
  1. 注意约翰福音还有一些,我没提到的特别之处;,比如说在符类福音中,经常提到驱走魔鬼。

    Notice the Gospel of John has other differences ; that I haven 't even mentioned ; for example , remember in the Synoptic Gospels there are lots of exorcisms of demons .

  2. 他对事件的陈述与她说的不符。

    His accounts of events do not correspond with hers .

  3. 你的故事与放在我眼前的报纸上说的不符。

    Your tale conflicts with what I have on the paper in front of me .

  4. 他关于那天晚上发生的事的陈述和证人所说的不符。

    His story of what happened that night didn 't correspond with the witness 's version .

  5. 斯图加特大学的迪特尔??福克斯说,巴符州的绿党属于该党中的“极端现实主义”派系。即将上台的总理温弗里德??科瑞奇曼是德国天主教徒中央委员会成员,并加入了一个传统射击俱乐部。

    Baden-W ü rttemberg 's Greens are on the party 's " extreme realist " wing , says Dieter Fuchs of the University of Stuttgart.The incoming premier , Winfried Kretschmann , belongs to the Central Committee of German Catholics and to a traditional shooting club .