explain the composing characteristics of the annotations in Shuowen .

  25. 戴侗的《说文解字》研究在中国文字学史上有着重要的地位。

    Dai Tong 's study of " Shuo Wen Jie Zi " takes a very important place in the history of Chinese philology .

  26. 《说文解字》文字训释中的农业文化思想数字上变频器在中频数字化中的应用

    The Agricultural Ideology Reflected upon Explanatory of Chinese Characters in Shuo Wen Jie Zi . ; Application of Digital Up-Converter in IF Digitalization

  27. 段玉裁的《说文解字注》在建立汉语同义系统方面取得了巨大成就,为今天的同义词研究留下了可贵的经验。

    Duan Yuzai has made great achievements in the synonym system construction and has left a great legacy for today ′ s synonym research .

  28. 以中国上古神话中的图腾神话为纲,能对《说文解字》中相关汉字的字形、语义及背后所隐含的文化信息作科学分析。

    According to Chinese myths , the grapheme , meaning and cultural information of related Chinese characters in Shuowen Jiezi could be analyzed scientifically .

  29. 许慎的《说文解字》首创了部首分类编排法,其部首的概念与后世相比有着鲜明的区别性特征。

    Xu-shen originated the method of arranging Chinese words by Bushou in Shuowenjiezi , the concept about Bushou of Xu-shen is obviously different to latter .

  30. 第二部分通过说文解字、语境分析等方式探讨高校教师队伍学缘结构的基本内涵。

    The second part through said , context analysis methods such as Chinese characters , to explore the basic connotation of university teachers learn edge structure .