
shuō mínɡ wén
  • exposition;expository writing
说明文 [shuō míng wén]
  • [expository writing] 对事物的情况或道理进行说明的文章

  1. 说明文答题技巧有阐述解说技巧、阅读品味技巧。

    Exposition reading skills are explanation skills , reading and tasting skills .

  2. 本文对说明文进行了分类并分别介绍了各类说明文的写作方法。

    This essay is to classify exposition and introduce the writing methods of every kind .

  3. 文案是说明文,应基本遵照aida公式来写作。

    The advertising copy is the elucidation text , which must be written according to the formula of aida .

  4. 仿真研究的结果表明将ANFIS应用于车辆导航系统信息融合能充分利用导航信息,提高定位精度,说明文中采用的方法是可行的有效的。

    Simulation results show that the application of ANFIS in information fusion of the vehicle navigation system can make full use of navigation information to improve positioning accuracy , and the proposed method is operational and effective .

  5. Piccolo在1987年指出,学生经常在英语阅读中遇到的说明文结构有六种常见模式。这给英语说明文的阅读教学提供了可操作性的指导。

    Jo Ann Piccolo ( 1987 ) identified that six types of expository text patterns are useful for teaching purpose , which occur in text materials that students may encounter .

  6. 本文对一台五相混合式步进电机(型号90BYG550A)进行了仿真分析,结果与实测很相近,这说明文中提出的模型是正确可靠的。

    The proposed technique is implemented for a five phase hybrid step motor ( MODEL 90BYG550A ) .

  7. 举例说明文使用例子阐明观点。

    Illustration is the use of example to illustrate a point .

  8. 以获得乐趣或获取信息为目地阅读说明文。

    Reading informational texts for pleasure or to learn new information .

  9. 应用性说明文是日常生活中常见的一种应用文体。

    The applied expository is a style of common daily life .

  10. 以前的对比修辞研究主要集中在说明文体裁上。

    Much of the previous research has mainly dealt with expository writing .

  11. 将个人经历和非小说类说明文联系起来。

    Making a connection between personal experience and nonfiction , informational text .

  12. 说明文本周围边框的颜色。

    The color of the border around the instructional text .

  13. 定义说明文可用演绎法或归纳法展开。

    A definition paper may be either deductive or inductive .

  14. 对于比较呆板乏味的说明文。

    For the more boring and dull elucidation text .

  15. 说明文阅读中学生的阐释解说能和需要提升,总计口味能力较为薄弱。

    Exposition reading ability of middle school students need to improve the interpretation .

  16. 遗憾地是,这一领域的研究只限于说明文,对申请信函的研究却非常有限。

    The research in application letters is very limited .

  17. 浅析形式图式对英语说明文阅读理解的作用

    An Analysis of the Effect of Formal Schema to English Exposition Reading Comprehension

  18. 作文包括两种体裁:说明文和议论文。

    The compositions consist of two genres : expository writing and argumentative writing .

  19. 说明文告诉我们与一个话题相关的事实。

    Information books tell us facts about a topic .

  20. 研究的目的在于揭示插图对说明文阅读理解的影响。

    This study focused on the role that pictures play in expository text reading .

  21. 识别说明文的明显特征。

    Recognizing the distinguishing features of informational articles .

  22. 第三章从具体实例出发,分析了应用性说明文的词汇、语法与语篇特征。

    The third chapter from the example to analysis the features of the applied expository .

  23. 而形式图式的研究侧重于文章体裁的研究,研究比较多的是故事结构和说明文结构。

    The formal schemata emphasizes on text structure ( i.e. story and expository structures ) .

  24. 文案:广告发布前的说明文底稿

    The Advertising Copy : the Draft of Elucidation Text before the Release of the Advertisement

  25. 使用演绎法的文章以定义开篇,后面选用其他说明文模式;

    The deductive essay begins with a definition which is followed by other expository patterns ;

  26. 怎样写一篇说明文?

    How to write an expository essay ?

  27. 试论说明文语言的准确性

    On the Accuracy of Words in Exposition

  28. 英语连接词在中国学生理解和记忆说明文中的作用

    The effects of conjunctions on Chinese EFL readers ' comprehension and memory of expository texts

  29. 衔接教学在中学生英语说明文写作中的应用

    On the Application of Linking Teaching to English Expository Writing of the Chinese Secondary Students

  30. 电教媒体在说明文教学中的应用

    On the Application of the Audiovisual Teaching 's Media to the Teaching of Expository Style