
shuō de tiān huā luàn zhuì
  • hide behind a fog of rhetoric
  1. 他在俱乐部里把亚瑟说得天花乱坠。

    He bragged about Arthur at his clubs .

  2. 尽管广告说得天花乱坠,但所有液体漂白剂都基本相同。

    Despite the language of ads , all liquid bleach is basically the same .

  3. 说得天花乱坠,成事微乎其微

    " Great boast , small roast "

  4. 我仔细地阅读这些描述,寻找任何听着觉得熟悉的内容,把那些说得天花乱坠的部分丢到一边。

    I read carefully through the descriptions , looking for anything that sounded familiar , let alone plausible .

  5. 你可以随心所欲地把那姑娘说得天花乱坠,那是你自己的事。

    You can bleat about the girl to your heart 's content , for that 's your own affair .

  6. 我们都见过这样的人,他们说得天花乱坠,但从未付诸于行动。

    We all know people who can talk a good game , but never get around to building anything .

  7. 真把他的性格说得天花乱坠。有几次我几乎忍不住要笑出声来。不过,我看他一定是位很慷慨的主人;在一个佣人的眼睛里看来,一切的德性就在于这一点上面。”

    But to be sure , the good lady who showed us the house did give him a most flaming character ! I could hardly help laughing aloud sometimes . But he is a liberal master , I suppose , and that in the eye of a servant comprehends every virtue . "

  8. 受伤者不声不响地躺着,不管狄克说得怎样天花乱坠,也不能逗出他第二句话来。

    The wounded man lay silent ; nor , say what Dick pleased , could he extract another word from him .

  9. 但闷闷不乐的工人们在走出米拉菲奥里工厂大门时怀疑不论公司把新车型和未来的投资说得如何天花乱坠,工作也不会回来了。

    But the morose workers passing through Mirafiori 's gates doubt that the jobs will ever come back , whatever the firm says about new models and future investment .

  10. 无论种族因素在竞选中被说得如何天花乱坠,人们对变革的渴望或许才是唯一重要的因素,它超过了一份让人信服的从政履历在选民心中的份量。

    Despite all the rhetorical flourishes about race in the campaign , the single most important factor may be that the desire for change has trumped the soothing reassurance of experience .